| The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature 1100-1500 (Cambridge Companions to Literature) Publication Date: July 20, 2009| ISBN-10: 0521602580 | ISBN-13: 978-0521602587| Edition: 1 The medieval period was one of extraordinary literary achievement sustained over centuries of great change, anchored by the Norman invasion and its aftermath, the re-emergence of English as the nation's leading literary language in the fourteenth century and the advent of print in the fifteenth. This Companion spans four full centuries to survey this most formative and turbulent era in the history of literature in English. Exploring the period's key authors - Chaucer, Langland, the Gawain-Poet, Mar...
| | A Bend in the Road Publication Date: November 15, 2004Eamon McEneaney, beloved Cornell All-American lacrosse player, Wall Street trader, loving father, and poet, tragically died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. McEneaney's poems, collected and published for the first time, demonstrate his sense of humor, his passion for life, and his deep compassion for others. This book brings to reality his dream of sharing his poetry and reminds us that each day is a precious gift.Proceeds from the sale of the book will be used to support the Eamon McEneaney Visiting Irish Writers Series at Cornell and the C...
| | The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer Publication Date: January 5, 2011| ISBN-10: 0155060414 | ISBN-13: 978-0155060418| Edition: 3 The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer is intended to make Chaucer's texts accessible with a minimum of scholarly interference. The critical, biographical, and linguistic essays are grouped at the end so as not to impede the approach to the text. By doing so, the student is able to enjoy the richness and humor of The Canterbury Tales as well as the beauty of Troylus and Criseyde. This collection will create a deeper appreciation for Chaucer and his genius. ...
| | Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900 (Abridged Edition) (Translations from the Asian Classics) Publication Date: April 21, 2008| Series: Translations from the Asian Classics This abridged edition of Haruo Shirane's popular anthology,Early Modern Japanese Literature, retains the essential texts that have made the original volume such a valuable resource. The book introduces English-speaking readers to prose fiction genres, includingdangibon,kibyoshi (satiric picture books),sharebon (books of wit and fashion),yomihon,kokkeibon (books of humor),gokan (bound books), andninjobon (books of romance and sentiment). It also features poetic genres such aswaka, haiku,senryu, andkyoka, and plays ...
| | The Taktika of Leo VI (Dumbarton Oaks Texts) Publication Date: October 15, 2010| Series: Dumbarton Oaks Texts (Book 12) Although he probably never set foot on a battlefield, the Byzantine emperor Leo VI (886–912) had a lively interest in military matters. Successor to Caesar Augustus, Constantine, and Justinian, he was expected to be victorious in war and to subject barbarian peoples to Rome, so he set out to acquire a solid knowledge of military equipment and practice. The Byzantines had inherited a voluminous series of military treatises from antiquity on nearly every aspect of warfare, from archery to battle formations and th...
| | Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and Discussion (New Middle Ages) Release Date: December 10, 2007| ISBN-10: 1403976732 | ISBN-13: 978-1403976734| Edition: 1st The Lingua Ignota, "brought forth" by the twelfth-century German nun Hildegard of Bingen, provides 1012 neologisms for praise of Church and new expression of the things of her world. Noting her visionary metaphors, her music, and various medieval linguistic philosophies, Higley examines how the "Unknown Language" makes arid signifiers green again. This text, however, is too often seen in too narrow a context: glossolalia, angelic language, secret code. Higley provides an edition and English trans...
| | The Complete Works of the Pearl Poet Publication Date: April 6, 1993This edition presents, for the first time, the entire oeuvre of the Pearl poet with both the original Middle English works and complete verse translations. Poet and scholar Casey Finch uses anapestic tetrameters (and iambic tetrameter for Pearl) in his translations rather than the accented tetrameters of the originals, thus achieving the rhythmic regularity the poems would have displayed when performed to music, as they surely were meant to be. Finch's translations are printed facing the best modern editions of the poems, those of Malcolm Andrew and Ronald Wald...
| | Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry Publication Date: January 26, 2012Hellenistic poets of the third and second centuries BC sought to mark their continuity with the classical past as well as demonstrate their independence from it. This major study explores Greek poetry of the period and its reception and influence in Rome. The volume covers some of the most familiar poetry of the age, such as Callimachus' Aitia, alongside detailed consideration of newly published texts like the epigrams of Posidippus. ...
| | Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality Publication Date: August 15, 2006| ISBN-10: 0226740897 | ISBN-13: 978-0226740898| Edition: First Edition One of the great achievements of the Middle Ages, Europe’s courtly culture gave the world the tournament, the festival, the knighting ceremony, and also courtly love. But courtly love has strangely been ignored by historians of sexuality. With Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality, James Schultz corrects this oversight with careful analysis of key courtly texts of the medieval German literary tradition. Courtly love, Schultz finds, was provoked...
| | A Commentary on Horace: Odes Book III Publication Date: April 19, 2007| ISBN-10: 0199288747 | ISBN-13: 978-0199288748This Commentary takes critical account of recent writing on the Odes. It deals with detailed questions of interpretation, and shows how Horace combined the tact of a court-poet with a humane individualism, and how he wrote within a literary tradition without losing a highly personal voice. Though the book is not intended for beginners, the editors aim throughout at clarity. ...
