| Caliban And Other Essays Publication Date: November 27, 1989| ISBN-10: 0816617430 | ISBN-13: 978-0816617432| Edition: 1 Roberto Fernandez Retamar -- poet, essayist, and professor of philology at the University of Havana -- has long served as the Cuban Revolution's primary cultural and literary voice. An erudite and widely respected hispanist, Retamar is known for his meticulous efforts to dismantle Eurocentric colonial and neocolonial thoughts. Since its publication in Cuba in 1971, 'Caliban' -- the first and longest of the 5 essays in this book -- has become a kind of manifesto for Latin American and Caribbean ...
 |  | Lakota ...
 |  | Engaging Voices: Tales of Morality and Meaning in an Age of Global Warming Publication Date: March 1, 2011Our ecological dilemmas provoke powerful emotions and deeply contested views. How should we think about them? And how can we live together, or even talk together, when we cannot listen to people who think differently?In a lively and at times very funny book, Roger S. Gottlieb (A Greener Faith, This Sacred Earth, A Spirituality of Resistance) explores these questions in a collection of distinct but related philosophical short stories. Fictional characters with personalities, individual histories, and strong opinions wrestle with the meaning of life, the value of...
 |  | A Prairie Christmas Collection: 9 Historical Christmas Romances from America's Great Plains Publication Date: September 1, 2010<DIV> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none" class=MsoNormal>Experience Christmas on the historical American Great Plains as retold by nine different multi-published authors, including Tracie Peterson and Deborah Raney. Follow pioneers, immigrants, and orphans through their adventures, heartaches, challenges, victories, and romances. You are sure to find more than one favorite among the nine holiday romances in this unique collection to warm your heart and inspire your faith.</P><...
 |  | El Rey Victorino. (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: April 11, 2012El REY VICTORINO es una historia que nos abre una definida pero infinita ventana al tiempo del Reino prometido por el Hijo de Dios. Aquí no hay prolepsis que destruya ni luchas entre palabras agudas, esdrújulas, graves o regulares, sino un prolijo enlace desde ese futuro en que se nos predijo desde antaño:...Y acontecerá en los póstreros tiempos, que el monte de la casa de Yahweh será constituido por cabecera de montes, y más alto que los collados, y correrán a él los pueblos. Y vendrán muchas gentes y dirá...
 |  | Masters of British Literature, Volume A Publication Date: February 26, 2007| ISBN-10: 0321333993 | ISBN-13: 978-0321333995| Edition: 1 Written by an editorial team whose members are all actively engaged in teaching and in current scholarship, Masters of British Literature is a concise, yet comprehensive survey of the key writers whose classic works have shaped British literature. Featuring major works by the most influential authors in the British literary tradition–Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Sidney, Donne, Milton, Behn, Swift, Pope, Johnson–this compact anthology offers comprehensive coverage of the endu...
 |  | The Essential Haiku: Versions of Basho, Buson, & Issa (Essential Poets) Release Date: August 1, 1995American readers have been fascinated, since their exposure to Japanese culture late in the nineteenth century, with the brief Japanese poem called the hokku or haiku. The seventeen-syllable form is rooted in a Japanese tradition of close observation of nature, of making poetry from subtle suggestion. Infused by its great practitioners with the spirit of Zen Buddhism, the haiku has served as an example of the power of direct observation to the first generation of American modernist poets like Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams and also as an example of spontan...
 |  | Mosley Street Melodramas - Volume 1, The Publication Date: November 7, 2008Various male and female roles / Melodrama / Simple setWith the Mosley Street Melodramas you'll sigh for the dainty Heroine, cheer for the righteous Hero, and boo and hiss the dastardly Villain in plays with a contemporary twist on the traditional version. These hysterical, audience-participation plays are perfect for community theatres, churches and schools to perform. Especially for fundraisers! These ain't your Gramma's melodramas!Plays include The Lost Samantha Treasure, The Plague on Madison Avenue, The Mystery of Baby Leah, and Another Kennedy in the Wh...
 |  | Six Plays by Henrik Ibsen (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) Publication Date: November 1, 2003| Series: Barnes & Noble Classics Six Plays by Henrik Ibsen is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics: New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes and endnotes Selective...
 |  | Articulations: The Body and Illness in Poetry ...
