| The Gospel According to Satan: or A Satanic Parody of the Bible Publication Date: March 5, 2007What if Satan were the good guy and God were the bad guy? How would the Bible read then? Certainly the whole context would be changed and an entire new light would be shed on what we have been told was the 'holy bible.' Thus, The Gospel According to Satan is exactly that--the characters are inverted (as if they may not have been originally) and Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy. You'll discover who really evolved the world, what happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden, the Satanic Psalms, all those proverbs you have wondered about, Silaas the old te...
 |  | The Seventh Ritual Publication Date: July 4, 2009The Seventh Ritual: a race for survival, a novel for adults based on a true storyA remarkable journey through fear, grit, discovery, forgiveness and triumph...with a few laughs in between.Synopsis"You must discover the cause of your unhappiness by the end of this year...or you will not live to see the next." Disgusted and disbelieving, 34-year old Paul Jacobson dismisses what he's told by a Greenwich Village psychic. Only days later, while running in the New York City Marathon, Paul's mind positions him back to a past he's never known. This journey begins the ra...
 |  | Windows to the Soul Publication Date: April 30, 1997This contemporary horror tale reads like an episode of "The X-Files". A young woman's search for her missing roommate becomes an odyssey into a world of dark terror at a small midwestern college. ...
 |  | Luz en el sexto vortice (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: March 18, 2008Novela de corte esoterico que relata la lucha por el control espiritual en la zona del altiplano andino. Desde la preparacion del protagonista para ser admitido en uno de los dos bandos en pugna, hasta su inclusion en el lugar en que se desarrolla la accion: el lago Titicaca y sus alrededores. El titulo viene dado en alusion al sexto chakra, de gran importancia en el desarrollo de la obra. El mensaje que la novela encierra es de gran actualidad y de una enorme importancia. Describe el momento presente de la eterna lucha, en este plano dual, entre la Luz y la O...
 |  | The Sweet By and By Publication Date: March 2001When Helen West is contracted to write a definitive essay on Maggie Fox, the founder of American Spiritualism, she begins to wonder if departed spirits do indeed return to comfort their loved ones. After all, Maggie Fox made a living by convincing people that the dead spoke through her. By incorporating tricks such as rigging apples on strings for knocking noises, her seances attracted the likes of Horace Greeley and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln.Throughout the course of her research, Helen, recovering from the death of her lover, develops a strange, unexpected kinship wit...
 |  | Sleep No More Pb (Pocket Classics) Publication Date: May 23, 1996| Series: Pocket Classics Railway disasters are almost always the result of human fallibility - a single mistake by an engine driver, guard or signalman, or some lack of communication between them - and it is in the contrast between the trivial error and its terrible consequence that the drama of the railway accident lies. First published in 1955, and the result of Rolt's careful investigation and study of the verbatim reports and findings by H.M. Inspectorate of Railways, this book was the first work to record the history of railway disasters, and it remains th...
 |  | Both Sides of the Veil Publication Date: June 5, 2009In "Staunton's Dinner," Vane Staunton returns after an absence of many years and hosts a dinner for his former friends.But they are horrified to find that he is terribly changed and now appears to possess awful powers, including the power to kill a man with only a thought!In the curiously homoerotic "A Knight of the Road," set in 17th century England, a handsome but cold-blooded stranger shows up in a lonely village and just might be the Devil himself!The darkly comical "The Disappearance of Mrs. Macrecham" recounts the strange adventures of Hereward Waller, who...
 |  | The Stars In Their Path: A Novel of Reincarnation Publication Date: January 13, 2002Reincarnation is the ancient belief that the human soul does not perish at death, but is reborn in a new body and lives on, again and again, in different lifetimes and different ages. Underground cult novelist H. A. Covingtons long-awaited tenth book follows the many lifetimes of three human souls down through the centuries, two men and one woman. The three are bound together by a common destiny and a powerful mission, for the time is approaching in the future when the soul of the woman must face a test that will shape the course of the universe itself, and ...
 |  | The Vampire Chronicles Publication Date: January 7, 2012Book Two of the Vampire Queen Series. After reuniting with her ex-lover, the Countess and Kendra journey to Venice to meet with a local coven searching for a vampire leader. The Countess gladly takes on the role and is readily accepted by most of the pure blooded vampires. After a bloody battle with a Japanese vampire who has traveled the world violating the code by creating an army of vampires, the Countess is kidnapped and taken to Japan to atone for her actions. Will she get more than she bargained for or will she learn the biggest secret of her life? Is s...
 |  | Armand el vampiro (Cronicas Vampiricas) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: November 15, 2008| Series: Cronicas Vampiricas Spanish edition, quote from John 20:17 on flyleaf. ...
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