| Living the Dream ...
 |  | My Brother the Vampire (Barron's Arch Book Series) Publication Date: February 1992| Series: Barron's Arch Book Series Mike's crazy big brother Murdo actually thinks he's a vampire. But things change fast when he falls in love with the clergyman's pretty daughter. ...
 |  | At the Yeoman's House Publication Date: March 16, 2012Ronald Blythe looks back with affection to the friendships with artists, writers, farmers, gardeners, and neighbors that were to enrich his life on his rural farm on the Essex-Suffolk border. At the Yeoman's House is not merely a spellbinding fragment of autobiography, but also a fascinating picture of the history, topography, botany, and folk-lore of a beautiful corner of England. ...
 |  | The Recognition of Sakuntala (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: August 5, 2003| Series: Dover Thrift Editions Written by the greatest of the ancient Indian playwrights, this 5th-century work of Sanskrit drama offers a classic introduction to Indian theater and aesthetics. A king encounters a lovely maiden by chance, and the course of their passionate love sweeps the audience from a forest hermitage to a dazzling palace to ethereal celestial realms. ...
 |  | Downstage Upfront: A 40th Anniversary Biography of New Zealand's Longest Running Professional Theatre Publication Date: April 1, 2005| ISBN-10: 0864734891 | ISBN-13: 978-0864734891New Zealand's first and longest running professional theater company, the Downstage Theatre in Wellington, is celebrated in this large and lavishly illustrated document of its 40-year life span. From conception to maturity, this history covers the theater's dramas both on- and off-stage, the larger-than-life personalities involved throughout, and the groundbreaking theatrical productions that for four decades have brought extraordinary life to New Zealand's theater community. ...
 |  | Tiny Elephants with Precious Toes Publication Date: July 21, 2012"..whimsical, surreal, dark and seductive..." Tiny Elephants with Precious Toes, is a collection of magical realism poems. Each poem short or long is a story of it`s own. Didi`s poetry has been influenced by her ancestor`s main style which is Magical Realism. Overall her poetry is filled with imagery, juxtaposition, and surreal descriptions. ...
 |  | China in German Poetry from 1773 to 1833. ...
 |  | Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist ...
 |  | Elements of Semiology Publication Date: April 1, 1977| ISBN-10: 0374521468 | ISBN-13: 978-0374521462| Edition: Reissue "In his Course in General Linguistics, first published in 1916, Saussure postulated the existence of a general science of signs, or Semiology, of which linguistics would form only one part. Semiology, therefore aims to take in any system of signs, whatever their substance and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and the complex associations of all these, which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment: these constitute, if not languages, at least systems of ...
 |  | The Laird of Loch Fyne Publication Date: August 9, 2011'I'm sorry for what has to be done, lass,' the old man whispered. 'It is the only way they can be saved. Maggie shook her head in confusion as the voices and laughter of fairgoers around her became inaudible. 'The only way who can be saved? I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about.' A loud, thunderous sound burst through the atmosphere, followed by the glow of an eerie white light that surrounded her entire body. Feeling as if she were standing on a thick blanket of fog and not being able to find her way out, Maggie sensed the laughter she had h...
 |  | The Russian Hill Murders (Sarah Woolson Mysteries) Release Date: June 16, 2005Though her own San Francisco law firm barely tolerates her, gutsy young attorney Sarah Woolson flouts proper feminine behavior in this nineteenth-century answer to Legally Blonde. While her mother begs her to settle down, her chauvinistic boss tries to come up with ever more spiteful ways to pressure his only female associate into quitting. Naturally, Sarah digs in her heels and vows to retain her position at any cost. Besides, she has no intention of straying too far from the action.When the wife of wealthy society entrepreneur Leonard Godfrey drops dead of an app...
 |  | His Burial Too Publication Date: February 2009Inspector Sloan is called in when a man is crushed to death by a marble statue in a church tower. The first sign anyone had that something was wrong in the tiny Calleshire village of Cleete was when Fenella Tindall woke up to find her father missing. Nobody at his office had seen him that day either, and when the body of a man is found crushed to death under the fragments of a massive marble statue in the oocal church tower, Inspector C.D. Sloan's suspicions that the victim may be Richard Tindall are soon confirmed. This doesn't make his superior officer, Super...
 |  | A Century of Great Suspense Stories Release Date: November 1, 2001New York Times bestselling author Jeffery Deaver's enviable task? Choose the best mystery/horror detective stories from a century ofwork by the world's most celebrated writers. The result is a triumph, featuring masterpieces of suspense by: Robert Bernard * Robert Bloch * Lawrence Block * Anthony Boucher * Frederic Brown * James M. Cain * Max Allan Collins * Jeffery Deaver * Stanley Ellin * Harlan Ellison * Erle Stanley Gardner * Ed Gorman * Anna Katharine Green * Jeremiah Healy * Patricia Highsmith * Reginald Hill * Tony Hillerman * Evan Hunter * Stephen King *...
 |  | Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist Release Date: April 10, 2012| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Fantastic Four Visionaries - John Byrne, Vol. 5 (v. 5) Publication Date: December 14, 2005| Grade Level: 4 and up Learn the fantastic mysteries of Mister Fantastic's past as he searches for his time-tramping father and reveals his pre-FF invasion-foiling credentials in a fight against a monster in the classic Marvel style! Travel to a world of cowboys and amazons! See the Thing find a house of horror on an alien world! And behold the face of Doom... but just the face? Not to worry, She-Hulk shows more than enough to compensate! Featuring the Black Bolt/Medusa wedding and the end of the Kree-Skrull War! Collects Fantastic Four #268-275, Fantastic...
 |  | Fantastic Four: First Family Publication Date: November 15, 2006| Grade Level: 4 and up For the first time, untold secrets of the FF's earliest days are revealed! What happened the moment after Reed Richards' rocket crash landed? What happened - to Sue Storm, to Ben Grimm, to Johnny Storm - in the days following that fateful event? An in-depth, action-packed, psychologically thrilling exploration of the FF's origin! Collects Fantastic Four: First Family #1-6. ...
 |  | Search For Sophie (Playmobil Pop-Ups) ...
 |  | Lee un cuento conmigo (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | This Little Puffin (Read Alouds) Publication Date: June 1999 ...
 |  | Great Snape Debate ...
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