 |  | Scarecrow & Other Anomalies Publication Date: February 1, 2002| ISBN-10: 1879378213 | ISBN-13: 978-1879378216| Edition: Bilingual Poetry, Latino/Latina Studies. Bilingual edition; first English translation. SCARECROW is indescribable. It is so spectacularly original that even though alerted by advance notice, the reader will still be surprised by it more than anything else he or she might have ever read. "It appears that I am living,/ that I exist amid this noise,/That I can see these walls,/ that these hands are mine,/ but perhaps I am mistaken / and walls and hands/ are only things remembered / from a former life...
 |  | Abschied Von Jerusalem (Fiction, Poetry & Drama) (German Edition) ...
 |  | Hanuabada: Poems (Papua Pocket Poets, 31) ...
 |  | Writing Activity Book (British Museum) Publication Date: January 1996 ...
 |  | Poems on Contemporary Events: The Visio Anglie (1381) and Cronica tripertita (1400) (Studies and Texts) Publication Date: March 1, 2011| ISBN-10: 0888441746 | ISBN-13: 978-0888441744The English poet John Gower (ca. 13301408) wrote important Latin poems witnessing the two crucial political events of his day: the Peasants Revolt of 1381 and in 1399 the deposition of Richard II, in the Visio Anglie (A Vision of England) and Cronica tripertita (A Chronicle in Three Parts), respectively. Both poems, usually transmitted with Gowers major Latin work, Vox clamantis, are key primary sources for the historical record, as well as marking culminating points in the development of Engl...
 |  | El Refugio de Yvette: Vampiros de Scanguards (Volume 4) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: June 23, 2012Después de haber sido secuestrado por un cazador de vampiros, el primer instinto de Yvette, un vampiro guardaespaldas, era matar al bastardo. Pero antes de que se presentara la oportunidad, se da cuenta de que él había sido traicionado por la bruja para la cual trabajaba y ahora se encuentra en tanto peligro como ella. Para sacar a su hermano de problemas, Haven, el cazador de recompensas/asesino de vampiros, tiene que entregar a la joven actriz Kimberly a una bruja. Desafortunadamente, ella está protegida por la criatura que más odia: ...
 |  | The First Rumpole Omnibus Release Date: January 3, 1984| Series: Rumpole Who rose to enduring fame on Blood and Typewriters, told the pregnant Portia of the Chambers it would come out in the end, advised Guthrie Featherstone, Q.C., to adopt a more judicial attitude, returned in the tender gloaming of each evening-via Pommeroy's and a glass of Chateau Fleet Street- to She Who Must Be Obeyed? The answer is Horace Rumpole whose legal triumphs, plundering stories into the Oxford Book of English Verse and less-than-salubrious hat are celebrated here in this first omnibus edition. ...
 |  | A Time to Kill Publisher: Doubleday Publication Date: 1993In this searing courtroomdrama, best-selling author John Grisham probes thesavage depths of racial violence...as he deliversa compelling tale of uncertain justice in a smallsouthern town...Clanton, Mississippi.The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by twodrunken and remorseless young man. The mostlywhite town reacts with shock and horror at the inhumancrime. Until her black father acquires an assaultrifle -- and takes justice into his own outragedhands.For ten days, as burning crossesand the crack of sniper fire spread through thestreets of Clanton, the nation sit...
 |  | Mrs. Pollifax on Safari Release Date: December 12, 1987"Mrs. Pollifax is the American cousin to Agatha Christie's Miss Marple."TORONTO STARMrs. Pollifax has been sent on safari by the C.I.A. and told only to take pictures of all of her companions, in order to find the international assassin whose next target is the president of Zambia. It sounded so simple, but shortly after Mrs. Pollifax started taking pictures, someone stole her film. And right after that she was kidnapped by Rhodesian terrorists. And right after that--well, read for yourself.... ...
 |  | The Coffee Trader: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle) Release Date: February 3, 2004| Series: Ballantine Reader's Circle Amsterdam, 1659: On the world’s first commodities exchange, fortunes are won and lost in an instant. Miguel Lienzo, a sharp-witted trader in the city’s close-knit community of Portuguese Jews, knows this only too well. Once among the city’s most envied merchants, Miguel has suddenly lost everything. Now, impoverished and humiliated, living in his younger brother’s canal-flooded basement, Miguel must find a way to restore his wealth and reputation.Miguel enters into a partnership with a seductive Dutchw...
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