| From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature Release Date: December 1, 1992| ISBN-10: 0140144358 | ISBN-13: 978-0140144352| Edition: Reprint From Modernist/Postmodernist perspective, leading critics Richard Ruland (American) and Malcolm Bradbury (British) address questions of literary and cultural nationalism. They demonstrate that since the seventeenth century, American writing has reflected the political and historical climate of its time and helped define America's cultural and social parameters. Above all, they argue that American literature has always been essentially "modern," illustrating this with a broad ran...
 |  | Lima Nights: A Novel Release Date: July 13, 2010Carlos Bluhm leads the good life in upper-class Lima: He attends social functions with his elegant wife, goes out drinking with his three best friends, and has the occasional, fleeting assignation. Then he meets Maria Fernandez, a dancer at a tango bar in a rough part of town. The beautiful fifteen-year-old intoxicates him. An indigenous dark-skinned Peruvian, she represents everything his safe white world does not, and soon he can’t get her out of his mind. They begin a passionate affair, one that will destroy his marriage and shatter the only reality he...
 |  | Twenty One-Act Plays from Twenty Years of the Humana Festival: 1975-1995 (Contemporary Playwrights Series) Publication Date: December 1995| ISBN-10: 1880399989 | ISBN-13: 978-1880399989| Edition: 1st 20 One-Act Plays chosen from 20 years of the Humana Festival. This collection includes work by : Jane Anderson, Lanford Wilson, Neal Bell, Kevin Kling, Marion McClinton and Jeffrey Sweet. ...
 |  | One Bloody Thing After Another Publication Date: March 22, 2010Jackie has a map of the city on the wall of her bedroom, with a green pin for each of her trees. She has a first-kiss tree and a broken-arm tree. She has a car-accident tree. There is a tree at the hospital where Jackie’s mother passed away into the long good night. When one of them gets cut down, Jackie doesn't know what to do but she doesn't let that stop her. She picks up the biggest rock she can carry and puts it through the window of a car. Smash. She intends to leave before the police arrive, but they're early.Ann is Jackie’s best friend, but...
 |  | Unending Devotion Publication Date: September 1, 2012High-Stakes Drama Meets High-Tension RomanceIn 1883 Michigan, Lily Young is on a mission to save her lost sister, or die trying. Heedless of the danger, her searches of logging camps lead her to Harrison and into the sights of Connell McCormick, a man doing his best to add to the hard-earned fortunes of his lumber baron father.Posing during the day as a photographer's assistant, Lily can't understand why any God-fearing citizen would allow evil to persist and why men like Connell McCormick turn a blind eye to the crime rampant in the town. But Connell is bo...
 |  | Augustus: A Novel Release Date: November 9, 2004A brilliant and beautifully written novel in the tradition of Robert Graves’ I, Claudius, Augustus is a sweeping narrative that brings vividly to life a compelling cast of historical figures through their letters, dispatches, and memoirs. A mere eighteen years of age when his uncle, Julius Caesar, is murdered, Octavius Caesar prematurely inherits rule of the Roman Republic. Surrounded by men who are jockeying for power–Cicero, Brutus, Cassius, and Mark Antony–young Octavius must work against the powerful Roman political machinations to claim hi...
 |  | The Reluctant Hero (Harry Jones) Publication Date: June 1, 2012| Series: Harry Jones In his second adventure, Harry Jones is caught in a web of international intrigue, with an old friend as bait and a female scorpion at his side Zac Kravitz has upset someone very important. He has been tortured and cast, barely alive, into an ancient prison deep in the republic of Ta'argistan. Bordering Russia, China, and Afghanistan, and ringed by high mountains, the country is a land of deep snows and still deeper suspicions, and it's about to swallow Zac. But he has a friend. Harry Jones is a former soldier, now a politician, a man ...
 |  | Aquella edad inolvidable (Andanzas / Adventures) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: August 30, 2012| Series: Andanzas / Adventures (Book 780) Souto Menaya, «Botas», es un futbolista que ha tocado la gloria y ahora conoce el infierno. Tras un gol historico en la final de la Copa del Rey de 1944, su carrera se ha visto truncada por una lesion que le ha dejado cojo y medio invalido. El, que ha pasado de albanil a jugador profesional, que salto de los equipos locales al Athletic de Bilbao, el club de sus suenos, necesita un trabajo sentado y acaba aceptando el de ensobrador de cromos, aunque ello suponga, «como una mueca de negro humor anadida a...
