| A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61) Release Date: January 30, 2008With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived "in the now." In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of conscio...
 |  | The Ordeal of Running Standing: A Novel Publication Date: October 15, 1993In this popular novel admired by both Indian and white readers, Running Standing is a Kiowa born too late to feel himself truly Indian. Driven by his own bitter ambitions, he becomes Joe Standing and cynically joins the conniving whiteshoping to beat them at their own game.Meanwhile, Standing’s Cheyenne wife follows a different dream. While Joe heads further east after his six years at the Carlisle Indian School, Sara returns home to teach her people the skills necessary to compete in the white world. She is making slow progress when Joe returns...
 |  | Vampire Hunter D, Vol. 1 Publication Date: May 10, 200512,090 A.D. It is a dark time for the world. Humanity is just crawling out from under three hundred years of domination by the race of vampires known as the Nobility. The war against the vampires has taken its toll; cities lie in ruin, the countryside is fragmented into small villages and fiefdoms that still struggle against nightly raids by the fallen vampires - and the remnants of their genetically manufactured demons and werewolves. Every village wants a Hunter - one of the warriors who have pledged their laser guns and their swords to the eradication of the ...
 |  | Vampires and Chocolates Publication Date: August 5, 2002After the chilling murder and transformation of Kenter Vonn into a 17th century vampire by the dominant Borgo and his clan, Kenter confronts a new world of evil, one of wicked powers that permit vampires to exist in daylight after a fresh supply of human blood.Kenter joins a colony of good vampires who crave chocolate in human blood and provide services diabolically to humans: selling Chocolate candies nationwide through franchised stores named Chocolate Bites. Borgos clan prefers a more sadistic approach to getting victims with sweet blood: they kidnap humans...
 |  | Running the Rift: A Novel Release Date: October 16, 2012Running the Rift follows the progress of Jean Patrick Nkuba from the day he knows that running will be his life to the moment he must run to save his life. A naturally gifted athlete, he sprints over the thousand hills of Rwanda and dreams of becoming his country’s first Olympic medal winner in track. But Jean Patrick is a Tutsi in a world that has become increasingly restrictive and violent for his people. As tensions mount between the Hutu and Tutsi, he holds fast to his dream that running might deliver him, and his people, from the brutality around them...
 |  | I Say a Little Prayer Release Date: May 9, 2006Bestselling author E. Lynn Harris is back with another sexy, shocking, and immensely satisfying novel that explores some of today s toughest and most timely issues.Chauncey Greer is the owner of Cute Boy Card Company, a thriving company in Atlanta. As a teenager, he was a member of a popular boy band, but left in disgrace when word got out that he and his band mate D were more than good friends. Chauncey is a free spirit, on the brink of forty with a body admired by both men and women. Not into being categorized, Chauncey s been known to hook up with men and women, b...
 |  | Mana's Child: Adventure, Magic and Love in Old Hawaii Publication Date: November 25, 2004Born under an omen of great mana, Puna's childhood was plagued with strange dreams and visions. Soon after her secret was discovered, a powerful enemy struck her with a crippling mental disability. To save herself, Puna committed murder. Now on the run, she finds temporary refuge with the Menehune; legendary little people who teach her to love and trust once more. But that is just the beginning. Will she ever be able to return to her village? And who is this mystical deity that haunts her dreams? A terrible volcanic eruption turns her life up side down and ...
 |  | Der M Release Date: December 6, 2011Dieses Werk ist Teil der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS. Der Verlag tredition aus Hamburg veröffentlicht in der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS Werke aus mehr als zwei Jahrtausenden. Diese waren zu einem Großteil vergriffen oder nur noch antiquarisch erhältlich. Mit der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS verfolgt tredition das Ziel, tausende Klassiker der Weltliteratur verschiedener Sprachen wieder als gedruckte Bücher zu verlegen – und das weltweit! Die Buchreihe dient zur Bewahrung der Literatur und Förderung der Kultur. Sie trägt so ...
