| Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd Edition) Publication Date: December 30, 1998| ISBN-10: 013805326X | ISBN-13: 978-0138053260| Edition: 3rdFor junior/senior-level electricity and magnetism courses. This book is known for its clear, concise and accessible coverage of standard topics in a logical and pedagogically sound order. The Third Edition features a clear, accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory, providing a sound platform for the exploration of related applications (ac circuits, antennas, transmission lines, plasmas, optics, etc.). Its lean and focused approach employs numerous examples and probl...
 |  | Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption Release Date: September 4, 2012What would cause an eighteen-year-old senior class president and homecoming queen from Nashville, Tennessee, to disobey and disappoint her parents by forgoing college, break her little brother’s heart, lose all but a handful of her friends (because they think she has gone off the deep end), and break up with the love of her life, all so she could move to Uganda, where she knew only one person and didn’t even speak the language? A passion to follow Jesus. Katie Davis left over Christmas break of her senior year for a short mission trip to Uganda and ...
 |  | Med-Surg Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking (Davis's Q&a Series) Publication Date: November 19, 2010| ISBN-10: 0803625049 | ISBN-13: 978-0803625044| Edition: 2 Theroad to nursing success begins here!A complete review of core concepts. More than 2,265 classroom-tested, NCLEX -style questions. (Alternate-item format, too!) Test-taking hints and rationales for correct and incorrect answers. TWO BOOKS IN ONE! Course review now. NCLEX -prep later. Assure your mastery ofmedical surgical nursing knowledge while honing your critical thinking andtest-taking skills. The 2nd Edition of this popular resource features 2,000questions that reflect the latest advance...
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 |  | Think and Grow Rich Publication Date: August 4, 2012A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking. There have been more millionaires and indeed, billionaires, who have made their fortunes as a result of reading this success classic than any other book every printed. NAPOLEON HILLS's "Think and Grow Rich" is the authors most famous work. This is the COMPLETE Reference Book. A true masterpiece with the fundamentals of the Success philosophy. ***** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Napoleon Hill was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-succ...
 |  | Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit Release Date: May 1, 1995MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES IN PRINTThe narrator of this extraordinary tale is a man in search for truth. He answers an ad in a local newspaper from a teacher looking for serious pupils, only to find himself alone in an abandoned office with a full-grown gorilla who is nibbling delicately on a slender branch. “You are the teacher?” he asks incredulously. “I am the teacher,” the gorilla replies. Ishmael is a creature of immense wisdom and he has a story to tell, one that no other human being has ever heard. It is a story that extends...
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 |  | Mymathlab My Statlab Student Access Kit Publication Date: January 1, 2006| ISBN-10: 0321199901 | ISBN-13: 978-0321199904| Edition: 3rd Revised edition BRAND NEW & FACTORY SEALED. ...
 |  | On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Release Date: November 16, 2004Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking is a kitchen classic. Hailed by Time magazine as "a minor masterpiece" when it first appeared in 1984, On Food and Cooking is the bible to which food lovers and professional chefs worldwide turn for an understanding of where our foods come from, what exactly they're made of, and how cooking transforms them into something new and delicious.Now, for its twentieth anniversary, Harold McGee has prepared a new, fully revised and updated edition of On Food and Cooking. He has rewritten the text almost completely, expanded it by tw...
 |  | On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition Publication Date: January 1, 2010| ISBN-10: 1439085226 | ISBN-13: 978-1439085226| Edition: 1 ON COURSE: STRATEGIES FOR CREATING SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND IN LIFE, STUDY SKILLS PLUS EDITION will engage you with the tools you need to take charge of your success in college and in life. As you learn new strategies, you will have the opportunity to practice applying new skills to solve academic challenges. With improved critical and creative problem solving you will be able to achieve greater success in all parts of your life. You can practice new skills using the case studies, and then work tow...
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