| Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties: A Novel Publication Date: September 8, 2003Leticia Marisol Estrella Torrez, a university honors graduate, moves north to Los Angeles in an attempt to break from the traditional grandmother who raised her and from Weeping Woman, the Mexican folkloric siren who is said to fly through the skies at night to steal troublesome children and who has courted Leticia since her adolescence.In Los Angeles, Leticia is quickly immersed in the post-punk, post-Queer hipster scene, and after a short-lived affair with the devastating Edith, Leticia meets K, a tall, dark and handsome Old Spice-wearing lovely from Phil...
 |  | Red Bird: Poems Release Date: April 1, 2009Mary Oliver's twelfth book of poetry, Red Bird comprises sixty-one poems, the most ever in a single volume of her work. Overflowing with her keen observation of the natural world and her gratitude for its gifts, for the many people she has loved in her seventy years, as well as for her disobedient dog Percy, Red Bird is a quintessential collection of Oliver's finest lyrics. ...
 |  | Kilkenny Release Date: June 1, 1984Kilkenny wasn’t looking for trouble when he entered the Clifton House stage station, but trouble found him when a reckless youngster named Tetlow challenged him, drew his gun, and paid for it with his life.Looking to escape a reputation that he never wanted, Kilkenny settles in the lonely mountain country of Utah, planning to ranch a high, lush valley. But the past is on his trail. Jared Tetlow is a powerful rancher determined to run his vast herd on the limited grasslands there—whether he has to buy out the local ranchers, run them out, or kill them. ...
 |  | Brian Froud's World of Faerie Publication Date: September 4, 2007Drawing inspiration from the gnarled shrubbery of England's windswept moorlands, Brian Froud is best known for being the mad genius behind Jim Henson's film The Dark Crystal and illustrating such best-sellers as Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book. In this volume, a long-awaited sequel to his international best-sellers Faeries and Good Faeries/Bad Faeries, Froud returns to the world of faerie with a wealth of new, never-before-seen paintings, watercolors, and drawings. Brian Froud's World of Faerie offers us a startling new vision of the magical realm, enh...
 |  | Die Leute von Seldwyla (German Edition) Publication Date: August 14, 2006Amuesante und seltsame Begebenheiten aus dem Leben der Einwohner des kleinen schweizerischen Ortes Seldwyla ...
 |  | The Devilish Dialogues Publication Date: January 1, 2003In this intriguing set of ""no holds barred"" verbal exchanges, advocates for the Lord and the Devil discuss six of Jesus' parables in a point/counterpoint framework. Clearly delineated opposing points of view shed new light on these familiar stories, and the fascinating format is guaranteed to keep you reading to see how the arguments will develop. The stark contrast of the Devil's enticements with the Lord's redeeming message provides a stimulating vehicle for seriously confronting basic issues of faith, while reaffirming the Good News of God's ultimate vic...
 |  | Assaracus Issue 03: A Journal of Gay Poetry Publication Date: July 1, 2011| ISBN-10: 0983293155 | ISBN-13: 978-0983293156Magazine. Poetry. LGBT Studies. ASSARACUS is a quarterly journal of gay poetry, features a substantial collection of work by ten gay poets. ISSUE 03 features poetry by Antler, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Bryan Borland, Steven Cordova, Carl Miller Daniels, Jeremy Halinen, Terry Jaensch, Scott Wiggerman, Chuck Willman, and Nicholas YB Wong, plus ten poets on James Franco (Shane Allison, Bradley Bentz, Perry Brass, Philip Clark, Alex Dimitrov, Jory Mickelson, Stephen Scott Mills, Ed Rose, Sam Sanders, and Luke She...
 |  | Das Buch Der Lieder (German Edition) Publication Date: September 9, 2009Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur.Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT + KRITIK.Heinrich Heine, dieser entlaufene Romantiker, ist der Dichter der unglücklich Verliebten, der Außenseiter und Weltfremden. Wie kein anderer versteht er es, aus dem reichen Schatz romantischer Bilder und Sehnsüchte zu schöpfen, ihre Erstarrung zum Klischee aufs Korn zu nehmen und doch festzuhalten am romantische...
