| The Threads of the Heart Release Date: December 31, 2012They say Frasquita knows magic, that she is a healer with occult powers, that perhaps she is a sorcerer. She does indeed posses a remarkable gift, one that has been passed down to the women in her family for generations. From rags, off-cuts, and rough fabric she can create gowns and other garments so magnificent, so alive, that they are capable of masking any kind defect or deformity (and pregnancies!). They bestow a breathtaking and blinding beauty on whoever wears them. But Fasquita's gift makes others in her small Andalusian village jealous. And to make matt...
 |  | Luz en el sexto vortice (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: March 18, 2008Novela de corte esoterico que relata la lucha por el control espiritual en la zona del altiplano andino. Desde la preparacion del protagonista para ser admitido en uno de los dos bandos en pugna, hasta su inclusion en el lugar en que se desarrolla la accion: el lago Titicaca y sus alrededores. El titulo viene dado en alusion al sexto chakra, de gran importancia en el desarrollo de la obra. El mensaje que la novela encierra es de gran actualidad y de una enorme importancia. Describe el momento presente de la eterna lucha, en este plano dual, entre la Luz y la O...
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 |  | Cemetery Club Publication Date: March 9, 201220 years ago four friends awoke an ancient evil, and only the Cemetery Club can stop it before the whole town ends up dead. Or worse. Rocky Point is a small town with a violent history - mass graves, illegal medical experiments and brutal murders dating back centuries. Of course, when Cory, Marisol, John and Todd form the Cemetery Club, they know none of this. They've found the coolest place to party after school - an old crypt. But then things start to go bad. People get killed and the Cemetery Club knows the cause: malevolent creatures that turn people into z...
 |  | Nine Lives Publication Date: July 15, 2008The lack of faith Sam carried with him for years had never given him reason to pause, not even for a moment, until tragedy on a rain-slick road rearranged his life, and his son's, permanently.As Sam drudges through life as a widower and single parent, concepts form that lead him to believe the tragedy of a few months prior may not have been an accident, but instead a design of fate he had somehow evaded.As everyday life revolves around him, Sam begins to experience ominous events pointing to the reality of what might have been... his own death.Eventually, Sam's...
 |  | The Gospel According to Satan: or A Satanic Parody of the Bible Publication Date: March 5, 2007What if Satan were the good guy and God were the bad guy? How would the Bible read then? Certainly the whole context would be changed and an entire new light would be shed on what we have been told was the 'holy bible.' Thus, The Gospel According to Satan is exactly that--the characters are inverted (as if they may not have been originally) and Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy. You'll discover who really evolved the world, what happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden, the Satanic Psalms, all those proverbs you have wondered about, Silaas the old te...
 |  | Bottom Dwellers Publication Date: April 7, 2011After suffering a stroke, forty-eight year old, karate black belt Patrick Dylan is scuba diving in Lake Lanier for exercise and therapy. He encounters green skinned mutant people with gills who have been living there for more than fifty years, since the lake was created. While diving, Patrick also meets beautiful Park Ranger Trudy Price who soon becomes his fiancée.Just as with all people, there are good and bad among the bottom dwellers of Lake Lanier.Patrick battles with the bad and is surprised by the good.Thinking that they have left subterranean...
 |  | The 30 Trials of Ix and the Angels Publication Date: September 16, 2004The 30 Trials of Ix and the Angels follows Ix Pantheos from his awakening in a ruined castle through his travels to the moon, the sun, and beyond, carried along by the songs of thirty angels as they initiate him into the mysteries of consciousness and the nature of existence. The answer seemingly found and the journey apparently nearing its end, Ix then finds that he must suffer the destruction of his former self, and face a new struggle to hold onto all that was revealed to him.Born of a series of meditations performed by the author, and utilizing an ecle...
 |  | Operation Thunder Child Publication Date: May 2001The Cabinet Office Group, Joint Intelligence Committee and Permanent Joint Headquarters join forces to deal with an increase in UFO activity. Then an alien craft is captured and a dialogue is established. Contact continues until a revalation is uncovered that throws the Government into confusion. ...
 |  | Windows to the Soul Publication Date: April 30, 1997This contemporary horror tale reads like an episode of "The X-Files". A young woman's search for her missing roommate becomes an odyssey into a world of dark terror at a small midwestern college. ...
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