Conquest -- Hernando de Soto and the Indians: 1539-1543 Publication Date: May 2004On May 30, 1539, a Spanish army of six hundred and twenty men landed on the coast of Florida. No one doubted that great and glorious deeds lay ahead. A little over four years later, a band of half-starved, half-naked refugees, three hundred and eleven in number, staggered into a village in northern Mexico. All they owned were a few ragged animal skins for clothing, their rusty worn-out weapons, and the memories of a nightmare of endless wandering through an incomprehensible wilderness filled with violent death. This is the true and amazing story of the first major E...
Earth Always Endures: Native American Poems Publication Date: June 1, 1996This eloquent anthology gives a vivid insight into the world of Native Americans. The 60 poems in this collection -- chants, prayers, & songs -- are accompanied by over 40 unforgettable duotone photos by Edward S. Curtis, who in the early 20th cent. used a poet s eye to take over 40,000 photos of Native Americans at the point when their cultures were thought to be disappearing. The poems come from the woodlands, plains, deserts, & pueblos. They speak of love, of war, of the known & the unknowable. Today s new writing by Native Americans has revived interest in t...