Everyone Leaves Release Date: November 27, 2012Nieve Guerra finds herself caught between the tides of her parents’rocky relationship and a country in the midst of a revolution.Recording her daily thoughts and accounts of living with her abusivefather, an alcoholic theater actor, Nieve uses her diary to expressherself. From being sent away from her mother, her mother’s free- spirited and loving boyfriend, and her childhood city of Cienfuegos tobeing forced to call herself a Cuban “revolutionary Pioneer,” Nieverecords in honest detail a life in which she loses those she loves themo...
Flight of the Eagle: Poetry on the U.S.-Mexico Border Publication Date: December 1993FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE gathers representative works of four U.S. and four Mexican border poets. Authors include (from Mexico) Alfredo Espinosa, Alejandro Aguilar Zeleny, Juan Antonio Di Bella, and Jorge Ortega, and (from the U.S.) Ramon Garcia, Jayne Relaford Brown, Sarai Austin, and Jose Montalvo. surTEXT is the Latin American and Latino studies imprint of SDSU Press. FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE is issue number 5 in the Serie la linea and was published in conjunction with la Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. ...
Has visto a Maria? (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition) Release Date: October 2, 2012| Series: Vintage Espanol La mundialmente aclamada autora de La casa en Mango Street nos brinda un relato profundamente conmovedor acerca de la pérdida, el duelo y la sanación: una fábula para adultos líricamente narrada y vívidamente ilustrada sobre una mujer que busca un gato extraviado tras la muerte de su madre. La palabra “huérfana” no parecería aplicarse a una mujer de cincuenta y tres años de edad. Sin embargo, así es exactamente cómo se siente Sandra al encontrarse sin ...
The Guns in the Closet Publication Date: October 1996stories collected over the last twenty years...
Gaucho Release Date: March 9, 1993Gaucho, a poor eleven-year-old Bronx boy, makes money through a series of odd jobs, including running errands for an unsavory man named Blanco, a job that lands Gaucho in the middle of a police shootout. Reprint. ...