| Ladies of the Corridor, The Publication Date: March 15, 2011DramaDorothy Parker and Arnaud d'UsseauCharacters: 7 male, 9 female, 1 dog5 Interior SetsAlthough THE LADIES OF THE CORRIDOR is not strictly a thesis play, its authors do have a point to make. It is that when widowhood comes to American middle-aged women, only those prepared for a career have any chance for happiness. They are mostly bitter, frustrated, bored, and driven to suicide, kleptomania or constant attendance at the movies. In particular, the dramatists are concerned with three of the women. One takes a younger lover and, despite her momentary happines...
 |  | Baroque and gothic sentimentalism;: An essay ...
 |  | First Among Equals Release Date: May 4, 2004Charles Seymour, second-born son, will never be the earl like his father, but he did inherit his mother's strength-and the will to realize his destiny...Simon Kerslake's father sacrificed everything to make sure his son's dreams come true. Now it is Simon's chance to rise as high as those dreams allow...Ray Gould was born to the back streets but raised with pride-a quality matched by a sharp intellect and the desire to attain the impossible...Andrew Fraser was raised by a soccer hero turned politician. Now it's his turn for heroics, whatever the cost.From strangers t...
 |  | Racing Can Be Murder: Speed City Indiana Chapter of Sisters in Crime Publication Date: October 1, 2007Racing Can Be Murder is a collection of nineteen stories written by some of today's best mystery writers. It revolves around the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race and the festivities that take place in Indianapolis each merry month of May. ...
 |  | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: A Novel Release Date: September 1, 1998Japan's most highly regarded novelist now vaults into the first ranks of international fiction writers with this heroically imaginative novel, which is at once a detective story, an account of a disintegrating marriage, and an excavation of the buried secrets of World War II. In a Tokyo suburb a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife's missing cat. Soon he finds himself looking for his wife as well in a netherworld that lies beneath the placid surface of Tokyo. As these searches intersect, Okada encounters a bizarre group of alli...
 |  | The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings Publication Date: August 1, 1999With 250 entries, this filmography and resource is the encyclopedic guide to all things lycanthropic and a fascinating compendium of comparative mythology and folklore. Delving into the 15th century to uncover the origins of the werewolf legend, it is an eye-opening, blood-pounding tour through the ages, landing on the doorstep of creatures like hirsute mass-murderer Charles Manson and canine-directed Son of Sam. A helpful chronology of lycanthropic activities dates back 140,000 years, to the first mixing of human and lupine blood. ...
 |  | The Power of Thetis and Selected Essays (Hellenic Studies) Publication Date: June 6, 2011| Series: Hellenic Studies (Book 16) Laura Slatkin's influential and widely admired book, here published in a second edition together with six additional essays, explores the superficially minor role of Thetis in the Iliad. Highly charged allusions reverberate through the narrative and establish a constellation of themes that link the poem to other traditions. Slatkin uncovers alternative traditions about the power of Thetis and shows how an awareness of those myths brings a far greater understanding of Thetis's place in the thematic structure of the Iliad. The ...
 |  | The Whispering Gallery: Art Into Poetry Publication Date: January 2, 2006| ISBN-10: 1876832851 | ISBN-13: 978-1876832858This new book contains 55 poems, each prompted by a work of art drawn from the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria. The art works are reproduced alongside the peoms for immediate reference and enjoyment. While Plenty: Art into Poetry is a work of beauty and distinction, critics already consider The Whispering Gallery to be an exciting successor in which the author expands and deepens his imaginative exploration of words and images. ...
 |  | Finish This Book Release Date: September 6, 2011Dear Reader,One dark and stormy night, author Keri Smith found some strangescattered pages abandoned in a park. She collected and assembled them,trying to solve the mystery of this unexpected discovery, and now,she's passing the task on to you, her readers.I collected and assembled them, trying to solve the mystery of thisunexpected discovery, and am now passing the task on to you.Your mission is to become the new author of this work. You willcontinue the research and provide the content. In order to complete thetask, you will have to undergo some secret intell...
 |  | Wuthering Heights: Character Studies Publication Date: February 21, 2008| ISBN-10: 0826493467 | ISBN-13: 978-0826493460| Edition: 1 <div>Readers and critics have been intrigued - and disturbed - by the characters of <i>Wuthering </i><i>Heights </i>since its publication in 1847. Heathcliff and Catherine, the tormented and enigmatic lovers at the centre of the novel, have justifiably been the focus of critical attention. Yet the novel is peopled with a large cast of idiosyncratic characters, each of whom plays a significant role in the plot. This novel, wit...
