| Start Worrying: Details to Follow : An Insider's Irreverent (But Loving View of American Jewish Life) ...
 |  | The Arrivals Publication Date: June 1, 2004Flight 785 is bound for London and Brussels, but its passengers aredestined to arrive at an unexpected destination. Theirs is a journeythat will continue until they each find their true home and, in theprocess, uncover their innermost being. Written by Naomi GladishSmith, The Arrivals will intrigue readers from all walks of lifeand faiths and provoke discussion. We follow a small group oftravelers---a husband and wife on their way to Ireland, a young womanbeginning a fellowship at a prestigious British university, businesspeople on their way to various conferenc...
 |  | Masquerade (Redemption Trilogy) Publication Date: April 19, 2011| Series: Redemption Trilogy (Book 1) Trapped in an abusive relationship, Claire Matthews does her best to blend in. She works her nursing shift and keeps her NFL star boyfriend, Steven Roberts, updated on where she is and what she's doing. Her close friend Beth has shared about the hope her faith brings, but Claire knows Beth can't understand her predicament. Nothing can protect her from Steven. No one has. When a miscommunication brings Steven's full wrath upon her, leaving Claire beaten beyond recognition, Claire sees a way out. With the help of a friend wh...
 |  | Rumors of the Undead (30 Days of Night, Book 1) Release Date: February 28, 2006In a sleepy, secluded Alaska town called Barrow, the sun sets and doesn't rise for more than thirty consecutive days and nights from November to December. During this time a few years ago, from the darkness and across the frozen wasteland, an evil that normally preferred to exist in the shadows descended upon Barrow and brought the residents to their knees. Barrow's only hope was Eben and Stella Olemaun, a husband-and-wife law enforcement team who were torn between their own survival and saving the town they loved. Months later, as Stella Olemaun attempts to wa...
 |  | The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope (Cambridge Companions to Literature) Publication Date: January 14, 2008| ISBN-10: 0521840139 | ISBN-13: 978-0521840132| Edition: 1 Alexander Pope was the greatest poet of his age and the dominant influence on eighteenth-century British poetry. His large oeuvre, written over a thirty-year period, encompasses satires, odes and political verse and reflects the sexual, moral and cultural issues of the world around him, often in brilliant lines and phrases which have become part of our language today. This is the first overview to analyse the full range of Pope's work and to set it in its historical and cultural context. Special...
 |  | Frankenstein (Cliffs Notes) Publication Date: July 3, 2000| Series: Cliffsnotes The original CliffsNotes study guides offer a look into key elements and ideas within classic works of literature. The latest generation of titles in this series also features glossaries and visual elements that complement the familiar format.CliffsNotes on Frankenstein digs into Dr. Victor Frankenstein's scientific creation, a "hideous and gigantic" monster that the good doctor tries to defeat throughout most of the novel.Following the story of an obsessive man whose determination to create a new race of humans produces monstrous results, ...
 |  | White Mythologies Publication Date: August 18, 2004| ISBN-10: 0415311810 | ISBN-13: 978-0415311816| Edition: 2 In 1990, Robert Young's White Mythologies set out to question the very concepts of history and the West. Is it possible, he asked, to write history that avoids the trap of Eurocentrism? Is history simply a Western myth? His reflections on these topics provided some of the most important new directions in postcolonial studies and continue to exert a huge influence on the field. This new edition reprints what has quickly become a classic text, along with a substantial new essay reflecting on change...
 |  | Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century Publication Date: February 1, 1999Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century, edited by director Jo Bonney, features the work of 42 solo artists spanning the century-from Beatrice Herford in 1869 to Dawn Akemi Saito in 1994. Each artists' work is introduced by a journalist, artist, critic, agent, producer or educator who is intimately familiar with the material and its links to other forms such as vaudeville, theatre, cabaret, music, standup comedy, poetry, the visual arts and dance. In Bonney's words, "This anthology documents a part of our literary/...
 |  | Wormery (Dr Who Big Finish) ...
 |  | The Faber Book of Monologues: Men Release Date: March 31, 2005With an impressive array of speeches from a diverse range of first-class playwrights, the Faber Book of Monologues is an indispensable guide to new, untapped, and cutting-edge material. Designed for use in professional auditions as well as student workshops, each volume contains over twenty-five selections, ranging in age from twenty to sixty-five, which are culled from a rich variety of tragic, comic, realist and absurdist works by the most vibrant new playwrights, as well as critically-acclaimed pieces from established masters such as Richard Greenberg, David Ha...
