| La guaracha del Macho Camacho (COLECCION LETRAS HISPANICAS) (Letras Hispanicas / Hispanic Writings) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Series: Letras Hispanicas / Hispanic Writings This world is ruled by publicitary language and by the insidiousellipsis that obstruct communication and hide reality. This is a parodyabout those polluted languages, a novel that's a mirror of Puerto Ricoand Latin America, the colonized. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition....
 |  | Thread (New Directions Paperbook Original) Publication Date: May 27, 2011| Series: New Directions Paperbook Original Thread presents eighty-six new poems by “theforemost experimental poet of his generation, andperhaps of the last several generations” (The PoetrySociety of America’s 2006 Wallace Stevens Awardcitation).Michael Palmer’s new collection is structured in two parts, “What I Did NotSay” and “Thread,” subtitled “Stanzas in Counterlight.” It begins with a beautifulsuite of poems featuring The Master of Shadows (first glimpsed in his 2006collection The Compan...
 |  | Kristi Yamaguchi (Asian-American Biographies) Publication Date: September 15, 2005| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up...
 |  | Harlem Heat Release Date: July 24, 2007 SHE'S ONE TOUGH MOTHERRoxy Reynolds learned the rules of the street nearly two decades ago as a low- level member of what was once New York City's most powerful drug organization. She was also a mom at fourteen years old, and did what she had to do to raise her daughter, Chyna. Now Chyna's all grown up, a stunningly beautiful exotic dancer with a baby girl of her own, while super-sexy Roxy is at the height of her power running Harlem Heat, a gun-trafficking ring. It's a lucrative life- style some would do anything to have. And when former drug kingpin Panama Pet...
 |  | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles Release Date: May 20, 2008| Series: Star Trek (Book 3) Before the Dominion War and the decimation of Cardassia...before the coming of the Emissary and the discovery of the wormhole...before space station Terok Nor became Deep Space 9™...there was the Occupation: the military takeover of an alien planet and the violent insurgency that fought against it. Now that fifty-year tale of warring ideologies, terrorism, greed, secret intelligence, moral compromises, and embattled faiths is at last given its due in the three-book saga of Star Trek's Lost Era... TEROK NORAs violence all across ...
 |  | Men Who Loved Me ...
 |  | The Stepmother: A Novel Release Date: March 16, 2010 Bea Frazier hoped she'd rediscover her incredible self after divorcing Jimmy. But being home alone with three daughters brings her demons back with a vengeance. The only solution is to reunite her family. The trouble is, her ex is about to marry someone else. Tessa King has finally found true love, but her knight in shining armor comes with three sullen daughters and an ex who doesn't seem nearly "ex" enough. After years of singledom, what does Tessa have to do to finally live happily ever after? As the two women negotiate carpools, puberty, and family loyalt...
 |  | Eight Old English Poems Publication Date: December 2000| ISBN-10: 039397605X | ISBN-13: 978-0393976052| Edition: 3rd A meticulous updating of the highly respected Norton college paperbackSeven Old English Poems, this Third Edition, retitled Eight Old EnglishPoems meets the needs of both graduate and undergraduate students ofOld English.Included are the texts of Caedmon’s Hymn, The Battle ofBrunanburh, The Dream of the Rood, The Battle of Maldon, The Wanderer,The Seafarer, Deor, and, newly added in response to changes within theOld English curriculum, The Wife’s Lament.Prepared by R. D. Fulk, the T...
 |  | Northanger Abbey: A Longman Cultural Edition Publication Date: September 2, 2004| ISBN-10: 0321202082 | ISBN-13: 978-0321202086| Edition: 1st LongmanFrom Longman's Cultural Editions Series, Northanger Abbey, edited by Marilyn Gaull, presents key texts that illuminate the lively intersections of literature, tradition, and culture.This edition places Jane Austen and Northanger Abbey in the major conversations of Romanticism, not just the gothic novel and female education. It places the novel in two contexts, 1798, when it was written, and 1818, when it was published, illustrating its relevance to both periods and the major writers,...
