| Nympho Release Date: April 24, 2007Meet Leslie Thompson, a sexually frustrated thirty-year old teacher on summer break. Tired of being locked into a boring routine and conservative lifestyle, she just wants to feel good and have some erotic fun. Her fiancé Trey is everything she could hope for--minus the dull sex life.When the best man, Rico, figures out that Leslie craves sheet-pulling orgasms, he proves to be the man who can deliver. After Leslie grows accustomed to having her cake and eating it too, sexing Rico ignites her desire to sow her wild oats with lovers other than her man on the si...
 | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Cliffs Complete) Publication Date: May 15, 2001| ISBN-10: 0764587277 | ISBN-13: 978-0764587276In the CliffsComplete guides, the novel's complete text and a glossary appear side-by-side with coordinating numbered lines to help you understand unusual words and phrasing. You'll also find all the commentary and resources of a standard CliffsNotes for Literature.CliffsComplete Adventures of Huckleberry Finn offers insight and information into a work that's rich both dramatically and thematically. Every generation since its publication has been able to identify with some of the novel's themes, including freedo...
 | The Hybrids: A Novel Publication Date: May 1, 2011THEY WERE CREATED BY THE UNIVERSE. . . TO SAVE THE WORLD THAT WOULD REJECT THEM! Set in the year 2019, when most of the world’s population is under the control of a global conspiracy run by wealthy corporations, the conditions of the planet give birth to a new evolution in the history of humanity – one that could save the earth! A groundbreaking vision for a possible future created by the prolific imagination that has fueled an underground movement for more than a decade. Own a cornerstone of history with a 'first' in a new “Mardukite”...
 | Four Old Icelandic Sagas and Other Tales Publication Date: January 25, 1986| ISBN-10: 0819147036 | ISBN-13: 978-0819147035Contains a collection of translations from Old Icelandic. Includes four sagas and five shorter narratives, most of which appear for the first time in English. Contents:The Saga of Clever Ref; The Story of Thorstein of the East Fjords; The Saga of Valla Ljot; The Story of Thorvard Crow-Noes; The Story of Shuttle-Halli; The Story of Gold Asa-Thord; The Saga of Oath-Bound Men; The Story of Gisl Illugason; The Saga of Bjorn, Champion of Hitardale; Bibliography. ...
 | A Good Handful: Great New Zealand Poems About Sex Publication Date: April 1, 2008This poetry anthology was conceived as something of a stunt to heighten the visibility of New Zealand writers. All the contributors are New Zealanders, and all of the more than 100 poems address the topic of sex—not love, just sex. The result is a collection that tackles sex from every angle, including the comic in Karl Stead's "The Clodian Songbook," the confessional in Rachel McAlpine's "A Frightened Poem about My Breasts," the metaphysical in James K. Baxter's "On the Death of Her Body," and the just plain ...
 | In the Whirlwind Publication Date: September 12, 2006In the Whirlwind is a poetic storm that frees history from the cages of corruption and puts it in the hands of everyday people. Words are weaved into a new fashion statement that has nothing to do with runways but everything to do with projects! ...
 | Whispers through Time (Time Passages) Release Date: November 1, 2000| Series: Time Passages Kurt Richards was trying to stop the looting of Indian ruins in modern-day Colorado. Then he slipped down a cliff face-and into the 19th century. Now he's trying to help a widow save her ranch. But can he save his own heart?Praise for Sherry Lewis's A Time to Dream: "Captivated me from the beginning."- Rendezvous"Filled with passion...intriguing."-Harriet Klausner ...
 | ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES 1950 Heritage Press WITH ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Publication Date: 1950RustyRiver offers fast daily shipping and 100% customer satisfaction GUARANTEED! This book is in very good condition! Slipcase included! ...
 | Anfernee Hardaway (Millbrook Sports World) Publication Date: February 1, 1997| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | NASCAR Shaped Book with Sounds: Bobby LaBonte Publication Date: July 5, 2005 ...
 | Food From Farms (World of Farming) Publication Date: September 1, 2010| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Gods of Manhattan Release Date: March 5, 2009| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Your Dog's Wild Cousins Release Date: September 1, 1994| Age Level: 8 and up A companion to Your Cat's Wild Cousins features full-color photographs and descriptive text that spotlight fifteen wild canine species, including the gray wolf, coyote, Arctic fox, and black-eyed jackal. ...
 | Como Crece una Arana = A Spiderling Grows Up (Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers en Espanol) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | Q. Science: Our Electric Home Key Stage 1 Publication Date: January 1993 ...
 | Introduction to Geography Publication Date: October 5, 2010| ISBN-10: 0073522872 | ISBN-13: 978-0073522876| Edition: 13 Introduction to Geography, 13th edition, by Getis and Getis introduces college students to the breadth and spatial insights of the field of geography. The authors' approach allows the major research traditions of geography to dictate the principal themes. They also include information on current events, such as the earthquake in Haiti. Chapter 1 introduces students to the four organizing traditions that have emerged through the long history of geographical thought and writing: earth science, cul...
 | Portraits of African-American Heroes Release Date: December 29, 2005| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up Here, ideal for African-American History Month, is a stunningly beautiful book consisting of portraits-in pictures and words-of twenty outstanding African-Americans. The individuals range from historical to contemporary figures, such as the dancer Judith Jamison, and represent diverse fields of endeavor, from the law (Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall) to athletics, science, and more. For each individual, there is a three-page biography by the noted author Tonya Bolden and a striking black-and-white portrait t...
 | El arte renacentista: En los tiempos de Miguel Angel (El Arte Alrededor del Mundo series) Publication Date: January 15, 2006| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | Stagestruck (Thorndike Press Large Print Basic Series) Release Date: September 28, 2011| Series: Thorndike Press Large Print Basic Series There’s plenty of drama, of the wrong kind, when a fading pop star wanting to launch an acting career at Bath’s Theatre Royal gets taken to hospital with third degree burns. In the best theatrical tradition, the show goes on, but the agony turns to murder.Bath’s top detective, Peter Diamond, is on the case – but for reasons he can’t understand, he suffers a physical reaction amounting to phobia each time he goes near the theatre. Before he can find the killer, he must face hi...
 | Vicars of Christ: A History of the Popes Release Date: July 1, 2003"A History of the Popes illuminates the stunning biographies of the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church over the past 2000 years. You'll learn that many popes lived under the constant threat of violence, and were either killed or forced to flee Rome for their lives. Some brought enlightenment and hope to their flock, while others used the office to promote their own agendas and enrich their fotunes." (From fly leaf) ...