 |  | So Shall We Pass Publication Date: August 15, 2011So Shall We Pass is a first-person present tense narrative set in Wharton Texas, a rural and dilapidated town where cotton once made kings out of paupers. The story chronicles a young man's (Jacob's) deteriorating mental health as he copes with the death of his mother, the responsibility of raising a younger sibling, and a deranged father who breeds fighting dogs, deals drugs and rears children all from the once functioning family farm. Jacob struggles to preserve his sister's naïve world-view while searching for meaning and hope in the dismal circ...
 |  | Gods of Sun and Sacrifice: Aztec & Maya Myth (Myth and Mankind) Publication Date: February 1, 1999| Series: Myth and Mankind A dramatic series that captures, culture by culture, the information that never makes it into the history books: strange stories, mystic rites, angry gods, vision quests. ...
 |  | Figures of Play: Greek Drama and Metafictional Poetics Publication Date: December 14, 2000| ISBN-10: 0195116585 | ISBN-13: 978-0195116588| Edition: 1St Edition Figures of Play explores the reflexive aspects of ancient theatrical culture across genres. Fifth century tragedy and comedy sublimated the agonistic basis of Greek civilization in a way that invited the community of the polis to confront itself. In the theatre, as in the courts and assemblies, a significant subset of the Athenian public was spectator and judge of contests where important social and ideological issues were played to it by its own members. The "syntax" of drama is show...
 |  | La retorica del romanticismo / The Rhetoric of Romanticism (Teoria Literaria / Literary Theory) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | The Wind in the Willows: An Annotated Edition Publication Date: May 1, 2009| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Begun as a series of stories told by Kenneth Grahame to his six-year-old son, The Wind in the Willows has become one of the most beloved works of children’s literature ever written. It has been illustrated, famously, by E.H. Shepard and Arthur Rackham, and parts of it were dramatized by A.A. Milne as Toad of Toad Hall. A century after its initial publication it still enchants. Much in Grahame’s novel—the sensitivity of Mole, the mania of Toad, the domesticity of Rat—permeates our imaginativ...
 |  | The Lunatic Cafe Bestseller's Choice (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) ...
 |  | Ravens Deep Publication Date: June 2, 2008Concealed and protected by the ruthless determination of its secretive owner, Ravens Deep is an ancient house that patiently waits to play out the next chapter of its chilling legacy.Madeline Shaw is drawn into the life of the mysterious Mr Chambers.After a romantic, but seemingly supernatural encounter raises suspicion; she is driven to unlock secrets that have remained hidden for centuries.Consequently Madeline abandons the life she knows and commits herself to an uncertain and dangerous future.This gothic love story weaves a psychological thread between good ...
 |  | Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House (Jane Austen Mystery) Release Date: October 29, 2002In her sixth engrossing outing, Jane Austen employs her delicious wit and family ties to the Royal Navy in a case of murder on the high seas. Somewhere in the picturesque British port of Southampton, among a crew of colorful, eccentric, and fiercely individual souls, a killer has come ashore. And only Jane can fathom the depths of his ruthless mind....Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House“I will assert that sailors are endowed with greater worth than any set of men in England.” So muses Jane Austen as she stands in the buffeting wind of SouthamptonR...
 |  | The Little Hummingbird Publication Date: April 27, 2010| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up This inspiring children’s book is based on a South American indigenous story about a courageous hummingbird who defies fear and expectations in her attempt to save the forest from fire. The illustrated story is supplemented by a natural and cultural history of hummingbirds, as well as an inspiring message from Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai. The evocative artwork by internationally renowned Haida artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas complements this optimistic tale that encourages everyone to take res...
 |  | The Race of the Birkebeiners Publication Date: October 22, 2007| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: K and up *Engaging . . . Azarian’s finely detailed woodcut illustrations, hand-tinted with watercolors, capture the serene snow-covered landscape. . . . In direct and compelling prose, Lunge-Larsen recounts how the two Birkebeiners most renowned for their skiing ability forge ahead.”Publishers Weekly, starred review It is the year 1206, and deep in the snow-covered mountains and valleys of Norway, the fiercest warriors in the land struggle to ski a baby to safety . . .This is a story of the Birkebe...
 |  | Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey Release Date: April 10, 2007| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 |  | Long Ball: The Legend and Lore of the Home Run (Spectacular Sports) ...
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