| The Beekeeper's Apprentice: Or On the Segregation of the Queen/A Novel of Suspense Featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes (Mary Russell Novels) Release Date: October 2, 2007| Series: Mary Russell Novels (Book 1) An Agatha Award Best Novel Nominee Named One of the Century's Best 100 Mysteries by the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association From New York Times bestselling author Laurie R. King comes the book that introduced us to the ingenious Mary Russell–Sherlock Holmes mysteries In 1915, Sherlock Holmes is retired and quietly engaged in the study of honeybees when a young woman literally stumbles into him on the Sussex Downs. Fifteen years old, gawky, egotistical, and recently orphaned, the young Mary ...
 |  | Vampires: A Bloodthirsty History in Art and Literature Publication Date: August 1, 2003Combining encyclopedic content with stunning images, this ode to vampires includes historical accounts from various cultures, striking photos and artwork, and literary passages on vampires. Revealed are pictures of vampires on Stone-Age cave walls, in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, in Chinese drawings on porcelain vessels, and in sculptures produced by the ancient civilizations of Central and South America. Discussed are the origins of this phenomenon, the reasons why vampires attract both fans and revilers, and the identities of the most famous vampires ...
 |  | Since 1959: An Eight Year-old's Initiation into the World of Cleveland Indians Baseball and Life in the Fifties Publication Date: March 29, 2011In 1959, thousands of grade-school kids became wide-eyed fans of the Cleveland Indians baseball team for the first time.They thrilled to the power of Rocky Colavito, the dash of Minnie Minoso, the antics of Jimmy Piersall, and the gutsy pitching of Cal McLish.Eight year-old Andy reveled in this new, wonderful world of home runs, wild crowds, and a pennant race into late summer in a sports-mad steel town along Lake Erie.Would it always be like this?Andy and his classmates at Audubon Elementary School believed it would go on forever, until one fateful April day....
 |  | Classic Sitcoms: A Celebration of the Best in Prime-Time Comedy Publication Date: March 1998I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, All in the Family, M?A?S?H, The Bob Newhart Show, Barney Miller, Taxi and Cheers. What do these shows have in common? These are the ten sitcoms that 45 TV critics from across America voted to be the all time best. This guide provides sitcom fans, trivia buffs, and TV scholars with the inside information on each of these classic shows. Included are: Behind-the-scenes stories of how each show got on the air; Storylines for every episode; Complete credits; Backstage anecdotes from the s...
 |  | Twentieth (20th) Century Russian Poetry, Silver And Steel An Anthology Release Date: September 1, 1993A massive, comprehensive anthology of poetry from the politically turbulent Russia of this century. This collection introduces Americans to a number of astonishing poets virtually unknown outside of Russia, as well as presenting the work of some of the most prominent Russian poets of the past 90 years.From the Trade Paperback edition. ...
 |  | Till I End My Song: A Gathering of Last Poems Release Date: October 12, 2010 From Harold Bloom, the foremost literary critic of our time, comes a delightful anthology of the final works of great poets. In Till I End My Song, Bloom has meticulously curated the last poems of one hundred influential poets. These poems, sometimes the literal end and other times the imagined conclusion to a poetic career, offer a lens through which to contemplate the enduring nature of art and the inevitability of death. Bloom's selections highlight the work of the canonized poets T. S. Eliot, Alexander Pope, W. B. Yeats, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and W...
 |  | So What: New and Selected Poems, 1971-2005 (Arabic Edition) Publication Date: September 1, 2008“Taha Muhammad Ali speaks with an emotional forthrightness. . . . He has developed a style that seems both ancient and new, deceptively simple and movingly direct.”—The Washington PostTaha Muhammad Ali is a revered Palestinian poet whose work is driven by vivid imagination, disarming humor, and unflinching honesty. As a boy he was exiled from his hometown, but rather than turning to a protest poetry of black-and-white slogans to convey this loss, he has created art of the highest order. His poems portray experiences that range from ca...
 |  | Medieval Imagination: Rhetoric and the Poetry of Courtly Love Publication Date: September 15, 1978Medieval Imagination examines the poetry of courtly love with unprecedented thoroughness. Douglas Kelly offers detailed analyses of numerous works within a historical, conceptual, and artistic framework to establish the underlying concept of Imagination in courtly poetry. He capitalizes the term to underscore its medieval sense: the poet’s invention of significant images to represent a certain conception of truth. Imagination, thus, in its metaphorical sense of providing an idea with a suitable representation in an image, permitted an allegory of lov...
