| The Ladder Publication Date: May 24, 2012The Magic Provides What the Soul Craves A clandestine coven of satanic witches and warlocks have infiltrated an affluent family in New York City to gain greater wealth and power.Only Veronica, a kindly young wife and mother, uncovers their fiendish plot and strives to rescue her family and herself from the clutches of evil.Will she overcome the seductive warlock, Skyler, or will she discover her own hidden dark side, oozing with desire and vengeance, lurking in the deepest recesses of her subconscious? This adult fairy tale explores matters of the heart and the ...
 |  | Desolation (Leisure Horror) ...
 |  | The Ghost of Akhenaten Publication Date: November 24, 2003Who dares challenge the might of the Priests of Amun?A group of people are drawn inexorably together, and impelled by forces unknown to travel to Egypt to investigate what happened to the pharaoh Akhenaten who lived more than three thousand years before.Jack is fighting strange and powerful dreams. Finn is convinced he is a reincarnation of Akhenaten and has a personal interest in denying that the ghost exists. Emma believes she was Akhenaten's youngest daughter in a past life and longs to release her beloved father from the curse. Bernard, a medium, channe...
 |  | A Ghost Story Publication Date: November 21, 2006Winchester County was a great place to live. Now, the county is ruled by the corrupt Dexter Scruggs. Dexter is a man that gets what he wants...now it'shis granddaughter. And if he can't have her, no one can. ...
 |  | Miracle Myx Publication Date: May 1, 2008Two near-death experiences have transformed Myx Amens; he hasn't slept for three years. His first near-death experience, a lightning strike, left him with a photographic memory while his second, drowning, induced synesthesia, so he smells and feels colors, sees sounds, and tastes the thoughts and feelings of others. These skill sets endow Myx to investigate local unsolved homicides and ruffle a lot of feathers. The murders are disturbing—a beautiful teen with her lower lip cut off; her boyfriend sexually mutilated—and leave Myx wondering What c...
 |  | The Soul Feaster Publication Date: March 4, 2012“There is, if you like, a battle being waged in the divide between life and death, the world as we know it and that which lies beyond. A battle, that at its heart, has mans soul as its prize. For the most part it is a war to which we are totally oblivious, but on occasion it spills over into our own experience and these forces of good and evil gain access to our world.” As her life was stolen, successful solicitor Kate Sinclair made one last gesture, pressing her hand against the wall in her own blood; she made the sign of the cross The killing is...
 |  | A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands Publication Date: November 5, 2007In 1896 A. Farnese was given a glimpse into the after life when a spirit contacted him and told him to write down this story.I do not claim to be the author of this book, since I have only acted the part of an amanuensis and endeavored to write down as truthfully and as carefully as I could, the words given to me by the Spirit Author himself, who is one of several spirits who have desired me to write down for them their experiences in the spirit world. I have had to write the words as fast as my pen could travel over the paper, and many of the experiences de...
 |  | Death by the Light of the Moon (Claire Malloy Mysteries, No. 7) Release Date: March 1, 1995"Outstanding...A fun-to-read mixture of homicide and humor."THE PITTSBURGH PRESSIn this, the seventh adventure in the Claire Malloy series, Claire discovers a lot about her late, unlamented husband. The viperish family matriarch, Miss Justicia, gives a preview of her latest will at the decaying family estate in Louisiana. From snobbish Cousin Maxie and timid, tippling Pauline to beautiful Ellie and her porky dad, the Malloys appear a poisonous lot--and appeareances in this case are not deceiving. When Miss Jusiticia and her wheelchair end up in the bayou,...
 |  | Bottom Dwellers Publication Date: April 7, 2011After suffering a stroke, forty-eight year old, karate black belt Patrick Dylan is scuba diving in Lake Lanier for exercise and therapy. He encounters green skinned mutant people with gills who have been living there for more than fifty years, since the lake was created. While diving, Patrick also meets beautiful Park Ranger Trudy Price who soon becomes his fiancée.Just as with all people, there are good and bad among the bottom dwellers of Lake Lanier.Patrick battles with the bad and is surprised by the good.Thinking that they have left subterranean...
 |  | The Annunaki Enigma: Armageddon 2012 Publication Date: September 13, 2010| Series: The Annunaki Enigma Much has been written lately about a prophetic period in the future of our planet that is being referred to as "End Times".It is predicted to run collaterally with the formation of a one world government or what some may call a "One World Order", and climax with a great war in Israel over a mound known as 'har Mewgiddo' where the forces of good and evil clash in a battle that will end in the forces of evil being stopped and the leader, Satan, being thrown into an abyss for a thousand years.Current geopolitical events are seemi...
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