| Filipino Americans (New Immigrants (Chelsea House)) Publication Date: March 1, 2007| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up...
 | The Last King of Scotland Publication Date: November 1, 2006Combining elements of the thriller noir with comedy, this novel is based on the macabre events of Idi Amin's regime. "The Last King of Scotland" is one of the many titles which the tyrant bestowed on himself. It is also about a young Scottish doctor who becomes involved in Amin's administration. --This text refers to the Paperback edition....
 | Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu Release Date: January 2, 2007| Series: Monk (Book 3) Monk is horrified when he learns there's going to be a blue flu in San Francisco-until Capt. Stottlemeyer explains that it just means the police plan to call in "sick" until they get a better contract.The good news is the labor dispute will give Monk a chance to get back on the force.The bad news is it means he'll be a "scab"-and he doesn't like the sound of that either. But before he knows it, Monk has his badge back, and his own squad to command. Unfortunately, some of the squad members make Monk look like a paragon of mental health. But...
 | The Forest Laird: A Tale of William Wallace Release Date: February 14, 2012In the pre-dawn hours of August 24th, 1305, in London’s Smithfield Prison, the outlaw William Wallace—hero of all the Scots and deadly enemy of King Edward of England—sits awaiting the dawn, when he is to be hanged and then drawn and quartered. This brutal sundering of his body is the revenge of the English. Wallace is visited by a Scottish priest who has come to hear his last confession, a priest who knows Wallace like a brother. Wallace's confession—the tale that follows—is all the more remarkable be...
 | Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition. Vol. II: Oxford Text and English Translation Publication Date: January 23, 2003Published to observe the twelfth centenary of the Battle of Roncevaux, the event that inspired the Chanson de Roland, this edition provides the first systematic analysis of the entire poem. Professor Brault's edition also incorporates the considerable scholarly work done in the half century since the Bedier and Jenkins editions appeared.The underlying theme of this new edition is that the poem is a Christian hero. As imagined by the poet Turoldus- writing about 1100, at the time of the First Crusade- Roland, the nephew of Charlemagne, had no faults and accom...
 | Plato's Dialogues One by One Publication Date: May 13, 1999| ISBN-10: 0761809937 | ISBN-13: 978-0761809937Plato's Dialogues One by One interprets and contextualizes each of Plato's dialogues. Victorino Tejera analyzes and explains the content and intellectual quality of the dialogues, highlighting their dramatic aliveness and historico-political allusiveness. He treats each dialogue according to its own integrity, not imposing any system outside of their individual composition, and with an even-handedness that does not place too much emphasis on any aspect or neglect any included concept. With this approach, Tejera ...
 | Tanka Time Publication Date: December 23, 2011Tanka poems based on my memories from when I was a child in Japan. ...
 | Gendered Spaces in Contemporary Irish Poetry Publication Date: June 21, 2002| ISBN-10: 3906766896 | ISBN-13: 978-3906766898How does contemporary Irish poetry migrate from traditional conceptions of identity drawn on by the cultural nationalism of the Irish Literary Revival? What effects does this have on our understanding of gendered and national identity formation?Chapters of this study focus on the work of Seamus Heaney, Tom Paulin, Paul Muldoon, Medbh McGuckian, Eavan Boland and Sara Berkeley. Looking at poets from North and South of the border, the book asks how does a younger generation of writers provide a response to nationa...
 | Burmese Days, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air (Everyman's Library (Cloth)) Release Date: April 5, 2011| Series: Everyman's Library (Cloth) For the first time in one hardcover volume—three classic novels by the author of Nineteen Eighty- Four and Animal Farm.The lushly descriptive and tragic Burmese Days, a devastating indictment of British colonial rule, is based on Orwell’s own experience while serving in the Indian Imperial Police. His beloved satirical classic, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, features a young idealist whose attempt to rebel against middle-class respectability—by working in a bookshop and trying to be a writer—goes terribly an...
 | Academe in Mystery and Detective Fiction Publication Date: November 15, 2000| ISBN-10: 0810838419 | ISBN-13: 978-0810838413| Edition: 2nd College-mystery novels, a subgenre known for settings within universities and college towns, draw a reading audience comprised of both academics and the general mystery fan. Likewise, John E. Kramer has created a resource suitable for the investigative scholar and the lay reader interested in these works. This bibliography of 483 novels is organized chronologically by date of publication, ranging between 1910 to 1999. Indices at the end of the volume allow the reader to search by author and t...
 | Pray for Silence (Kate Burkholder series #2) (Kate Burkholder 2) Publication Date: December 14, 2011| Series: Kate Burkholder 2 The sound of a scream in the early morning dawn leads to a case that will change Kate Burkholder's life irrevocably ...When the police arrive at the Amish farmstead in Painters Mill they can't imagine the horror that awaits them. An entire family slaughtered: the men shot, the young women tortured and killed. The Amish are peace-loving, gentle folk and the town is shocked by what appears to be a particularly brutal - and random killing. But is it random? Every family has its secrets. Kate knows that better than anyone. And as she...
 | Ch'askin: A Legend of the Sechelt People (Legends of the Sechelt Nation) Release Date: August 16, 2003| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | The New Orleans Saints (Inside the NFL) Publication Date: January 1996| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | What's the Time, Mr. Wolf? Publication Date: September 27, 1999| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Mr. Wolf salivates over his tasty-looking barnyard friends and plans an elaborate dinner party for them. When the farm animals ask, "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?" he sends them scurrying off to gather ingredients for a special meal. But will they be guests or the dinner itself? Readers will screech with delighted terror as they realize how the clever old wolf is involving the animals in their own demise . . . or is he? Charmingly detailed illustrations decorate this new peephole book from Carol Jones. Every other...
 | Vote for SpongeBob (Spongebob Squarepants) Release Date: January 8, 2008| Age Level: 4 and up...
 | Wayside School Is Falling Down Release Date: August 1, 1990| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | The Mysteries of Angkor Wat (Traveling Photographer) Release Date: August 23, 2011| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Elements and Compounds (Chemicals in Action) Publication Date: June 6, 2007| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up...
 | Ferdinand Magellan (Explorers (Abdo Publishing Company)) ...
 | Uh! Oh! Jewish Holidays ...