| Shadow Game Publication Date: 20081st edition paperback, fine ...
 | Parasite Eve Release Date: May 20, 2008When Dr. Nagashima loses his wife in a mysterious car crash, he is overwhelmed with grief but also an eerie sense of purpose; he becomes obsessed wiht reincarnating his dead wife. Her donated kidney is transplanted into a young girl wiht a debilitating disorder, bu the doctor also feels compelled to keep a small sample of her liver in his laboratory. When these cells start mutating rapidly, a consciousness bent on determining its own fate awakens, bent on becoming the new dominant species on earth.Parasite Eve was the basis of the hugely popular videogame of the sam...
 | Tree and Leaf: Including the Poem Mythopoeia Publication Date: July 1989Repackaged to feature Tolkien's own painting of the Tree of Amalion, this collection includes his famous essay, 'On Fairy-stories' and the story that exemplifies this, 'Leaf by Niggle', together with the poem 'Mythopoeia' and the verse drama, 'The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth', which tells of the events following the disastrous Battle of Maldon.Fairy-stories are not just for children, as anyone who has read Tolkien will know. In his essay On Fairy-Stories, Tolkien discusses the nature of fairy-tales and fantasy and rescues the genre from those who would relegate it to ...
 | Lyrics from the Chinese ...
 | No More Playas ...
 | Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat Release Date: April 26, 2004| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and upMilli is a person who can take a nothing . . . and turn it into a Something. But in her plain old town full of bustling people, all Milli does is make plain, ordinary shoes. Until a pair of wandering minstrels come to townJack and the Dancing Cat. They teach Milli how to dancethe two-step, the three-step, and the tricky twisting backward sliding four-stepwhich makes her feel brave and free. Brave enough to create many wonderful Somethings: musical instruments with sounds never heard before, purple sa...
 | Sheep: Ewes, Rams, and Lambs (On the Farm) ...
 | Hopper's Easter Surprise Publication Date: March 1, 1996| Age Level: 3 and up "Hopper, an arctic hare, aspires to be like the Easter Bunny in this cuddly holiday tale. The warm watercolor ilustrations embrace the reader in Hopper's adventures and the story's springtime splendor. A special present from the Easter Bunny reminds us of the mystery and joy of the season." ...
 | A Restless Frog Named Fred Publication Date: September 8, 2008Sometimes a frog just gets tired of playing in the same pond day after day . . ._____Join Fred on his adventure as he experiments with new ways to get around, and teaches all the other frogs a valuable lesson!_____Robert Newhall grew up in Vermont and Massachusetts, loving the outdoors. Because of his special affection for animals he looked for a career where he could work with them._____After college the opportunity presented itself to join the Peace Corp and Robert travelled to Botswana, Africa. There he managed a wildlife preserve and was able to ta...
 | The Century for Young People Release Date: September 28, 1999| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Adapted from the #1 national bestseller especially for children 8-12!The twentieth century has been a time of tremendous change, the most eventful hundred years in human history. Join Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster for a fascinating journey back in time to experience the century's greatest moments. Through the vivid first-person accounts of eyewitnesses, the most thrilling--and the most terrifying--events of the past hundred years come to life. Here are the voices of ordinary people--children and adults--expressi...
 | African Mythology (Mythology Around the World) Publication Date: May 30, 2006| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 | Totally Tyra: An Unauthorized Biography ...
 | Scooby-Doo 2 Book of the Film ...
 | Dake Annotated Reference Bible-KJV-Large Print - Burgundy Genuine Leather Publication Date: October 1, 1999| ISBN-10: 1558291210 | ISBN-13: 978-1558291218| Edition: large type edition annotated edition brand new and in original box ...
 | Prayer Starters for Busy Moms: How to Pray All Day and Still Put the Laundry Away Publication Date: April 1, 2006When Tracy Klehn's two children were under two years old, she began to pray. Now she shares with other moms what she learned, including the power of praying for their children, families, friends, and themselves. Each of the twelve sections focuses on a different aspect of prayer along with creative ways to strengthen a mother's faith.This book helps women focus on prayer--still leaving them time to get the laundry put away! A great gift for Mother's Day or for a woman to give to her sister or girlfriend anytime of the year. ...
 | THE CHILD'S BOOK ON THE SOUL Publication Date: September 19, 2007Thomas H. Gallaudet (1787-1851) was the Apostle to the Deaf in the United States. He devoted his life to teach the underprivileged the truths of God's Word. He wrote dozens and dozens of books using simple, straightforward language for children, young people and adults. This is considered the most remarkable book written by this extraordinary man. The Publisher read this to his four year old grandson and he was captivated by it and learned much about his immortal soul. Henry Barnard, the distinguished promoter of public education, said the following about ...
 | A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guides) Publication Date: September 1, 1999| Series: Peterson Field Guides More than 370 edible wild plants, plus 37 poisonous look-alikes, are described here, with 400 drawings and 78 color photographs showing precisely how to recognize each species. Also included are habitat descriptions, lists of plants by season, and preparation instructions for 22 different food uses. ...
 | Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Publication Date: January 15, 2002The field of multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA)- also sometimes termed multiple criteria decision aid, ormultiple criteria decision making (MCDM) - has developedrapidly over the past quarter century and in the process a number ofdivergent schools of thought have emerged. Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approachprovides a comprehensive yet widely accessible overview of the mainstreams of thought within MCDA. Two principal aims are: To provide sufficientawareness of the underlying philosophies and theories, understandingof the practi...
 | The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-liberalism (Elgar Original Reference) Publication Date: January 30, 2012| ISBN-10: 1848448627 | ISBN-13: 978-1848448629This insightful Handbook examines how labor unions across the world have experienced and responded to the growth of neo-liberalism.Since the 1970s, the spread of neo-liberalism across the world has radically reconfigured the relationship between unions, employers and the state. The contributors highlight that this is the major cause and effect of union decline and argue that if there is to be any union revitalisation and return to former levels of influence, then unions need to respond in appropriate politic...
 | Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing Release Date: November 1, 2006Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing is the roadmap to create more buzz, visibility and sales for your organization through word of mouth evangelism with you and your advocates.In as little as five minutes a day, you can create substantial buzz for your organization and make it a more successful organization.It is the small business answer to a limited marketing budget. ...