| The Dream Life of Sukhanov Release Date: January 30, 2007Olga Grushins astonishing literary debut has won her comparisons with everyone from Gogol to Nabokov. A virtuoso study in betrayal and its consequences, it exploresreally, colonizesthe consciousness of Anatoly Sukhanov, who many years before abandoned the precarious existence of an underground artist for the perks of a Soviet apparatchik. But, at the age of 56, his perfect life is suddenly disintegrating. Buried dreams return to haunt him. New political alignments threaten to undo him. Vaulting effortlessly from the real to the surreal and from...
 |  | Folklore and odysseys of food and medicinal plants, ...
 |  | Teachings of Rumi Release Date: July 6, 1999Jelalludin Rumi (1207-1273) led the quiet life of an Islamic teacher in the central Anatolia (modern Turkey) until the age of thirty-seven, when he met a wandering dervish named Shams Tabriz—through whom he encountered the Divine Presence in a way that utterly transformed him. The result of this epiphany was the greatest body of mystical poetry the world has ever seen, and the establishment of a spiritual movement that would eventually stretch from Africa to China, enduring to our own day.This collection of versions of Rumi by Andrew Harvey contains some of t...
 |  | CROSS-CULTURAL VISIONS IN AFRICAN AMERIC: FROM SPATIAL NARRATIVE TO JAZZ HAIKU Publication Date: September 22, 2006Yoshinobu Hakutani traces the development of African American modernism, which initially gathered momentum with Richard Wright's literary manifesto "Blueprint for Negro Writing" in 1937. Hakutani dissects and discusses the cross-cultural influences on the then-burgeoning discipline in three stages: American dialogues, European and African cultural visions, and Asian and African American cross-cultural visions.In writing Black Boy, the centerpiece of the Chicago Renaissance, Wright was inspired by Theodore Dreiser. Because the European and African cultural ...
 |  | Uniforma III Rejha. Bronetankovye vojska 1934-1945 Publication Date: 2006Novaja serija al'bomov, posvjawennyh uniforme Tret'ego rejha, predstavljaet soboj v znachitel'noj mere unikal'noe izdanie. Pered vami odno iz samyh polnyh sobranij illjustracij, s porazitel'noj tochnost'ju vossozdajuwih oblik soldat i oficerov nacistskoj Germanii predvoennogo i voennogo periodov. Osobyj interes vyzyvaet to, chto bol'shaja chast' illjustracij baziruetsja na fotograficheskom materiale toj jepohi, chto pridaet osobuju cennost' risunkam i javljaetsja dopolnitel'noj garantiej ih tochnosti i dostovernosti. Tol'ko fakty, nikakih domyslov i dogadok - vot deviz ...
 |  | The Power of Delight: A Lifetime in Literature: Essays 1962-2002 Publication Date: March 1, 2005BEGINNING HIS CAREER at Oxford in the 1950s, the ever-incisive John Bayley has been one of the great bulwarks--in the tradition of William Hazlitt and Edmund Wilson--of twentieth-century world literature, and his distinctive sensibility has reshaped tastes and theories more than was previously realized. Here, in "The Power of Delight, a volume that has been assembled with the assistance of "The New Yorker editor Leo Carey, we see at last the full range of Bayley's life and work, divided into eight sections that include "English Literature," "Russian Novels," an...
 |  | Gothic Reflections: Narrative Force in Nineteenth-Century Fiction Publication Date: November 2003The Gothic has long been seen as offering a subversive challenge to the norms of realism. Locating both Gothic and mainstream Victorian fiction in a larger literary and cultural field, Peter K. Garrett argues that the oppositions usually posed between them are actually at work within both. He further shows how, by offering alternative versions of its stories, nineteenth-century Gothic fiction repeatedly reflects on narrative force, the power exerted by both writers and readers. Beginning with Poes theory and practice of the Gothic tale as an exercise (or ...
 |  | The Days of Dickens: A Glance at Some Aspects of Early Victorian Life in London: Routledge Library Editions: Charles Dickens Volume 7 Publication Date: December 13, 2008| Series: Routledge Library Editions: Charles Dickens These chapters deal with the life of London from the early 1830’s to the mid-1860’s. The book mainly focuses on the social life of the day, but also deals with the blacker side of London and travel and country life....
 |  | Duty and Character ...
 |  | Conundrum: an architectural mystery (Volume 1) Publication Date: April 3, 2012"An exciting, engrossing tale of greed, deceit and murder" - THE KIRKUS REVIEW When a Harvard Architecture School superstar plunges off the balcony at a graduation party, the police see an accident, not foul play. But fellow-student Iris Reid knows that any jealous member of the ruling clique would have relished pushing him off. Twenty years later, a reunion is luring the same cast of characters back to Cambridge. The opening night dinner is being held in a Modernist house that Iris has designed. She hopes to untangle the events that led to her friend's death. ...
 |  | Classic Railway Murders Publication Date: March 5, 1997How could a murderer escape from a moving train? How was murder committed in full view of other passengers? How did poor Anstruther's body get on the line? How did one notorious villain dupe the police? A city solicitor, a grotesque and pressing old man, a mysterious railway passenger and a country doctor each have a story to tell that will intrigue and baffle crime fiction enthusiasts and railway buffs alike. ...
 |  | The World Series: Legendary Sports Events (Matt Christopher Legendary Sports Events) Publication Date: April 1, 2007| Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | What Do Zebras Do? (What Do Animals Do?) Publication Date: September 1, 2008| Age Level: 2 and up...
 |  | Ready, Freddy! #25: Save the Earth! Publication Date: February 1, 2012| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | The Dance of the Caterpillars Bilingual Indonesian English (Indonesian Edition) Publication Date: October 22, 2011While watching her Chinese immigrant son-in-law learn the English language, it became apparent to the author that prepositions are one of the most difficult concepts to comprehend.Therefore, The Dance of The Caterpillars was written as a fun way to teach prepositions.This exciting children’s book contains twenty-two prepositions, one two-word multiple, and two three-word multiples.It is destined to become a valuable learning tool for children as well as English as a second language students. ...
 |  | Ex-Husband in Freezer Publication Date: February 19, 2008MARRIED AND DIVORCED ELEVEN TIMES - A TRUE STORYWhen I was a little girl, I dreamed of the things all little girls dream of; a white picket fence, a dog in the yard, two cats in the house and a loving husband and children. Little did I know that I would never be able to have children and would experience one husband after another, all ending in divorce. I have been married eleven times to seven different men. I married two of my husbands three times each. How does a preacher's daughter end up divorced eleven times, attempting to end her life more than once ...
 |  | Body (Make It Work! Science) Publication Date: May 1, 2000| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Harcourt School Publishers Math: Student Edition Grade 1 2007 Publication Date: October 1, 2005| ISBN-10: 0153522224 | ISBN-13: 978-0153522222| Edition: 1ST grade 1 consumable ...
 |  | Chester A. Arthur: Twenty-First President, 1881-1885 (Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents) Publication Date: March 1, 2006| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 |  | Italian Puzzles ...
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