| Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals: Delicious, Primal-approved meals you can make in under 30 minutes (Primal Blueprint Series) Publication Date: March 25, 2011| Series: Primal Blueprint Series Low carb styles of eating--whether touted as Primal, paleo, Atkins or the evolutionary diet--have proven to be the most effective for health and weight management.Unfortunately, many adherents find that regularly preparing healthy, natural meals the traditional ways can often take more time than they would like to spend. Following the immensely successful Primal Blueprint and Primal Blueprint Cookbook, Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals offers healthy, low-carb Primal-approved recipes that can all be completed in under half...
 |  | Veiled Rose (Tales of Goldstone Wood) Publication Date: July 1, 2011| Series: Tales of Goldstone Wood (Book 2) Rose Red trusts no one with her secret. She hides in the forest, her face veiled in rags, shunning the company of all save her old father and her nanny goat. Her life is bleak and lonely.Until she meets a privileged young man sent to spend his summer in the mountains. Leo, a lonely lad, befriends Rose Red, and together they begin hunting for the Mountain Monster which, rumor says, stalks these lands.But the hunt which began as a game holds greater risk than Leo supposes. Rose Red can scarcely guess at the consequences s...
 |  | Not of This World: Creatures of the Supernatural in Scotland (Mercat Press) Publication Date: October 1, 2002| Series: Mercat Press Bauchans, Blue Men of the Minch, Black Dogs, Changelings, Gruagachs, Mermaids, Urisks, Vampires, Warlocks . . . these are only some of the strange creatures that haunt the folk tales and old beliefs of Scotland. Every locality—almost every hill, stream or loch—was once thought to be inhabited by supernatural beings that lived side by side with mankind and the visible world. In every part of Scotland, legends were told and songs were sung about things that only came out after dark, or which lured travelers to a dreadful fate ...
 |  | My Parents are Sex Maniacs: A High School Horror Story by Harding, Robyn published by Annick Press Hardcover ...
 |  | THE SUMMER OF THE CITROEN Publication Date: July 31, 2012When Jean Russo and his beautiful wife Mina move into a north Alabama community driving "a funny lookin' French car," they set into motion events that forever change young Dex Morris and his family. The first of three planned novels that follow Dex over three decades, The Summer of the Citroen is a warm, engaging narrative that once started is hard to put down. ...
 |  | Egypt: The Book of Chaos Release Date: December 6, 2011 The future of Egypt lies in the hands of chief detective Rahotep in this final installment of Nick Drakes acclaimed ancient Egyptian trilogy. King Tutankhamun has died without an heir, and his young widow, Queen Ankhesenamun, last of her dynasty, struggles to maintain power and order. To defeat her enemies, she has but one hope: to forge an alliance with the Hittites, a powerful, militant new empire that threatens Egypts supremacy. The loyal Rahotep, chief detective of the Thebes Medjaythe ancient capitals elite police forceand...
 |  | Select Scripts: Youth and Family Publication Date: February 1, 1999| Series: Selectscripts (Book 2) One of 3 volumes by couples who have audiences laughing in the aisles while teaching how to lead a Christian life. Each volume contains approximately eight scripts with discussion questions to prompt audience participation. ...
 |  | Frontier Taiwan Publication Date: April 15, 2001| Series: Modern Chinese Literature from Taiwan Taiwan has evolved dramatically from a little-known island to an internationally acclaimed economic miracle and thriving democracy. The history of modern Taiwanese poetry parallels and tells the story of this transformation from periphery to frontier. Containing translations of nearly 400 poems from 50 poets spanning the entire twentieth century, this anthology reveals Taiwan in a broad spectrum of themes, forms, and styles: from lyrical meditation to political satire, haiku to concrete poetry, surrealism to post...