 |  | Phormio Publication Date: July 2002| ISBN-10: 0887348556 | ISBN-13: 978-0887348556Terence's Phormio, based on a Greek original by Apollodorus of Carystus, was produced towards the end of his short dramatic career in 161 BC. With its lively action, based on the traditional elements of love, deception and mistaken identity, the play provides an ideal introduction to the genre of New Comedy. What makes the Phormio unique amongst Terence's works is the central importance of the witty and scheming parasite who gives his name to the play and directs and controls its action throughout, even when absent...
 |  | Feminist Readings of Antigone (Suny Series in Gender Theory) Publication Date: October 29, 2010| Series: Suny Series in Gender Theory New and classic essays on Antigone and feminist philosophy. ...
 |  | The Allegorical Epic: Essays in Its Rise and Decline ...
 |  | Homesick for the Earth Publication Date: May 3, 2012Jules Supervielle (1884-1960) was born to French parents in Montevideo, orphaned within a year of his birth, and grew up in Uruguay and France. He spent the Second World War exiled in Uruguay, afflicted by ill health and financial ruin. His poems are dreamlike, often gently fantastical, imbued with an appealing surface clarity. His work stands apart from much 20th-century French poetry, and he has been characterized as a writer of Basque descent who wrote in French but in the Spanish tradition, with a strong affinity for the open spaces of his South American chil...
 |  | The Comical As Texual Practice in Les Fleurs Du Mal ...
 |  | The Autumn Wind: A Selection from the Poems of Issa Publication Date: June 1984"Autumn Wind" is a collection of Issa's haiku poetry. ...
 |  | Haiku (Poetry Basics) Publication Date: August 1, 2009| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 |  | Conversations With Joseph Brodsky: A Poets Journey Through The Twentieth Century Publication Date: February 1, 1998Joseph Brodsky's life was epic in scope. From imprisonment in the Soviet Union and subsequent flight to the West to a new beginning in the United States and international fame -- culminating in a Nobel Prize -- Brodsky is one of the most fascinating literary figures of our time. Ironically, he was also a humble and quiet man, given to intense reflection, self-deprecation, and wry humor.Cultural critic Solomon Volkov interviewed Brodsky over a period of 15 years and has created a portrait of him using the best and most representative of their conversations. W...
 |  | Machiavelli: A Beginner's Guide (Beginners Guide (Oneworld)) Publication Date: March 16, 2009| Series: Beginners Guide (Oneworld) Machiavelli has been among the most commented upon, criticized and feared thinkers of the modern world. Infamous for his support of brutality and repression as valid political instruments, he is often portrayed as the pantomime villain of political theorists. In this tour of Machiavelli's writings and eventful life, Nederman highlights the complexities in his thought, highlighting that he advocated democracy as much as dictatorship, debate as much as violence, depending upon prevailing political conditions. ...
 |  | Romanticism Comes of Age Publication Date: October 30, 2006Owen Barfield is unique in havin combined the work of a solicitor wit the profession of literature. In the latter his speciality has been the province of speech and words, and the history and philosophy of meaning. His works on these subjects have long won enthusiastic recognition in university circles, but are now reaching a wider public. He has been described by C. S. Lewis as 'the wisest of my unofficial advisers' and T. S. Eliot wrote of his Saving the Appearances that it was 'one of the few books which made me proud to be director of the firm which publ...
 |  | From Virile Woman to WomanChrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature (The Middle Ages Series) Publication Date: January 1, 1995| Series: The Middle Ages Series Why did hagiographers of the late Middle Ages praise mothers for abandoning small children? How did a group of female mystics come to define themselves as "apostles to the dead" and end by challenging God's right to damn? Why did certain heretics around 1300 venerate a woman as the Holy Spirit incarnate and another as the Angelic Pope?In From Virile Woman to WomanChrist, Barbara Newman asks these and other questions to trace a gradual and ambiguous transition in the gender strategies of medieval religious women. An egalitarian...
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