| NURSE PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION AND PRACTICE PREPARATION Publication Date: April 13, 2010| ISBN-10: 0803621329 | ISBN-13: 978-0803621329| Edition: 3 A unique presentation condenses a vast amount of information into an effective review. Questions, answers, case examples, in-depth discussions and references help develop your understanding of disorders and show you how to apply what you ve learned to practice. Based on the AJN Book of the Year 2nd Edition, this updated edition features even more questions, more content, and all-new full-color photographs online to ensure your success. ...
 |  | Meely LaBauve Release Date: August 14, 2001Fifteen-year-old Meely LaBauve is growing up on Catahoula Bayou and living by his wits. Not since Huck Finn rafted down the Mississippi has there been a coming-of-age story like this, told in such an utterly authentic unlettered American voice. From a charming encounter with first love in the Canciennes' corn patch to an adventurous paddle through wild and timeless places little explored, Ken Wells has cooked up a zesty gumbo of a book--rich, poignant, and often hilarious.* An American Library Association/YALSA best book of the year ...
 |  | You Can Say You Knew Me When Release Date: October 31, 2006THE STUNNING NEW NOVEL FROM THE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OF THE WORLD OF NORMAL BOYS K.M. Soehnlein returns with this exploration of the connection between father and son and the high price of truth. Jamie Garner has been cruising through life. A slacker of sorts, he's been just getting by, living in San Francisco and surrounded by fun-loving friends. Not a bad place to be during the dot-com boom of the 1990s. Then, Jamie's life changes forever and he is catapulted into a search to discover the truth about a man he thought he knew - a man named Teddy. His father. Ne...
 |  | The Journal Of Thomas Moore V4: 1831-1835 Publication Date: August 1, 1999| Series: Journal of Thomas Moore For over a hundred years, the journal of the Irish poet Thomas Moore (1779-1852) was thought to have been destroyed. In 1967 the manuscript was found in the archives of the Longman Publishing House in London. This edition, to be published in six volumes, reveals the essential Moore and introduces the reader to the daily, personal record of Moore's life from 1818 to 1847. The journal begins as an accurate rendering of the author's daily life and ends as a tragic reflection of a failing memory and a deteriorating mind. Illustrat...
 |  | Watching Anime, Reading Manga: 25 Years of Essays and Reviews Publication Date: September 1, 2004Anime’s influence can be found in every corner of American media, from film and television to games and graphic arts. And Fred Patten is largely responsible. He was reading manga and watching anime before most of the current generation of fans was born. In fact, it was his active participation in fan clubs and his prolific magazine writing that helped create a market and build American anime fandom into the vibrant community it is today. Watching Anime, Reading Manga gathers together a quarter-century of Patten’s lucid observations on the busine...
 |  | Reckless (Highland Brides 3) Release Date: November 1, 2011| Series: Highland Brides 3 Heir to the clan MacFarlane, Ailis was a prize to be bartered by her calculating father, and her wedding to a man she despised seemed inevitable - until she is abducted by her clan's worst enemy, Alexander MacDubh, a brutally handsome laird with ice in his eyes and hot blood in his veins. Alexander had come riding into Leargan to claim the three children born of a forbidden love between his brother and lovely Ailis' sister. Now, with Ailis herself as his pawn, he can strike at the enemy whose treachery robbed his clan of so much. Her ...
 |  | Complete Sherlock Holmes 2 Volumes (The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume II) ...
 |  | The Wicked Prince (Creative Editions) Publication Date: September 1, 1995| Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Reading: Here We Go! Level 1.1 (Houghton Mifflin Reading) ...
 |  | Wiggles, The: Winter Fun: Sticker Stories (The Wiggles) Release Date: August 3, 2004| Age Level: 2 and up...
 |  | Meadow (Look Closer) Publication Date: September 15, 1992 ...
 |  | Castles: Information for Young Readers - Level 1 (Usborne Beginners) Publication Date: January 1, 2007| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 |  | How to Draw Maps and Charts (Young Artist Series) Publication Date: October 1993| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Spectrum Test Prep, Grade 2 Publication Date: September 10, 2002| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up Students improve their test scores when they know how to followdirections, understand test formats, use effective strategies to avoidcommon mistakes, and budget their time wisely. Spectrum Test Prepoffers students the preparation they need to achieve success onstandardized tests. With content developed by educators, experienced instandardized tests such as The Iowa Test of Basic Skills, TerraNova/CTBS, and Statewide Assessments, this series of workbooks offersstudents a comprehensive and sequential way to m...
 |  | Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot, 1915-1917 (Armenian Genocide Documentation Series, 1) Publication Date: June 1997| Series: Armenian Genocide Documentation Series, 1 The American missionary Henry Riggs wrote a vivid account of the Armenian Genocide in Kharpert (Harpoot). Completed in 1918, Rev. Riggs's memoir, "Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot, 1915-1917," has now been published by the Gomidas Institute. "'Days of Tragedy in Armenia' is probably the most detailed local history of the Armenian Genocide written in the English language," said the historian Ara Sarafian, who wrote the introduction to the volume. Rev. Riggs's narrative is the first in the...
 |  | Norman Rockwell's Christmas Book Publication Date: September 30, 1993A Christmas book which includes stories, poems and carols (with music). The contributors range from William Shakespeare to Ogden Nash and include Hans Christian Andersen, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes and Louisa May Alcott. The book closes with the recipes for Fannie Merritt Farmer's Christmas Dinner, from her 1896 cookbook. ...
 |  | A Guide to Zen: Lessons from a Modern Master Publication Date: October 3, 2003This book takes the formidable 100,000-word classic Zen Training by the great master Katsuki Sekida and extracts its finest gems. Marc Allen has carefully chosen the passages most relevant to today, producing a readable work of six chapters covering the basics of posture, breathing, and training, and presenting various pieces of Zen literature and meditation pictures. The result is a complete course in Zen from a modern master as one would receive in a traditional Zen center simply and beautifully written. ...
 |  | Resilience ...
 |  | The Quality Toolbox ...
 |  | Industrial Productivity in Europe: Growth and Crisis Publication Date: March 31, 2012| ISBN-10: 0857932098 | ISBN-13: 978-0857932099This book analyzes growth at the total economy and industry level from an international perspective, providing unique cross-country comparisons. The authors focus on the EU-25 countries but also include the US, Japan and Korea. The chapters explore growth patterns from a long-run perspective, although greater attention is paid to the period of expansion from 1995-2007 and the post 2008 period of crisis. Each contribution builds on a common methodology based on a detailed database providing a high degree of dis...
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