 |  | Las diez mil cosas (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: May 1, 2004Siempre al borde de la ironía o la parodia, pero también al filo inquisitivo de las cosas las diez mil cosas celebradas con acentos melancólicos y firmes, el rito que Eduardo Hurtado consuma en este hermoso libro de poemas arranca y desemboca en el sustancioso claroscuro de la mirada. Una mirada que busca eludir la gravedad de lo mayúsculo y que, por lo tanto, tampoco es reductible; mirada horizontal y penetrante que sabe hallar asombros en la emoción y el escrutinio. ...
 |  | Chinese Love Poetry (Gift Books) Publication Date: February 5, 2004| Series: Gift Books Selected English translations by respected scholars are each illustrated with a scene from a Chinese painting or print in the collection of the British Museum. Each poem is also illuminated by the artistic brushwork calligraphy of Qu Lei Lei. Further reading and brief biographies of the poets are also provided. ...
 |  | Basho's Ghost (Carnegie Mellon Poets in Prose Series) Publication Date: January 1, 2004| Series: Carnegie Mellon Poets in Prose Series Embodied among travel sketches and portraits of people and places visited during his 1988 stay in Japan on a Japan-U.S. Fellowship, Sam Hamill presents a reading of Japanese poetry beginning with the eighteenth-century anthology, Man'yoshu, tracing the development of the Japanese poetic imagination up through the seventeenth-century poet Bash , the eighteenth-century monk/poet Ry kan, and concluding with Japan's first Mondernist poet, Takamura Kotar . Visiting places in Japan's north country where Bashtraveled t...
 |  | A Life in Letters (Penguin Classics) Release Date: September 28, 2004| Series: Penguin Classics From his teenage years in provincial Russia to his premature death in 1904, Anton Chekhov wrote thousands of letters to a wide range of correspondents. This fascinating new selection tells Chekhov's story as a man and a writer through affectionate bulletins to his family, insightful discussions of literature with publishers and theater directors, and tender love letters to his actress wife. Vividly evoking landscapes, people, and his daily life, the letters offer revealing glimpses into Chekhov's preoccupations-the onset of tuberculo...
 |  | Giving Good Weight Publication Date: April 1, 1994"You people come into the market—the Greenmarket, in the open air under the down pouring sun—and you slit the tomatoes with your fingernails. With your thumbs, you excavate the cheese. You choose your stringbeans one at a time. You pulp the nectarines and rape the sweet corn. You are something wonderful, you are—people of the city—and we, who are almost without exception strangers here, are as absorbed with you as you seem to be with the numbers on our hanging scales." So opens the title piece in this collection of John McPhee's classic ...
 |  | Indigo Bay Publication Date: September 2001Michaela Marie Chadwick (nicknamed Mica) has inherited Sea Crest, her great-great-aunt's home on the island, Indigo Bay. Built in the early 1800's, the old home has been converted to a bed and breakfast. Mica sees her inheritance as an opportunity to escape and come to grips with her life. She's initiated a divorce against her irresponsible husband, and she's unhappy working in her father's law firm.As Mica searches for her answers, she hears loud voices and music from the second floor. She investigates, passing through a door to another section of Sea Crest w...
 |  | The Optical Effects of Lightning ...
 |  | Proof Positive CD Release Date: June 27, 2006 Doug Weaver is a defense attorney who always believes the best of his clients, and Jacob Cohen, on trial for murder, is no exception. Jacob may be homeless and mentally ill, but Doug can't believe that this meek and intensely religious man could have killed and dismembered a woman. Yet Bernard Cashman, a forensic expert at the Oregon State Crime Lab, finds evidence that indisputably connects Cohen with the crime. Frustrated and confused, Doug consults Amanda Jaffe, who, with her father, Frank, is working on a case that seems completely unrelated -- gangster Art ...
 |  | The Bat Boy and His Violin (Aladdin Picture Books) Release Date: January 1, 2001| Age Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Sports Cars (Pebble Plus) Publication Date: January 2, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
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