| Science and Technology: History Detectives Series Publication Date: November 21, 2003| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Reynard the Fox ...
 |  | Red Foxes (AWWA Manuals) ...
 |  | Science: Playschool Series Publication Date: August 25, 2003| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Runtlys Unforgettable Adventure Publication Date: November 8, 2011Runtly is the youngest, smallest wolf in the pack, but he has a nose for adventure. Unfortunately that curiosity quickly turns to worry when Runtly finds himself alone in the dark! Learn why it's important to stay with the pack in Runtly's Unforgettable Adventure. ...
 |  | Renard de Morlange (French Edition) Publication Date: August 27, 2009Violences, humiliations : rien n'arrête le cruel comte de Morlange. Jusqu'au jour où un curieux vieillard lui prédit que, s'il ne change pas sa conduite, il sera transformé en jeune renard les nuits de pleine lune... ...
 |  | The Trap Publication Date: September 15, 1999| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Ellie lives with animals--an old cat, a stray dog she calls Fang, a goldfish. And until she wakes one spring morning to the taunting bark and yip of coyotes, she's thought she understood God's creatures and loved them. But not the coyotes. Ellie soon meets one at the corner of the family's garage, its yellow eyes cool and unfathomable. A few days later, her cat, Bob, disappears. Fearing the worst, and feeling the worst--a burning for revenge---Ellie heeds a tough-acting classmate and with him sets a trap on a h...
 |  | Shadow Publication Date: February 18, 2010This is the story of Shadow and her life is not fiction. The struggles she faces are constant for all wolves, especially part wolves like her. But, even though her life is full of a pain and suffering that no human life will ever meet, this lone wolf will never give up, no matter how hard the task. She will fight until the final breath of her life is taken. But with so many dangers lurking in the forest, how can she ever know when that might be . . . ? ...
 |  | Rumulus, the Lonely Wolf (Tales of the Old Oak) ...
 |  | Roly y Renee: Los Mejores Amigos (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: December 1, 2001| Age Level: 3 and up The forest is a lonely place especially for a little snake called Roly. He wants to make friends, but the forest animals don't seem to like him. Is it because he's different? He is disheartened. But, one day, Renee, a little fox, asks him to rescue a gift she accidentally dropped into a narrow hole. A job made for someone just like Roly!The book emphasizes the differences between each of us. It illustrates the value and importance of every person's uniqueness by demonstrating that everyone has a valuable role to play in society and that...
 |  | Roly and Renee: The Best of Friends Publication Date: December 1, 2001| Age Level: 3 and up The forest is a lonely place especially for a little snake called Roly. He wants to make friends, but the forest animals don't seem to like him. Is it because he is different? He is disheartened. But, one day, Renee, a little fox, asks him to rescue a gift she accidentally dropped into a narrow hole. A job made for someone just like Roly!The book emphasizes the differences between each of us. It illustrates the value and importance of every person's uniqueness by demonstrating that everyone has a valuable role to play in society and tha...
 |  | Run, Roadrunner, Run! ...
 |  | Romulo, un lobo solitario / Rommulus, the Lonely Wolf (Cuentos Del Viejo Roble / Tales of the Old Oak Tree) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Red Fox on the Move Publication Date: April 10, 2003| Age Level: 3 and up When a bulldozer tears apart the den of Red Fox and his family, they find themselves on the move. In their search for a new home, they encounter an angry snake and an owl. Soaked in the icy river, it seems they'll never find somewhere to live. Then things go from bad to worse. ...
 |  | Roly and Renee: The Best of Friends (Spanish/English Bilingual Edition) Publication Date: December 1, 2001| Age Level: 3 and up The forest is a lonely place especially for a little snake called Roly. He wants to make friends, but the forest animals dont seem to like him. Is it because he's different? He is disheartened. But, one day, Renee, a little fox, asks him to rescue a gift she accidentally dropped into a narrow hole. A job made for someone just like Roly!The book emphasizes the differences between each of us. It illustrates the value and importance of every person's uniqueness by demonstrating that everyone has a valuable role to play in society and...
 |  | Rob and Bo Ban ...
 |  | Redi Fox (Animal Pride Series) ...
 |  | Red Fox Publication Date: April 10, 2003| Age Level: 3 and up Red Fox is hunting for a very special dinner, but he can't find anything nice to eat. There is a guard dog guarding plump chickens, there are no juicy frogs in the pond, and the hare is just too quick for him. In desperation, Red Fox tries his luck in town and finds something delicious in a nearby dustbin. ...
 |  | Ser el Lobo/ To Be the Wolf (Coleccion Torre de Papel: Torre Roja) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Renni the Canny Fox Publication Date: February 28, 2012Although this book is a work of fiction most of the characters are based on real animals.Renni the fox really does lead a double life. Caught between the cruelty of humans and the predatory nature of wild foxes she repays the kindness shown to her by Emily by helping to protect Emily’s pets. The book is illustrated with actual photographs of Renni and her friends.You can also look out for movies of Renni and her friends on YouTube. Search for RenniTheCannyFox. ...
Data Source by Amazon.com |