 |  | The Art of Scandal: Modernism, Libel Law, and the Roman a Clef (Modernist Literature & Culture) Publication Date: April 23, 2009| Series: Modernist Literature & Culture The Art of Scandal advances a relatively simple claim with far-reaching consequences for modernist studies: writers and readers throughout the early twentieth century revived the long-despised codes and habits of the roman à clef as a key part of that larger assault on Victorian realism we now call modernism. In the process, this resurgent genre took on a life of its own, reconfiguring the intricate relationship between literature, celebrity, and the law. Sean Latham summons cases of the novel's social notoriety-an...
 |  | Life's Spices from Seasoned Sistahs: A Collection of Life Stories from Mature Women of Color Publication Date: March 2005"Life's Spices From Seasoned Sistahs"A Collection of Life Stories From Mature Women of Color These are true stories and poems from the voices of women of color. These "seasoned sistahs" hail from all across the United States and also include a sistah living in India. They boldly share the defining events in their lives. They tell of relationships, parenting, family, self esteem, mothers, forgiveness, death, and finding a spiritual path. They describe how they walked these journeys in their lives.This first volume of stories and poetry is foryounger women just expe...
 |  | Introduction to the Bible (The Open Yale Courses Series) Publication Date: October 30, 2012| Series: The Open Yale Courses Series This book examines the small library of 24 books common to all Jewish and Christian Bibles—books that preserve the efforts of diverse writers over a span of many centuries to make sense of their personal experiences and those of their people, the ancient Israelites. Professor Christine Hayes guides her readers through the complexities of this polyphonous literature that has served as a foundational pillar of Western civilization, underscoring the variety and even disparities among the voices that speak in the...
 |  | Afterglow (Lodestone) Release Date: March 20, 2012| Series: Lodestone Pleasure with a price. A high-profile celebrity wedding in Monaco is the kind of A-list event security specialist Rand Maguire excels at. Everything goes like clockwork, until guests start inexplicably losing all their inhibitions. . . . Painful secrets from the past. Rand is no stranger to the effects of Rapture. His chemist father’s attempt at a cure for depression caused Rand’s mother’s death years ago, and put his father away for her murder. Now someone is circulating Rapture in a campaign of terror, intending to manufactu...
 |  | The Lonely Silver Rain (Travis McGee Series) Release Date: April 20, 1996| Series: Travis McGee Series "Travis McGee is back in action and he is in fine, fine form....What a treat. It is John D. MacDonald's 21st Travies McGee book and, without reservaton, his best."THE SAN DIEGO TRIBUNESearching for a wealthy friend's yacht, Travis McGee puts himself square in the center of the international cocaine trade, and finds himself the target of some of the most ruthless villains he's ever met. Contemplating his own mortality for the first time, Travis McGee discovers amid all the danger the astonishing surprise behind the cat-shaped...
 |  | Murder at the Lanterne Rouge: An Aimee Leduc Investigation (Aimee Leduc Investigations) Release Date: March 6, 2012| Series: Aimee Leduc Investigations Aimée Leduc is happy her long-time business partner René has found a girlfriend. Really, she is. It’s not her fault if she can’t suppress her doubts about the relationship; René is moving way too fast, and Aimée’s instincts tell her Meizi, this supposed love of René’s life, isn’t trustworthy. And her misgivings may not be far off the mark: Meizi disappears during a Chinatown dinner to take a phone call and never comes back to the restaurant. Minutes later, the body...
 |  | The complete Sherlock Holmes: In six volumes ...
 |  | In the Night Kitchen (Caldecott Collection) Release Date: January 18, 1996| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | Hares and the Elephants (Fables from the Panchatantra) ...
 |  | Soccer (Innovation in Sports) ...
 |  | Ardilla tiene hambre Publication Date: January 1, 1998| Age Level: 1 and up La ardilla, nada tonta, busca un escondite seguro para guardar su comida (una hermosa nuez), lo cual no es fácil. Sin embargo, después de mucho buscar, lo encuentra; claro, como no lo logró tan rápido y le dio hambre, el escondite también le sirvió de comedor. ...
 |  | Incredible Fishing Stories for Kids ...
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