 |  | Das Erdbeben in Chili Die Verlobung in S (Fiction, Poetry & Drama) (German Edition) ...
 |  | 101 Corporate Haiku by Warriner, William published by Perseus Books Paperback ...
 |  | Physics on All Fours Publication Date: July 8, 2000Sometime during the new millennium science will makecontact with the minds that lie hidden inside of matter. Scientists ofthe future will treat Nature not as a collection of dead objects butas Someone you can make love to."I want to woo Her, not view HerPet Reality until She purrs"In "Physics on all Fours" Nick attempts thru verse to set the mood anddirection of a new science--quantum tantra--that makes deep andembarrassingly intimate connections with the Cosmos. "Physics on allFours" will tease your senses, seduce your mind and make you a totalpushover for the ...
 |  | The first bookseller to enrich my life ...
 |  | Language and Literacy: Studying Discourse in Communities and Classrooms Publication Date: January 30, 1997| ISBN-10: 0867093862 | ISBN-13: 978-0867093865| Edition: Copyright 1997 Teachers, parents, and policymakers need an informed understanding of language--of how it is acquired, how it is used, and how we can best support the learning of new languages and literacies. Yet in most language education, whether in the high school classroom or the college linguistics course, little connection is made between formal study and our real world experiences with language.Language and Literacy makes that connection. It introduces the study of language as discourse--l...
 |  | A Garden In The Rain Release Date: September 2, 2003At last, USA Today bestselling author Lynn Kurland tells the story of Patrick MacLeod-the first MacLeod to discover the secret of time travel through the Scottish forest next to the family keep... ...
 |  | Debt of Honor Release Date: June 7, 2011Jack Ryan, the new president's National Security Adviser, sees the problems of peace fully as complex as those of war. Enemies have become friends, friends enemies, and even the form of conflict has changed.When one of the new enemies prepares to strike not only American territory but the heart of its economy, Ryan, with the help of CIA officers John Clark and Domingo Chavez, must prepare an untested president to meet the challenge. But how? For there is a debt of honor to be paid -- and the price will be terrifyingly high. ...
 |  | Wiggleton's Courageous Adventure (The Talismon Tales) ...
 |  | Swan Lake Ballet Theatre Release Date: October 13, 2009| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up The perfect gift for dancers and dreamers! A gorgeous, fold-out miniature stage, interchangeable scenery, and moveable figures offer hours of fun as children reimagine all four acts of Tchaikovsky’s great ballet. The haunting story of SWAN LAKE comes to life through:— A full-color book relating the story of the ballet and offering staging suggestions— A sophisticated collection of scenery and backdrops— Nine dancing figures and supporting cast— An audio CD featuring music from SWAN ...
 |  | When In Rome, A Kid's Guide To Rome Publication Date: March 30, 2010Rome! Magnificent Rome! From the lights of Rome at night to its busy days, there is excitement and magic in the air!There is truly no place quite like Rome.So take a walk through history as you and your childuncover the old Rome and marvel at the splendor of today's Rome.Tour the Colosseum and hear the tales of the games played there.Imagine you are a citizen of old Rome and see how exciting and modern these old Romans really were!Enjoy the photography of John D. Weigand and the poetry of Penelope Dyan as you trace their footsteps through time and marvel at al...
 |  | Red Dancing Shoes Publication Date: January 21, 1998| Age Level: 3 and up Red dancing shoes are the girl''s present fro m Grandma. Her feet feel magical as she dances, but on the w ay to show them to her favourite aunt, she goes flying into the mud. Is there any way to get the magic back into those d irty red shoes? ' ...
 |  | Storytelling in Emergent Literacy: Fostering Multiple Intelligence Publication Date: December 27, 2000| ISBN-10: 0766814807 | ISBN-13: 978-0766814806| Edition: 1 This text creatively integrates multiple intelligences and related activities with methods of effective storytelling.Based on recent brain research and multiple intelligence theory, it combines the art of storytelling with popular selections from children's literature.The text is organized around the calendar by themes.Multiple intelligence activities as well as extensive references are included for each chapter. ...
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