| Sun Ra: The Immeasurable Equation. The collected Poetry and Prose Publication Date: September 1, 2006A talented pianist and composer in his own right, Sun Ra (1914 - 1993) founded and conducted one of jazz's last great big bands from the 1950s until he left planet Earth. Few only know that he also was a gifted thinker and poet. Sun Ra's poetry leaves everything behind what's called contemporary, and flings out pictures of infinity into the outer space. These poems are for tomorrow. This is the only edition of Sun Ra's complete poetry and prose in one volume. The Contributors James L. Wolf Earned a music degree from Carleton College, and studied ethnomusico...
 |  | Biloxi Blues Publication Date: August 20, 2010Full Length, Comic Drama / Casting: 6m, 2f / Scenery: Various sets Tony Award Best Play 1985 The second in Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Neil Simon's trilogy which began with Brighton Beach Memoirs and concluded with Broadway Bound. When we last met Eugene Jerome, he was coping with adolescence in 1930's Brooklyn. Here, he is a young army recruit during WW II, going through basic training and learning about Life and Love with a capital 'L' along with some harsher lessons, while stationed at boot camp in Biloxi, Mississippi in 1943. "A fine comedy, and ano...
 |  | Car Talk: The Greatest Stories Ever Told: Once Upon a Car Fire . . . Release Date: October 1, 2006| Series: Car Talk You decide to waste another perfectly good hour getting bogus car advice from the Car Talk guys when what should happen but some remark from the caller launches either Tom or Ray off topic and onto a story about The Sleek Black Beauty, their most recent wife, or their days at MIT. ...
 |  | Inside My Soul: Poetry from the Heart Release Date: July 6, 2006I am totally exposing myself to my family, and to the world. When I realized I was not alone with my demons I decided to share my fate with others. ...
 |  | Atlantis: Bearer Of Fruit Publication Date: September 16, 2011"Atlantis: Bearer of Fruit" is an adventure unfolding in a unique civilization.Aedon may be a prince in Atlantis but no one recognizes him, nor his mother’s claim.The Prince Lord sent him away to a private educatory;ready to graduate, Aedon vows to find his father and prove that he is worthy to receive his rightful place.At the last exam he rejoins friend, Faeraud who cares nothing for the rules, is obsessed with taking the kingdom for his own, and will use anyone to get there.Aedon is divided between being perfect to get his father’s love or...
 |  | Tales of Hearsay; Suspense Publication Date: 1938A collection of Conrad's short stories, this book of suspenseful sea tales was collected posthumously and published in several different editions. This one was published in 1938 and features the author's face embossed on the cover. ...
 |  | Westward Ho! or, the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon~ in the Reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth (Scribner's Illustrated Classics) Publication Date: September 30, 1992| Age Level: 9 and up For nearly a century, Scribner has exemplified the very best in publishing by pairing classic texts with the illustrative giants of the time, such as N. C. Wyeth and Maxfield Parrish. With the same commitment to the high standards established by the series' founders, Atheneum Books for Young Readers is expanding the Scribner Illustrated Classics line over the next several years to include such modern-day classics as Jack London's The Call of the Wild and White Fang, J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, and The Stories of O. Henry, to be illustrat...
 |  | Piece of Cake Release Date: March 12, 1984Set during World War II, this book is an account of the war as lived by the men of Hornet Squadron, from the war in France until the end of the Battle of Britain. By the author of "Goshawk Squadron" and "War Story". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | Top Girls Publication Date: September 1, 1982| ISBN-10: 0573630232 | ISBN-13: 978-0573630231Serious Comedy / Castin: 7f. with doubling / Ints. Marlene has been promoted to managing director of a London employment agency and is celebrating. The symbolic luncheon is attended by women in legend or history who offer perspectives on maternity and ambition. In a time warp, these ladies are also her co workers, clients and relatives. Marlene, like her famous guests, has had to pay a price to ascend from proletarian roots to the executive suite: she has become, figuratively speaking, a male oppressor and ...
 |  | Fred Schneider and Other Unrelated Works Publication Date: September 1987Fred Schneider is one of the founders of the group B-52's.He has written a book of nonsense poems.He has a delightful mix of whimsy, satire, wordplay, penmanship with wiggling lines giggling forms of looney tunes and many surprises. ...
 |  | Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History, Updated and Expanded Edition Publication Date: October 17, 2004The definitive compendium of classic and modern oratory expanded—with a new preface on what makes a speech "great."An instant classic when it was first published a decade ago and now enriched by seventeen new speeches, Lend Me Your Ears contains more than two hundred outstanding moments of oratory. This third edition is selected, arranged, and introduced by William Safire, who honed his skills as a presidential speechwriter. He is considered by many to be America's most influential political columnist and most elegant explicator of our language. Cover...
 |  | The Naked City: Urban Crime Fiction in the USA Publication Date: April 1996The "mean streets" of San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago have dominated American crime fiction from Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett to Sara Paretsky and Ed McBain. Like Marlowe and V.I. Warshawski before him, Ralph Willett undertakes a lone investigation into the dangerous realms of urban American detective fiction, uncovering clues to their grip on the popular imagination, text by text and city by city. On the one hand, a menacing labyrinth or urban jungle; on the other, a bohemian and exotic space, the American city is the site of many distin...
 |  | The Mao Case: An Inspector Chen Novel (Inspector Chen Cao) Release Date: March 3, 2009| Series: Inspector Chen Cao Chief Inspector Chen Cao of the Shanghai Police Department is the head of the Special Case group and is often put in charge of those cases that are considered politically "sensitive" since, as a rising party cadre, he's regarded by many as reliable. But Inspector Chen, though a poet by inclination and avocation, takes his job as a policeman very seriously, despite the pressures put upon him from within and without, and is unwilling to compromise his principles as a policeman in favor of political expedience. However,...
 |  | Dorothy L. Sayers: A Literary Biography Publication Date: July 1979Dorothy L. Sayers: A Literary Biography, by Hone, Ralph E.. 8vo. ...
 |  | The Dragon of Cripple Creek Publication Date: April 1, 2011| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up "Show us the gold, Kat! Show us the gold!" Katlin Graham's passion for gold and adventure has steered her family into the rowdy, historical town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. True to her curiosity streak, she strays from the Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine tour to explore a closed-off tunnel, and after an accidental fall, discovers a breathtaking secret: Deep below the mine lives a dragon--the last dragon on earth. Ye is his name, and he inhabits a glittering wonderland, surrounded by heaps of gold. Seeing the gol...
 |  | Sheila Rae, the Brave Release Date: April 25, 1996| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Sheila Rae is not afraid of anything. She walks backwards with her eyes closed, steps on every crack, growls at stray dogs, and bares her teeth at stray cats. But when Sheila Rae becomes lost on the way home from school, it is her "scaredy cat" sister, Louise, who shows her a thing or two about bravery and sibling love. ...
 |  | Arthur and the Pen-Pal Playoff: Arthur Good Sports Chapter Book 6 (Arthur Good Sports Chapter Books) Publication Date: December 1, 2001| Grade Level: 1 and up...
 |  | The Midwest Division: The Dallas Mavericks, the Denver Nuggets, the Houston Rockets, the Memphis Grizzlies, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the (Above the Rim) Publication Date: January 2004| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Let's Go Fishing for Shellfish ...
 |  | Poems About Biomes: Poems of the Earth's Ecosystems ...
Data Source by Amazon.com |