| La tierra incomparable / The incomparable land (Dal Masetto) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | La sociedad de los moribundos (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: March 15, 2012La sociedad está llena de moribundos. Entes sumergidos en una soledad integrada de equívocos, culpas, vicios, corrupción, construyendo muros con sus propios intereses y olvidados de la sociedad. Autómatas queriendo vivir existencias ausentes y evasoras, que poseen antes de querer, perdidos entre el deseo y la muerte palpitante. La sociedad de los moribundos es una novela que plasma la descomposición del sistema educativo, quedándonos entre los dedos los hilos de historias que se enredan, hasta asfixiar a la pieza más frá...
 |  | The Kill Price (Pioneers of Modern Us Hispanic Literature) Publication Date: October 30, 2005| Series: Pioneers of Modern Us Hispanic Literature Jack Moreno is suffocating. On most days, he likes to brag about his apartment in the Manhattan summers, how theres always a breeze from Central Park and he has no need for air conditioners. But one summer night he steps out into the still, oppressive night and has to reach out a hand to steady himself. You see, Jacks not only bothered by the heat. Clear across the other West Side, his friend Wolf is dying. He and Wolf are friends, old friends, the kind that toss out one-liners about each other&...
 |  | LA Novela Chicana Escrita En Espanol: Cinco Autores Comprometidos (Studies in the language and literature of United States Hispanos) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | La Carretera de San Juan de Payara (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: August 18, 2012El Profesor Turuani decide realizar una excursión al llano Venezolano. Lleva sus fieles mascotas, su hija y nietas. Es un descanso a su agobiante trabajo, sobreviviendo en un gobiernoinerte, ignorante y atrasado. Sus sencillas vacacionesse transformaran enun peligroso viaje, por la persecución de experto terrorista muy interesado en sus conocimientos, dispuesto a obtenerlos de cualquier manera. ...
 |  | Latin-American Women Writers: Class, Race, and Gender (S U N Y Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory) Publication Date: August 1995| Series: S U N Y Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory This book provides a much needed grouping of Latin-American women, emphasizing their differences--the diversity of their cultural backgrounds, socio-economic conditions, and literary strategies--as well as their commonalities. Humble writers of the Spanish and Portuguese testimonio and sophisticated postmodernist authors alike are contextualized within a "matriheritage of founding discourses.""This work is objective: intellectual rigor rather than politics governs its findings. It is theoretically sophisti...
 |  | Josefina Saves the Day: A Summer Story (American Girls Collection: Josefina 1824) Publication Date: September 1, 1998| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Latino Fiction and the Modernist Imagination: Literature of the Borderlands (Latino Communities: Emerging Voices - Political, Social, Cultural and Legal Issues) Publication Date: December 1, 1998| ISBN-10: 0815332467 | ISBN-13: 978-0815332466| Edition: Revised This critical analysis examines a wide range of contemporary Latino novels and short stories written in English by mainland Puerto Ricans, Chicano/as, and Cuban Americans. Using dose readings of recent fiction, the work argues that modernist narrative techniques, stemming from both European and Latin American sources (from both Faulkner and Garcia Marquez), contribute to the Latino writer's depictions of cultural borderlands and dualities. Emphasizing the humor and stylistic subtleties of ...
 |  | La nueva narrativa hispanoamericana/ The New Hispanic American Narrative: Entre la realidad y las formas de la apariencia/ Between Reality and the Forms of Appearance (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Publication Date: July 20, 2012Un prepotente ejecutivo considera que ha llegado el final de su etapa laboralen una Corporación que no lo valora.Inicia la busqueda de oportunidades. Según su criterio, unicamente en una sociedad tecnológica, tendrá oportunidad de una mejor calidad de vida. Se considera suficientemente preparado para aceptar cualquier reto. Una tentadora ofertade trabajo de un lejano país, abre las puertas a todas sus esperanzas . Dispuesto a desechar su existencia y estilo de vida, se embarcará en esa aventura.Vivirá cambios inimaginables, qu...
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