| In a Steamer Chair and Other Shipboard Stories Release Date: September 23, 2004As the incidents related herein took place during voyages between Englandand America, I dedicate this book to the Vagabond Club of London, and theWitenagemote Club of Detroit, in the hope that, if any one charges me withtelling a previously told tale, the fifty members of each club will rise asone man and testify that they were called upon to endure the story inquestion from my own lips prior to the alleged original appearance of the same. R. B. ...
 |  | Tartuffe (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: May 24, 2000| ISBN-10: 0486411176 | ISBN-13: 978-0486411170| Edition: Unabridged This timeless comedy by one of France's greatest playwrights follows the outrageous activities of a penniless scoundrel and religious pretender. Invited to live in his benefactor's house, he wreaks havoc among family members by breaking off the daughter's engagement, attempting to seduce his hostess, and resorting to blackmail and extortion. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. ...
 |  | I'll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition (Library of Southern Civilization) ...
 |  | Sweet Tea at Sunrise (Sweet Magnolias) Release Date: April 27, 2010| Series: Sweet Magnolias Emotionally wounded single mom Sarah Price has come home to Serenity, South Carolina, for a fresh start. With support from her two best friends—the newest generation of the Sweet Magnolias—she can face any crisis.But sometimes a woman needs more than even treasured friends can provide. Sexy Travis McDonald may be exactly what Sarah's battered self-confidence requires. The newcomer is intent on getting Sarah to work at his fledgling radio station…and maybe into his bed, as well.Sarah has learned not to trust sweet words....
 |  | El caso Bourne. El era el arma perfecta hasta que se convirtio en objetivo (Best Seller) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 20, 2003| Series: Best Seller (Book 26200) Un hombre, herido de bala y al borde de la muerte, es rescatado del mar por unos pescadores franceses. Al cabo de varios dias de inconsciencia, vuelve en si. Pero ignora su nombre, su nacionalidad, su procedencia: todo. Su amnesia es absoluta. Una sola pista lo une al pasado: un microfilme que lleva implantado bajo la piel, y en el que figura el numero de una cuenta bancaria en Zurich. A partir de esa referencia, el desconocido empieza a rastrear su propia identidad en Zurich, Marsella, Paris, Nueva York... Lo que va descub...
 |  | Oink Oink Said Piglet ...
 |  | A Coral Reef (Small Worlds) ...
 |  | Feargal's Dinner with Toy ...
 |  | The Mysterious adventures of Pauline Bovary (Pauline, Btw, Book 2) Publication Date: May 28, 2007| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up With life simply overflowing with pungent melodrama, it’s all Pauline and her purple pen can do to record each twist of the plot. First, her best friend splits to become a teen ice queen. Then, Pauline’s dragged into the revolting details of her divorcing parents’ love life. And to top it off, she finds herself falling for a self-described neo-existentialist” much to the displeasure of her loyal boyfriend. How will she ever write her way out of this one? ...
 |  | How Does a Volcano Become an Island? (How Does It Happen) Publication Date: August 15, 2009| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Un ojo al gato y otro a...los electrodomesticos/The Electric Appliances (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Weather (Eyewonder) Publication Date: June 1, 2006 ...
 |  | 14 Vacas para Amerrica (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: August 1, 2010| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up In June of 2002, a very unusual ceremony begins in a far-flung village in western Kenya.An American diplomat is surrounded by hundreds of Maasai people. A gift is about to be bestowed on the American men, women, and children, and he is there to accept it. The gift is as unsought and unexpected as it is extraordinary.A mere nine months have passed since the September 11 attacks, and hearts are raw. Tears flow freely from American and Maasai as these legendary warriors offer their gift to a grieving people half a wor...
 |  | Cry, the Beloved Country (Bridge) Publication Date: January 1991| ISBN-10: 0582530091 | ISBN-13: 978-0582530096| Edition: Abridged Set in the troubled South Africa of the 1940s, this is the deeply moving story of a Zulu pastor, his son, and a land and a people riven by racial injustice. Passionately African, yet timeless and universal, it is a work of searing beauty. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition....
 |  | Adam Lambert (Dream Big: American Idol Superstars) ...
 |  | The Easter Bear? (Pictureback(R)) Release Date: February 11, 2003| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 |  | Max's Cloud Critters Publication Date: June 30, 2009"Hey, Mommy, look at that cloud!I see a lion and he is growling.I'm going to call it a LIONUS-SO-GROWLUS.What do you see?" What child, or even adult, has not played the cloud naming game?What if you could play this game anytime you wanted to?Even play it on cloudless or overcast days, or even while traveling on a long boring trip?This cloud guessing activity book is intended to spark the imagination.There is a suggested cloud critter drawing named by the author, then a blank cloud on the facing page that can be drawn on by the user looking for any other shapes ...
 |  | Children's Illustrated German Dictionary: English-German German-English (Childrens Illustrated Dictionaries Series) Publication Date: October 1, 1998| Age Level: 5 and up...
 |  | American Heritage Children's Dictionary Publication Date: September 1995Packed with thousands of captivating pictures, lively sounds, and whimsical animations, this CD-ROM brings words to life as never before. Created especially for children ages seven to twelve, it adds excitement to learning and instills a lifelong love of words and language. System Requirements: IBM or compatible; 486SX or better processor; 8MB RAM; Windows 3.1 or later; MS-DOS 3.1 or higher; 20MB available HD space; CD-ROM drive; MPC-compatible sound card (22KHz, 16-bit). SVGA 256 color display; mouse; speakers or headphones. ...
Data Source by Amazon.com |