| Hispanic, Female and Young: An Anthology ...
 | Women on the Rocks: A Tale of Two Convicts Publication Date: January 1, 2003| ISBN-10: 0702233625 | ISBN-13: 978-0702233623| Edition: First Edition In 1820 Mary Jones is wrongly convicted of a crime committed by her best friend. From their first encounter as domestic servants in Kent, the two women were unlikely friends, opposite in every way Mary trusting, generous and kind, and Maria ruthless, manipulative and feisty. But their lives are changed forever when Mary is transported from the tranquility of rural England to the alien environment of colonial Australia. The two friends’ destines entwine through England, N...
 | Trapeze Release Date: May 1, 2012A propulsive novel of World War II espionage by the author of New York Times best seller The Glass Room.Barely out of school and doing her bit for the British war effort, Marian Sutro has one quality that makes her stand out—she is a native French speaker. It is this that attracts the attention of the SOE, the Special Operations Executive, which trains agents to operate in occupied Europe. Drawn into this strange, secret world at the age of nineteen, she finds herself undergoing commando training, attending a “school for spies,” and ultimately, one ...
 | Blindsight Release Date: February 1, 1993Robin Cook is backwith a shocking story of medical conspiracy.Today, organ transplants are common miracles of science.But if the supply cannot meet the demand, how far will people go to find donors? Dr. Laurie Montgomery, a forensic pathologist, learns the terrifying answer when she investigates a series of fatal "overdose" of young professionals.Some crimes are beyond comprehension.But seeing is believing... * A Literary Guild? Dual Selection...
 | Moby Dick Publication Date: June 1, 2005Moby Dick tells the tale of one man's crazed obsession to pursue his quarry and long-standing adversary, the fearsome great white whale.Captain Ahab sets out on his quest with a challenging crew on the Pequod, a 19th century whaling ship. Fuelled with vengeance and blind obsession, he braves the dangerous oceans, displaying an ultimate willingness to sacrifice everything in pursuit of his goal.One of the greatest sea stories ever told, Moby Dick is an epic adventure that explores human challenges and extremes and is a classic read. ...
 | School for Wives. L' Publication Date: June 1971An adaptationinn rhymed veres of Moliere's masterpiece. ...
 | Flor De Leyendas, La Sirena Varada, La Dama Del Alba, La Barca SinPescador (Ed itorial Porrua"Sepan Cuantos..." Num. 223) Publication Date: December 12, 2009| Series: Sepan Cuantos Alejandro Rodriguez Álvarez es uno de los renovadores del teatro espanol. Adopto el apellido Casona cuando firmo su obra La sirena varada, con la cual gano el Premio Lope de Vega en 1933.Este autor sostiene que el teatro no es simple realismo y que los personajes no son munecos que deben obedecer los principios rigidos de una existencia prefijada. Se preocupa por mostrar que, sin embargo, la realidad duele, pero que a veces no se sabe donde; de lo cual podria concluirse que la ilusion y el dolor humanos no son sino realidades in...
 | Rumi ...
 | Hoy es siempre todav Publication Date: March 26, 2009Con este libro, un manojo de personas, amantes de la obra de Machado, rinden desde la Córdoba Patrimonio de la Humanidad, la que aspira a ser Capital Europea de la Cultura, justo homenaje a la poesía y el pensamiento de don Antonio. ...
 | Tempting Faith (Indigo Love Spectrum) Release Date: March 1, 2009| Series: Indigo Love Spectrum Two young lovers from a small town reconnect after a ten-year absence to discover that they still have feelings for each other....
 | The Pumpkin Book Publication Date: June 1, 2000| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up How they grow, their traditional uses and cultural significance. ...
 | The Princess Twins Play in the Garden (I Can Read! / Princess Twins Series) Release Date: December 5, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up...
 | Parade day (Disney first readers) ...
 | I'm Going to Read (Level 2): Harry's Bath (I'm Going to Read Series) Publication Date: March 1, 2005| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | Houghton Mifflin Mathmatics: Student EditionSingle Volume Level 2 2007 ...
 | What Color? (Que Color?) (Chubby Board Books) Release Date: October 1, 1992 ...
 | 10 Leaders Who Changed the World (10 Series) Release Date: October 14, 2008| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 | Judaism (World of Faiths) Publication Date: October 1, 2006| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Driving Growth Through Innovation: How Leading Firms Are Transforming Their Futures (Business) Publication Date: February 1, 2008| Series: Business Business managers know that cost-cutting measures cannot create long-term growth. Greater revenues require sustained innovation. In this book, Robert B. Tucker provides a practical method any business can use to identify opportunities and encourage innovations that capitalize on them.Readers learn to create an environment that nurtures and rewards innovation; to ensure that creative ideas lead to breakthroughs; and to analyze and predict the future of their industry and their customers. Numerous case studies explore companies that have exc...
 | Spark: How Old-Fashioned Values Drive a Twenty-First-Century Corporation: Lessons from Lincoln Electric's Unique Guaranteed Employment Program Publication Date: February 23, 2010While factories across the Midwest shutter their doors, Cleveland-based manufacturer Lincoln Electric has thrived for more than a century.In addition to being profitable and technologically innovative, through good times and bad, the company has fulfilled its unique promise of guaranteed continuous employment.Workers are viewed as assetsnot liabilities.Through flexible hours and job assignments, as well as a merit-based bonus system, Lincoln Electrics employment policies have proven healthy for the companys bottom line its employees and its shareholders.In ...