 |  | Woeful Afflictions: Disability and Sentimentality in Victorian America Publication Date: June 3, 1999From Tiny Tim to Helen Keller, disabled people in the nineteenth century were portrayed in sentimental terms, as afflicted beings whose sufferings afforded ablebodied people opportunities to practice empathy and compassion. In all kinds of representations of disability, from popular fiction to the reports of institutions established for the education and rehabilitation of disabled people, the equation of disability and sentimentality served a variety of social functions, from ensuring the continued existence of a sympathetic sensibility in a hard-hearted, market...
 |  | Yokomitsu Riichi, Modernist (Modern Asian Literature Series) Publication Date: June 1980| Series: Modern Asian Literature Series In these two works by contemporary Japanese playwright Yamazaki Masakazu, potent figures from Japan's past illuminate the psychological and philosophical concerns of the twentieth century.Translated here in full are Zeami (1963), based on the life of the great master of the no theater, and Sanetomo (1973), the hero of which is the Kamakura general and poet. The translation by J. Thomas Rimer includes both an introduction, which discusses the plays, placing them in their specific historical contexts, and an interview with Yam...
 |  | Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle (Clarendon Paperbacks) Publication Date: December 27, 1990| ISBN-10: 0198248997 | ISBN-13: 978-0198248996Reissued in 1997 with corrections and a new Afterword, this book fully explores for the first time an idea common to Plato and Aristotle, which unites their treatments-- otherwise very different--of love and friendship. The idea is that although persons are separate, their lives need not be. One person's life may overflow into another's, and as such, helping another person is a way of serving oneself. The author shows how their view of love and friendship, within not only personal relationships, but also th...
 |  | Comfort of a Man (Arabesque) Publication Date: November 15, 2011| Series: Arabesque She wants a little comfort
At thirty-eight, Brooklyn Douglas has her hands full raising a teenage son and running her own business. What she doesn't need is everybody and their mother trying to hook her up with a "good man." The last "good man" Brooklyn was with turned into a no-good husband, who left her for another woman. Can't she just have a mind-blowing love affair with no strings attached? Somebody like the handsome, broad-shouldered brother at the bar.
He's looking for a lot moreAs a successfu...
 |  | The Precious Pearls of Cabot Hall Release Date: May 1, 1992Uncomfortable living in creepy Cabot Hall with her aunt, the writer L. Cabot, Kathleen O'Malley looks forward to visits from her handsome cousin, Luke, until she realizes that even Luke has dark secrets to hide. Original. ...
 |  | No Place Like Home : A Novel Publication Date: April 5, 2005Liza Barclay, aged 10, shot her mother while trying to protect her from her violent stepfather, ex-FBI agent Charley Foster. Despite her stepfather's claim that it was a deliberate act, the Juvenile Court ruled the death an accident. Many people, however, agreed with Foster and tabloids compared Liza to the infamous murderess, Lizzie Borden, pointing even to the similarity in name.Growing up with adoptive parents who tried to erase every trace of her past, her name is changed to Celia. Always, though, the fear hung over her and the family - that someday, her ...
 |  | The Red House Mystery Publication Date: April 11, 2012Mark Ablett s house party goes well until his brother Robert returns from Australia and joins the festivities. Shortly after his arrival, Robert is found dead, and Mark disappears. Tony Gillingham is the stranger who decides to investigate, and what follows is a witty whodunit, the only murder mystery A. A. Milne ever wrote. ...
 |  | That Affair Next Door Publication Date: August 10, 2008A Good Mystery. This is not the kind of detective novel in which every clue is presented to the reader and the final twist was surprising.Returning from a trip abroad, the Van Burnam family enters their New York mansion to find a dead woman on the dining room floor. A curio cabinet has fallen on top of her, crushing her face, and law officers suspect that the victim is the wife of one of the Van Burnam sons. However, the son insists that he does not recognize the victim. How did this woman get into this locked house? Whose are those strange garments she is we...
 |  | Red Hugh Publication Date: July 1, 2001| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up This is the extraordinary true story of Red Hugh O'Donnell - kidnap, gaol, dungeons, escape Ireland in 1587 was a tough place. The old Irish clans struggled desperately to hold on to their lands. With the Spanish Armada threatening her in the background, the English queen, Elizabeth I, set out to subdue them. A few weeks before his fifteenth birthday, Red Hugh was captured and taken to Dublin Castle. He was held as hostage to ensure the good behaviour of his father, chief of the powerful O'Donnell clan of Donegal. Af...
 |  | Like a Fish on a Bike! Publication Date: June 10, 1999| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up "The hand of fate interrupts thedaily routine of a little fish, named Sonny. ...
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