| Hughie. Publication Date: January 1998"Hughie" is a short two-character play by Eugene O’Neill set in the lobby of a small hotel on a West Side street in midtown New York during the summer of 1928. The play is essentially a long monologue delivered by a small time hustler named Erie Smith to the hotel’s new night clerk Charlie Hughes, lamenting how Smith’s luck has gone bad since the death of Hughie, Hughes' predecessor.Einstein Books' edition of "Hughie" contains supplementary texts: • "The Gambler", a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. • "The Lay Of The Singer's ...
 | Queenmaker: A Novel of King David's Queen Publication Date: January 5, 2002The only woman in the Bible who is noted to have loved a man, Queen Michal was King David's childhood sweetheart, his first wife, and daughter of his great friend and greater enemy, King Saul. Married to and then abandoned by David at age 14, Michal is forced to marry him again and become his first queen ten years later. Thrown into transition and turmoil, Queen Michal resists the ambition and greed that have become integral to David's personality and kingship. Acting nobly as his queen, but refusing to compromise her soul, Michal is drawn in friendship to th...
 | Anthologie De La Litterature Francaise : Des Origines a La Fin du Dix-Huitieme Siecle Release Date: April 12, 1990| ISBN-10: 0195062760 | ISBN-13: 978-0195062762| Edition: 3 The main change from the previous edition is the substitution of Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" for "Le Misanthrope". ...
 | All Fires the Fire ...
 | From Karamzin to Bunin: An Anthology of Russian Short Stories Release Date: January 22, 1969"... highly recommended.... This anthology of faithful translations of the classics is by far the best of its kind to come out for a long time." —Canadian Slavic Review ...
 | Four Old Icelandic Sagas and Other Tales Publication Date: January 25, 1986| ISBN-10: 0819147036 | ISBN-13: 978-0819147035Contains a collection of translations from Old Icelandic. Includes four sagas and five shorter narratives, most of which appear for the first time in English. Contents:The Saga of Clever Ref; The Story of Thorstein of the East Fjords; The Saga of Valla Ljot; The Story of Thorvard Crow-Noes; The Story of Shuttle-Halli; The Story of Gold Asa-Thord; The Saga of Oath-Bound Men; The Story of Gisl Illugason; The Saga of Bjorn, Champion of Hitardale; Bibliography. ...
 | Beauty of the Badlands Publication Date: April 1, 2009| ISBN-10: 0864735839 | ISBN-13: 978-0864735836In part a homage to Bob Dylan, the classic American road trip is ironically paralleled to a visit to the underworld in this reverent and curious poetic journey across the United States. From the marginal clays and farms of the poet’s hometown to the mountains and deserts of the American southwest, this wistful and wise collection offers poems that are fiercely honest and contain a wide variety of images, from science to religion to American life since 9/11. ...
 | The Paston Letters: A Selection in Modern Spelling (Oxford World's Classics) Publication Date: February 15, 2009| Series: Oxford World's Classics The Pastons of Norfolk left behind them an incomparable picture of life in fifteenth-century England in the earliest great collection of family letters in English. The letters span three generations and most were written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III, in a period of political turmoil, local anarchy, and war abroad and at home. They reveal personal hopes and anxieties, and contain as well as business matters a wealth of information on leisure pursuits, education, and domestic life. The writers exp...
 | Still a Mistress: The Saga Continues Publication Date: November 22, 2007Lured by money and men, Still a Mistress explores the gritty world of good girls gone bad. A year after the tragic death of her family, Oshyn is still trying to piece together what's left of her life. While struggling to return to a drama free world, she is optimistic about her future. Little does she know that her cousin, Chloe, has reappeared to finish what she started, a vindictive cycle of mayhem. When Chloe finds herself in water that's too deep, a face from her past comes back to haunt her. She ends up pulling out every trick in the book, determined t...
 | Summer's Portal Publication Date: May 9, 2011Summer's Portal is the first of a five-part time-travel adventure beginning in the Paris of 1920.In our present, Chloe Alexandra Steffington's enviable existence comes to an end with the disappearance of her archeologist parents.Increasingly suspicious that all is not as it seems, she discovers an old document leading her to reluctantly believe her parents are time-travelers.The sudden appearance of Dr. David Stewart leads to a grand adventure in pre World War II France initially preventing the Third Reich from getting wind of this technology.Much more is at stak...
 | Havoc Release Date: February 2, 2010When CIA Officer Tom Grant was pulled out of early retirement to investigate a recent high-tech robbery at United States Nanotechnologies, America's government-run agency for the development of nanoweapons, he had no idea that he would be propelled into the middle of a conspiracy that could threaten the survival of our species. Teaming up with young Rachel Muratani, a rising star in the agency, and Karen Frost, an old hand from the FBI, Grant tracks the cyber thieves to CyberWerke, a German conglomerate run by Rolf Hartman. Hartman has stretched his high-te...
 | The Assignment Publication Date: July 18, 2000Book Description: Your first assignment: Take the new, revamped Space Shuttle to Mars and examine the mysterious face structure. While youre there, look at the pyramid-like objects, also.Your second assignment: Continue the voyage to Jupiter and look for signs of intelligent life. DO NOT LAND UNLESS NECESSARY.You will be informed of your final assignment after arriving at Jupiter.For eight adventurers from different backgrounds and different professions, it sounded easy. But from the takeoff, it seemed doomed: Objects are not stored properly for launch; a new e...
 | Flower Fairies Sparkly Sticker Book Publication Date: April 7, 2005| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | World Series Classics Publication Date: October 1, 1996Recounts the World Series games of 1912, 1924, 1947, 1975 and 1991. ...
 | Learning How: Karate (Learning How Sports) Publication Date: August 1992 ...
 | Carl Edwards (Nascar Champions) ...
 | Cool Quick Breads: Easy Recipes for Kids to Bake (Checkerboard Science Library: Cool Baking) ...
 | Arbuthnot Lectures, 1980-1989: Association for Library Service to Children ...
 | A Kosher Treat- A Happy Passover Children's Story For Children 4-8 Years Old (A Happy Children Stories Series) ...
 | Who Made God? Release Date: September 10, 2002| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up 'Remember when you were a child and the things you wondered about God? Kids are no different today.They have questions about God that seem to have no logical explanation, but best-selling author Larry Libby offers sensitive, biblically-based answers to difficult questions.Filled with warm, heartwarming illustrations that create a comforting atmosphere for talking with children about their deep questions about God, Who Made God? provides a special time of sharing with your child. Help your child discover answers abo...