 |  | Tre generazioni di haiku (Italian Edition) Publication Date: March 27, 2012Gli haiku sono componimenti tradizionali giapponesi di tre versi e 17 sillabe che contengono un preciso riferimento al tempo dell'anno attraverso la riscoperta delle manifestazioni della natura. In questa raccolta gli autori reinterpretano questa formula attraverso una sensibilità più tipicamente mediterranea e una metrica che riconduce alla tradizione italiana dell'ermetismo, creando una sintesi che affascinerà i lettori. ...
 |  | Sir Gawain: Knight of the Goddess Release Date: March 25, 2003Restores Gawain of Camelot to his true role as the foremost representative and servant of the Goddess.• The full story of Gawain of Camelot that restores a lost piece of the great Arthurian tapestry.• Traces the historical trends that demoted Gawain from the foremost knight of the Round Table to a villain and womanizer. • The result of more than 20 years of research by one of the world's leading scholars of Arthurian mythology.Sir Gawain, the nephew of King Arthur, was once the most important knight at Arthur's court, a shining example of all tha...
 |  | Discourse and Communication: New Approaches to the Analysis of Mass Media Discourse and Communication (Research in Text Theory) ...
 |  | Seduction in Death Release Date: September 1, 2001Dante had been courting his victim in cyberspace for weeks before meeting her in person. A few sips of wine and a few hours later, she was dead. The murder weapon: a rare, usually undetectable date-rape drug with a street value of a quarter million dollars.Detective Eve Dallas is playing and replaying the clues in her mind. The candlelight, the music, the rose petals strewn across the beda seduction meant for his benefit, not hers. He hadn’t intended to kill her. But now that he had, he is left with only two choices: to either hole up in fear and gu...
 |  | Comfort and Joy Publication Date: November 8, 2010A season of love. A season of cheer.To a joyful present and a well-remembered past.Five stories of the joyful gift of this holiday season.Peace, Joy, Love and Lasting Happiness.Authors - Leanne Burroughs, Polly McCrillis, Amy Blizzard, Chris Holmes, Kristy Bock ...
 |  | Ruskin's Romantic Tours 1837-1838 ...
 |  | Restitution Publication Date: July 1, 2001Picking up three months after "Retribution" left off, this is the story of how Ice finally makes full restitution for her crimes by agreeing to a plea bargain set up by a secret justice probe. ...
 |  | Hand of Evil (Ali Reynolds) Release Date: November 18, 2008| Series: Ali Reynolds With his hand trapped in the door of a speeding car, a man struggles to remain upright as he's dragged along a deserted stretch of San Juan Road in Phoenix's South Mountain Preserve. It's the perfect place to drive a man to his grave -- literally. Starting with a crime so gruesome even prowling coyotes keep their distance from the remains, a killer begins crisscrossing the Southwest on a spree of grisly murders. A hundred miles away, Ali Reynolds is grieving. The newscasting job she once delighted in is gone and so is the philandering hus...
 |  | The Chestnut King: Book 3 of the 100 Cupboards Release Date: January 26, 2010| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | The Mystery of the Great Pyramid, Part 2: Blake and Mortimer 3 (The Adventures of Blake & Mortimer) (Pt. 2) Publication Date: February 29, 2008 ...
 |  | Medusa Release Date: April 25, 2000| Age Level: 7 and up Medusa was born the only beautiful daughter to the ugliest sea witch ever to inhabit the depths of the ocean. Her looks were radiant enough to gain the adoration of Poseidon, King of the Oceans, causing her to become very vain. But vanity is a dangerous thing in a world controlled by jealous gods. Athena, goddess of beauty, is angered by Medusa's conceit and pronounces a curse: "Anyone who looks at you will turn to stone. Hide yourself if you can!" With this, Medusa is transformed into a hideous monster, forced to hide herself in a distant ca...
 |  | Ol' Paul, the Mighty Logger Publication Date: July 1, 1988| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Ten tales of Paul Bunyan including how he built the Rockies, how the rain fell up one spring, and how Paul stops a river from whistling. ...
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