Robin Hood (Third Edition)

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Robin Hood (Third Edition): J. C. Holt: 9780500289358: Books

Book Description:

June 1, 2011 0500289352 978-0500289358 Third Edition

"Highly recommended to all armchair swashbucklers."—Fresno Bee

The legend of Robin Hood began more than 600 years ago. Theman, if he existed at all, lived even earlier. In this definitive work,Professor Sir James Holt, one of Britain’s premier historians andauthor of the standard work on the Magna Carta, unravels pureinvention from real possibility and offers the results of some thirtyyears of research.

He assesses the evidence for the historical Robin Hood andfinds that the tale originated with the yeomen and hangers-on ofthe households of noblemen and gentry in the later Middle Ages.Parts of the story that we now take for granted—Maid Marian,Friar Tuck, Robin as robber of the rich and giver to the poor, evenSherwood Forest—played little or no part in the original tales, andwere added as the centuries passed and the legends grew.

The legend of Robin Hood has enthralled people from the firstballads to contemporary movies. Holt reconstructs the historicalbasis of the stories but never loses sight of the human imaginationthat sustained them. This edition includes new illustrations and TheGest of Robyn Hood, one of the oldest surviving tales. 16 color and 9 black-and-white illustrations
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Product Details:

  • Paperback: 292 pages
  • Publisher: Thames & Hudson; Third Edition edition (June 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0500289352
  • ISBN-13: 978-0500289358
  • Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 0.9 x 8.8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

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