One Voice, Many Echoes Publication Date: August 15, 2007A selection of the authors prose work representing fiction, plays and essays composed over a sixty year career. The work illustrates the authorsimpulse to understand the human spirit under duress and the kind of world we have made and live in.It offerspenetrating and tragically funny stories, access to deep heartfelt feelings, a progressive perspective on the human condition, and the use of words in a masterfully brilliant way. ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson Publication Date: December 2003Emerson's traces are said even by his detractors to be everywhere in American thought, representing, as the case may be, either what is best about the country - its optimism, its gregariousness, its independence of spirit or what is worst its tendency to ignore present ills by flattering itself as to future promise, a coldness disguised by indiscriminate bonhomie, and imperialism hidden even from itself by the cult of individualism. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....