| The Singer: A Classic Retelling of Cosmic Conflict (Singer Trilogy the Singer Trilogy) Publication Date: January 18, 2001| Series: Singer Trilogy the Singer Trilogy The Singer quickly became a favorite of evangelists, pastors, artists, students, teachers and readers of all sorts when it was originally published in 1975. Retelling the story of Christ through an allegorical and poetic narrative of a Singer whose Song could not be silenced, Miller's work reinvigorated Christian literature and offered believers and seekers the world over a deeply personal encounter with the gospel.Now available in hardcover for the first time in many years, this edition features a new cover illust...
 |  | See What I Wanna See - Acting Edition ...
 |  | Eggs, Beans and Crumpets (Collector's Wodehouse) Release Date: October 28, 2010| Series: Collector's Wodehouse In the heart of London's clubland there stands a tall and grimly forbidding edifice known to taxi-drivers and the elegant young men who frequent its precincts as the Drones Club. But all is not idle chatter that passes. ...
 |  | A Place Beyond Courage Release Date: September 1, 2012Sometimes Keeping Your Honor Means Breaking Your Word The early twelfth century is a time for ambitious men to prosper. John FitzGilbert is a man of honor and loyalty, sworn to royal service. When the old king dies, his successor rewards the handsome and ambitious John with castles and lands. But King Stephen has a tenuous hold on both his reign and his barons, and when jealous rivals at court seek to destroy John, he backs a woman's claim to the crown, sacrifices his marriage, and eventually is forced to make a gamble that is perhaps one step too far. Rich wit...
 |  | Heliopolis Release Date: October 20, 2010No Description Available --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition....
 |  | The American Girl Release Date: February 16, 2010In 1969, a young girl makes a trip from Coney Island to the swampy coastland on therural outskirts of Helsinki, Finland. There, her death will immediately become partof local mythology, furnishing boys and girls with fodder for endless romantic imaginings.Everyone who lives near the swamp dreams about Eddie de Wire, the lost American girl.. . . For both Sandra and Doris, two lonely, dreaming girls abandoned in differentways by their parents, this myth will propel them into their coming-of-age throughmischievous role-playing games of love and death, in search of...
 |  | The Rule of Lazari Publication Date: November 2, 2009A thrilling sequel to the popular and well-received The Hyperion Legacy.Assistant trainer and jump jockey Danny Rawlings is on the brink of financial ruin after taking a punt on buying his pride and joy Silver Belle, a tiny mare who's underachieved in the hands of struggling trainer and boss Roger Crane.After Danny is left badly beaten and shaken by a stranger outside his apartment, he learns that, one by one, jockeys that rode in a low-key race at Kempton years back are being murdered. And his name is next on the list.In the most important race of his life,...
 |  | Queenmaker: A Novel of King David's Queen Publication Date: November 2002| Series: Recent Picador Highlights For over forty years, Michal lived and reigned in David’s court. She was the beautiful and proud daughter of King Saul and the prize David would risk his kingdom to win. Behind the palace doors, beneath the burning sun of the desert, or fleeing from Absalom’s warriors, Michal was at the center of court intrigues.Queenmaker introduces in unforgettable detail the characters of one of the greatest periods in Biblicalhistory—their public deeds and private thoughts—and gives us the court of the kings as onl...
 |  | 1001 (Sanuel French Acting Edition) Publication Date: January 15, 2009| Series: Sanuel French Acting Edition 4m, 2f to play multiple roles / Dramatic ComedyThe cuckolded King Shahriyar is marrying a new bride every night and beheading her the next morning. As unrest spreads in the Sultanate, his vizier's daughter Scheherezade hatches a plan: she will offer herself as a bride and seduce the king with stories that leave him hanging on every word. She weaves such tales as "Sindbad the Sailor" and "Alaeddin and His Magic Lamp" with stories of Borges, Flaubert, and Alan and Dahna -- a Jewish man and an Arab woman who have fallen in...
 |  | The Zeal of Thy House ...
 |  | The Best American Short Stories 2008 Publication Date: October 8, 2008| Series: Best American Short Stories This brilliant collection, edited by the award-winning and perennially provocative Salman Rushdie, boasts a “magnificent array” (Library Journal) of voices both new and recognized.With Rushdie at the helm, the 2008 edition “reflects the variety of substance and style and the consistent quality that readers have come to expect” (Publishers Weekly).“We all live in and with and by stories, every day, whoever and wherever we are. The freedom to tell each other the stories of ourselves, to retell ...
 |  | Troubadours and Love Publication Date: May 30, 1975The first known troubadour, Guilhem IX of Aquitaine, VII Count of Poitou, was a versatile man who fought against the Moors in Spain, lost an army on his way to the First Crusade, and for a time, like his great-grandson Richard Cœur de Lion, possessed more land and power in France than the king himself. His poetry reflects the hatred of convention and love of the unexpected that marks his life. In its easy swing between self-mockery and seriousness, idealised love and bawdy laughter, it introduces into troubadour poetry a sense of conflict which, after Guilh...
 |  | The Romance Of Book Selling: A History From The Earliest Times To The Twentieth Century ...
 |  | Approaches to Teaching British Women Poets of the Romantic Period (Approaches to Teaching World Literature) ...
 |  | Other Floors, Other Voices: A Textography of A Small University Building (Rhetoric, Knowledge, and Society Series) Publication Date: May 3, 1998| ISBN-10: 0805820884 | ISBN-13: 978-0805820881The author describes this volume as a "textography" because it combines certain elements of both text analysis and ethnography. Through analysis of texts, textual forms, and systems of texts, it shows the lives, life commitments, and life projects of people deeply embedded in the literate culture of the university. The people examined work in a single building, but their textual lives are maintained in different times and spaces, measured by the dimensions of text production and text circulation in their fields o...
 |  | La Question du lieu en po Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Series: Faux Titre (Book 272) Ce volume se propose denvisager un large panorama de la poésie du XXe siècle, du surréalisme à nos jours, à travers une interrogation fondamentale sur la question du lieu. Le lieu nest pas un thème, mais une notion philosophique, tout droit venue de Heidegger mais aussi de Kant et de Platon. Comme nous sommes au XXe siècle, ère de la modernité et de lincertitude, il se présente sous forme de question.La variété des lieux (ville / campagne) et de la po...
 |  | Night Seeker (An Indigo Court Novel) Release Date: July 3, 2012| Series: An Indigo Court Novel (Book 3) Eons ago, vampires tried to turn the dark Fae to harness their magic, only to create a demonic enemy more powerful than they could have imagined. Now, the Vampiric Fae are on the move, hunting anyone in their path. As the war with the vampires ratchets up, Myst, Queen of the Indigo Court, enshrouds New Forest in her chilling grasp.Cicely Waters, owl shifter and Wind Witch, has rescued the Fae Prince Grieve at a great cost. Their reunion has lost them the allegiance of the Summer Queen--and the tolerance of the vampires. In ...
 |  | The Wife of Bath Publication Date: January 24, 2012| ISBN-10: 1617206253 | ISBN-13: 978-1617206252The Wyves Tale of Bathe and prologue are among the best-known of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. They give insight into the role of women in the Late Middle Ages and are probably of interest to Chaucer himself, for the character is one of his most developed ones, with her prologue twice as long as her tale. She holds her own among the bickering pilgrims, and evidence in the manuscripts suggests that although she was first assigned a different, plainer tale- ...
 |  | Redeemed Release Date: April 24, 2012Sexy Cover ...
 |  | Secrets in the Shadows ...
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