 |  | The Way We Were: A Novel Release Date: April 14, 2009Marcia Willett captured the hearts of Rosamunde Pilcher and Maeve Binchy fans across the nation with her previous heartwarming stories of family devotion and abiding compassion. Now, in her newest novel, The Way We Were, Willett introduces a deeply moving and utterly real tale that is sure to win over a whole new set of readers. Tiggy arrives at the remote house on Bodmin Moor in the middle of a snowstorm. All alone, having losther partner in a tragic accident, Tiggy is welcomed into her best friend Julia’s warm and chaotic family. With the Tiggy begins...
 |  | Songs for a Spiritual Traveler: Selected Poems (The Writings of Frithjof Schuon) Publication Date: September 6, 2003| Series: The Writings of Frithjof Schuon German/English bilingual collection - drawn from more than 3,000 poems written during the closing years of Schuon's life. ...
 |  | Invisible Riders ...
 |  | John Millington Synge (Twayne's English Authors Series) ...
 |  | Bedside Seductions: Nursing and the Victorian Imagination, 1830-1880 Publication Date: December 15, 1997| ISBN-10: 0312177054 | ISBN-13: 978-0312177058| Edition: 1 During the Victorian era, the status and the meaning of the nurse experienced remarkable and telling shifts. Bedside Seductions is the first book-length exploration into the significance of the nurse in mid-Victorian literary and social history. ...
 |  | Surr Publication Date: October 15, 2007| Series: Avant Garde Critical Studies (Book 22) Les avant-gardes inventent dès leur début au XXe siècle des politiques et une forme spécifique du politique, et le surréalisme va le plus loin dans l'interpénétration des domaines politiques et artistiques. A la différence des autres mouvements d'avant-garde historiques, le modèle du surréalisme est encore un défi pour nombre d'écrivains et d'artistes d'aujourd'hui, et ne serait-ce qu'en tant que mort-vivant. Voulant reconduire l'art dans la vie, donc...
 |  | Paul Nash: Writings on Art Publication Date: April 19, 2001| ISBN-10: 0198174136 | ISBN-13: 978-0198174134This is a critical edition of the art writings of the British painter Paul Nash (1889-1946). His writings span the years 1919 to 1946, with the majority dating from the 1930s; they were framed by his profession of painting and his activities as an art teacher, a product designer, and his involvement, as organizer and polemicist, in the art world. ...
 |  | The Fortunate Fall of Sir Gawain Publication Date: April 27, 1982| ISBN-10: 0819124389 | ISBN-13: 978-0819124388Achieves a synthesis of two tendencies in Gawain criticism: the culpa school, which emphasizes Gawain's sin without being able to explain the final laughter at Camelot, and the felix school, which sees the comedy without being able to face the fact of Gawain's pernicious sin. Students of medieval literature, theologians interested in typology and the paradox of the felix culpa, and art historians interested in medieval iconography will all find much of value in this excellent study. ...
 |  | Between North and South: The Letters of Emily Wharton Sinkler, 1842-1865 ...
 |  | The Cowboy's Summer Love: Grass Valley Cowboys (Volume 3) Publication Date: April 26, 2012| Series: Grass Valley Cowboys After six years in the service and two tours of duty in Iraq, Travis Thompson eagerly returns home to Grass Valley, ready to resume his life on the Triple T Ranch with his two older brothers.Always the wild-child, Travis doesn’t disappoint as he rolls from one adventure to another in his quest to keep his adrenaline pumping. He needs a release for the tension constantly building inside him, especially after he discovers the girl he’s always loved just moved back home. In love with Travis Thompson since she was old e...
 |  | Buried Release Date: May 27, 2008Luke Mullen, the missing teenage son of a former police officer, was last seen getting into a car with an older woman. No one knows whether he went willingly or was abducted, whether he's living or dead. Then the videotape arrives . . .On special assignment, Detective Inspector Tom Thorne is in charge of the investigation into Luke's disappearance. But it's the information that Tony Mullen, the boy's father, is not freely sharing that Thorne finds particularly disturbing—like the names of dangerous criminals who have openly threatened the tough ex-dete...
 |  | The Dog and the Wolf: A Retelling of Aesop's Fable (Read-It! Readers: Fables Yellow Level) ...
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