| Vamos al zoo/ Let's go to the Zoo (Pasapagina Y Aprende/ Turn the Page and Learn) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | Whales Set 2 ...
 | Un viaje al zoologico/Trip to the Zoo (Real Readers En Espanol) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | What Do You Do....At The Zoo? Publication Date: September 1, 2002 ...
 | Uncle Alfredo's Zoo Publication Date: March 1994| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Having traveled to a small village in Italy to see an ancestor's collection of stone animals, Anna is disappointed to find it vanished, but then one night the animals mysteriously reappear. ...
 | Watch Us Play Publication Date: March 1, 1998| Age Level: 3 and up Exuberant, full colour photographs capture t he spirit of sheer animal energy and joy as two lion cubs ru n and pounce, tease and tag, play peek-a-boo and have a nap. ' ...
 | What Has a Long Black Tongue and Grunts?: Giraffe (Uncover and Discover: Mammals) ...
 | What Has a Pointed Head and Eats Lizards?: Compsognathus (Uncover and Discover: Dinosaurs) ...
 | Visiting The Farm / Going To The Zoo ...
 | What Has a Black Nose and Bellows? (Uncover and Discover: Mammals) ...
 | Whales,Dolphins,Porpoises (The New Zoo) ...
 | Valentine Zoo Release Date: December 9, 2008| Age Level: 3 and up Romance is in the air as animals discover love at the zoo! Simple story with funny animal characters told in easy-to-read, rhyming text. Touch, feel, and sound novelties encourage children to interact with the story. Gatefold pull-out at the end of the book opens up to reveal a wedding scene. ...
 | Visit to the Menagerie (American Antiquarian Society) Publication Date: January 17, 2012| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | What Has an 8,000-pound Tongue and Sings?/Que Tiene Una Lengua De 3,600 Kilos Y Canta?: Blue Whale (Uncover and Discover: Mammals (Bl) Observa Y Descubir) ...
 | What Has an 8,000-Pound Tongue and Sings?: Blue Whale (Uncover and Discover: Mammals) ...
 | What Has a Flat Snout and a Curved Claw?: Velociraptor (Uncover and Discover: Dinosaurs) ...
 | VISITA AL ZOOLOGICO (Reflejos/ Reflections) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | What Happens at a Zoo? (Where People Work) ...
 | Vote for Our Zoo (Read-It! Readers) Publication Date: September 1, 2008| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...