| | Aesopic Conversations: Popular Tradition, Cultural Dialogue, and the Invention of Greek Prose (Martin Classical Lectures) Publication Date: October 25, 2010| Series: Martin Classical Lectures Examining the figure of Aesop and the traditions surrounding him, Aesopic Conversations offers a portrait of what Greek popular culture might have looked like in the ancient world. What has survived from the literary record of antiquity is almost entirely the product of an elite of birth, wealth, and education, limiting our access to a fuller range of voices from the ancient past. This book, however, explores the anonymous Life of Aesop and offers a different set of perspectives. Leslie Kurke argues that the traditions sur...
| | Playing the Other: Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature (Women in Culture and Society) Publication Date: November 15, 1995| ISBN-10: 0226979229 | ISBN-13: 978-0226979229| Edition: 1 Relations between the sexes was a pervasive concern of ancient Greek thought and literature, extending from considerations of masculine and feminine roles in domestic and political spheres to the organization of the cosmos in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. In Playing the Other Froma Zeitlin explores the diversity and complexity of these interactions through the most influential literary texts of the archaic and classical periods ranging from epic (Homer) and didactic poetry (Hesiod) to the t...
| | Making Silence Speak: Women's Voices in Greek Literature and Society. Publication Date: May 1, 2001| ISBN-10: 0691004668 | ISBN-13: 978-0691004662This collection attempts to recover the voices of women in antiquity from a variety of perspectives: how they spoke, where they could be heard, and how their speech was adopted in literature and public discourse. Rather than confirming the old model of binary oppositions in which women's speech was viewed as insignificant and subordinate to male discourse, these essays reveal a dynamic and potentially explosive interrelation between women's speech and the realm of literary production, religion, and oratory. The c...
| | Basil: The Letters, Volume I, Letters 1-58 (Loeb Classical Library No. 190) Publication Date: January 1, 1926| ISBN-10: 0674992091 | ISBN-13: 978-0674992092Basil the Great was born ca. 330 CE at Caesarea in Cappadocia into a family noted for piety. He was at Constantinople and Athens for several years as a student with Gregory of Nazianzus and was much influenced by Origen. For a short time he held a chair of rhetoric at Caesarea, and was then baptized. He visited monasteries in Egypt and Palestine and sought out the most famous hermits in Syria and elsewhere to learn how to lead a pious and ascetic life; but he decided that communal monastic life and work were ...
| | Scheming Papists and Lutheran Fools: Five Reformation Satires Publication Date: January 1, 1993This volume is a collection of five satires from the Reformation period, written between 1517 and 1526. In her Introduction to the work, Rummel explains that the battle between reformers and champions of the old faith was waged on many fronts, not only by preachers thundering from the pulpits, theologians facing each other in acrimonious disputations, and church authorities issuing censures and condemnations.This collection focuses on the impact and importance of a supporting cast of satirists whose ad hoc productions reached a wider audience, in a more visce...
| | Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide (MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching) Publication Date: April 25, 2005| Series: MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching (Book 42) In the past few decades, interest in the rich and varied literature of early Scandinavia has prompted a great deal of interest in its background: its origins, social and historical context, and relationship to other medieval literatures. Until the 1980s, however, there was a distinct lack of scholarship in the area, so in 1985, Carol J. Clover and John Lindow brought together some of the most ambitious and distinguished Old Norse scholars to contribute essays for a collection that would final...
| | Aulus Gellius: Attic Nights, Volume I, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library No. 195) Publication Date: January 1, 1927Aulus Gellius (ca. 123170 CE) is known almost wholly from his Noctes Atticae, 'Attic Nights', so called because it was begun during the nights of an Attic winter. The work collects in twenty books (of Book VIII only the index is extant) interesting notes covering philosophy, history, biography, all sorts of antiquities, points of law, literary criticism, and lexicographic matters, explanations of old words and questions of grammar. The work is valuable because of its many excerpts from other authors whose works are lost; and because of its evidence for ...
| | Aristotle's Ethics (SparkNotes Literature Guide) Publication Date: June 13, 2003| Series: SparkNotes Literature Guide This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1893 edition. Excerpt: ...hold the course which he desires, sails the nearest to it possible; and of two evils prefers the least. We ought next to consider to which of the two extremes or faults we are most prone; for different men are more or less easily beset by different faults or vices, and what these are by which each is most liab...
| | A Companion to the Lancelot-Grail Cycle (Arthurian Studies) Publication Date: March 18, 2010| Series: Arthurian Studies The early thirteenth-century French prose Lancelot-Grail Cycle (or Vulgate Cycle) brings together the stories of Arthur with those of the Grail, a conjunction of materials that continues to fascinate the Western imagination today. Representing what is probably the earliest large-scale use of prose for fiction in the West, it also exemplifies the taste for big cyclic compositions that shaped much of European narrative fiction for three centuries. A Companion to the Lancelot-Grail Cycle is the first comprehensive volume devoted exclus...
| | The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus (Cambridge Companions to Literature) Publication Date: June 19, 2006| ISBN-10: 0521536839 | ISBN-13: 978-0521536837Popularly known as the 'Father of History', Herodotus is the first major prose writer in the history of Western literature whose work has survived in full. At a time when the ancient Greeks' knowledge of the past relied on orally transmitted memories, he was a pioneering historical practitioner who explored the interplay of myth and history and the role of narrative in history. Contributors to this volume analyze Herodotus' Histories and their influence. Taking a thematic approach, they explore the Histories an...
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