| Memory Fever (Camino del Sol) Publication Date: September 1, 1999| Series: Camino del Sol For poet Ray Gonzalez, growing up in El Paso during the 1960s was a time of loneliness and vulnerability.He encountered discrimination in high school not only for being Latino but also for being a non-athlete in a school where sports were important.Like many young people, he found diversion in music; unlike most, he found solace in the desert.In these vignettes, Gonzalez shares memories of boyhood that tell how he discovered the natural world and his creative spirit.Through 29 storylike essays, he takes readers into the heart of the...
 |  | Lord Grizzly, Second Edition (Buckskin Man Tales) Publication Date: June 1, 2011| Series: Buckskin Man Tales Hunter, trapper, resourceful fighter, and scout, Hugh Glass was just a rugged man among other rugged American frontiersmen until he was mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead by his best friends. Hugh’s rage drove him to crawl two hundred miles across dangerous territory to seek revenge until he was no longer Hugh Glass but had become Lord Grizzly. Lord Grizzly is the second volume of Frederick Manfred’s acclaimed five-volume series, The Buckskin Man Tales. For this Bison Books edition, poet Freya Manfred provi...
 |  | Born, One Of Us Publication Date: January 1, 1995This Christmas chancel drama, used by itself or incorporated into a worship service, uses seven speaking parts (from children to adults) and takes about 30-35 minutes to perform. It is designed as a readers' theater so that little rehearsal is needed. Included is a closing litany for the minister and congregation which provides a gripping conclusion to the drama of Christ's birth. (Copying privileges are also included.) The action takes place in the home of a middle-class Jewish family in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Christ. The father is a rabbi, th...
 |  | Steal Me Away Publication Date: June 2003It was Marinas birthday, she felt lost and alone, trapped in a world that seemed to spin for everyone, excluding herself. Her wish this year would be for a more stimulating existence, a passion just over the horizon, and this year her wish would be granted beyond her wildest dreams. From an epoch centuries far into the future, through cosmic post-modern technology, Joseph is transporting his vision back to the twenty-first century and watching Marinas every move. He cherishes her beauty, admires her spirit, and yearns to have her at his side for the res...
 |  | Walt Disney World Swimming Pools 2012: A Planet Explorers Travel Guide for Kids ...
 |  | Elizabeth and the Royal Pony: Based on a True Story of Elizabeth I of England (Young Princesses Around the World Ready to Read Level 3) ...
 |  | Forget-Me-Not Publication Date: April 1, 2009Monty is a very young elephant, and his Mama is concerned for his safety. She tells him the two important things he must always remember. First, he must stay with their herd, where he will be protected from danger. Second, he must never forget how much his mother loves him.Then, Monty sees something bright and blue that is half-buried in the ground, and he thinks it might be a bouquet of forget-me-nots. He wants to bring the flowers to his Mama. Forgetting her words, he stops to dig it up, but when he looks up from his task, he discovers that his herd has moved...
 |  | Carl's Summer Vacation Release Date: May 27, 2008| Age Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands (Geronimo Stilton, No. 18) Publication Date: April 1, 2005| Age Level: 7 and up Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.My sister had come up with a new way to torment me. She'd combined my two least favorite things - travel and ghosts! Thea had heard rumors of a haunted pirate treasure buried on a desert island. And before I could say "avast ye scurvy rats," she'd dragged me into her treasure hunt! ...
 |  | The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen Release Date: September 11, 2012| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up Darker than her previous novels, Susin peoples this novel about the ultimate cost of bullying with a cast of fabulous characters, dark humour, and a lovable, difficult protagonist struggling to come to terms with the horrible crime his brother has committed. ...
 |  | Alcohol (Facts on...drugs) Publication Date: November 1989 ...
 |  | Discovering Ecology Release Date: September 3, 2007| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up Connect students in grades 512 with science using Discovering Ecology. This 48-page book develops environmental awareness and profiles the planet's different biomes while focusing on current ecological topics. Topics include alternative fuels, pollution, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer, and the effect humans have on the environment. This book includes maps, diagrams, vocabulary words, unit projects, exercises, illustrations, and everything needed to teach an ecology unit or supplement scienc...
 |  | Hands (Let's Read About Our Bodies) Publication Date: December 2001| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | Titanic: Truth and Rumors (Edge Books. Truth and Rumors) ...
 |  | Colin Powell (A & E Biography (Lerner Paperback)) Publication Date: January 1, 2004| Age Level: 10 and up...
 |  | Costa Rica (Major World Nations) Publication Date: December 1998| Age Level: 11 and up...
 |  | Walle (Learn to Draw Favorite Characters) ...
 |  | Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation Publication Date: January 1, 2009Do something for the environment - pray. The icecaps are melting. The air we breathe and water we drink are polluted. Forests are being cleared of oxygen-making trees and ecosystem-integral wildlife. Our daily lives impact our earth - mostly leaving negative footprints. The environmental challenges we face are real and almost out of control. We're free to enjoy the earth's bounty and beauty, but that privilege brings responsibility. How are Christians to respond as stewards of God's creation? Explore through prayer the interconnecting love that binds God, hum...
 |  | Wesley: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed) Publication Date: April 1, 2009| ISBN-10: 0567033538 | ISBN-13: 978-0567033536| Edition: 1 As anyone familiar with both the stereotypes and the scholarship related to Wesley knows, tricky interpretive questions abound: was Wesley a conservative, high church Tory or a revolutionary protodemocrat or proto-Marxist? Was he a modern rationalist obsessed with the epistemology of religious belief or a late medieval style thinker who believed in demonic possession and supernatural healing? Was Wesley primarily a pragmatic evangelist or a serious theologian committed to the long-haul work of cate...
 |  | Eliza Asbury: Her Cottage and Her Son ...
Data Source by Amazon.com |