| The Cursing Mommy's Book of Days: A Novel Release Date: October 2, 2012Based on his widely read columns for The New Yorker, Ian Frazier’s uproarious first novel, The Cursing Mommy’s Book of Days, centers on a profoundly memorable character, sprung from an impressively fertile imagination. Structured as a daybook of sorts, the book follows the Cursing Mommy—beleaguered wife of Larry and mother of two boys, twelve and eight—as she tries (more or less) valiantly to offer tips on how to do various tasks around the home, only to end up on the ground, cursing, surrounded by broken glass. Her voice is somewhere betw...
 |  | Tempted by Trouble Release Date: June 7, 2011It's love and bullets, Dickey style. The blistering new novel from the New York Times bestselling author.For Dmytryk and Cora, there's only one way to fight the recession that's crippled their comfortable lifestyle: accept a crime boss's offer to rob a few banks. It's quick. A nice big payoff. No one gets hurt. Good luck believing that. ...
 |  | City Terrace Field Manual Release Date: July 2, 1996Brawling, street-wise prose poems push the boundaries of narrative form, taking the reader through the physical and psychological landscapes of East Los Angeles. ...
 |  | Ghost Singer: A Novel Publication Date: December 1, 1994Human ears, strung like beads on a cord; scalps with hair and ears still intact; infant bones in a medicine bundle; corpses, whole, in a cardboard box. These artifacts in an obscure corner of the Smithsonian cause Indian ghosts to haunt, torment, and murder researchers--even as they themselves are tormented by the items in the museum's collection. Only the sacred rituals of Indian medicine men can make it safe to be around these dangerous artifacts. ...
 |  | Famous Last Words Publication Date: August 20, 2001Famous Last Words is part-thriller, part-horror story; it is also a meditation on history and the human soul. In the final days of the Second World War, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley scrawls his desperate account on the walls and ceilings of his ice-cold prison high in the Austrian Alps. Officers of the liberating army discover his frozen, disfigured corpse and his astonishing testament - the sordid truth that he alone possessed. Fascinated but horrified, they learn of a dazzling array of characters caught up in a scandal and political corruption. ...
 |  | The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe Publication Date: December 31, 2003Famous for his horror stories and brooding poetry, Poe is often considered to be the inventor of the modern detective story, as well. Now, this one marvelously illustrated and popularly priced volume makes it possible to appreciate the full genius of this master of the mysterious and brilliant literary talent. Images, reproduced from a variety of sources (including Aubrey Beardsley, Edouard Manet, and Arthur Rackham) enhance the mood of such favorites as The Pit and the Pendulum, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Cask of Amontillado, The Tell-Tale Heart, ...
 |  | Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: November 7, 2002| Series: Dover Thrift Editions Regarded by many as the most luminous example of Twain's work, this historical novel chronicles the French heroine's life, as purportedly told by her longtime friend Sieur Louis de Conté. A panorama of stirring scenes recount Joan's childhood in Domremy, the story of her voices, the fight for Orleans, the splendid march to Rheims, and much more. ...
 |  | Men Like That: A Southern Queer History Publication Date: July 2001| ISBN-10: 0226354709 | ISBN-13: 978-0226354705We don't usually associate thriving queer culture with rural America, but John Howard's unparalleled history of queer life in the South persuasively debunks the myth that same-sex desires can't find expression outside the big city. In fact, this book shows that the nominally conservative institutions of small-town life—home, church, school, and workplace—were the very sites where queer sexuality flourished. As Howard recounts the life stories of the ordinary and the famous, often in their own words, he ...
 |  | black girl love Publication Date: March 11, 2011"black girl love" is a collection of well-crafted contemporary stories told from a black girls perspective on life and loving other "grown" black girls.Full of highs, lows and sex thrown in the middle of, "black girl love" contains over twenty-five stories and poems covering life, love and sex, featuring characters you will love, hate and want to fuck all at the same time. ...
 |  | How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies Release Date: July 18, 2011| ISBN-10: 019975750X | ISBN-13: 978-0199757503| Edition: 2 Offering a refreshing combination of accessibility and intellectual rigor, How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies, Second Edition, presents an up-to-date, concise, and wide-ranging historicist survey of contemporary thinking in critical theory. The only book of its kind that thoroughly merges literary studies with cultural studies, this text provides a critical look at the major movements in literary studies since the 1930s, including those often omitted from oth...
 |  | The Wandering Falcon Release Date: October 13, 2011A haunting literary debut set in the forbidding remote tribalareas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Traditions that have lasted for centuries, both brutal and beautiful,createa rigid structure for life in the wild, astonishing place where Iran,Pakistan,and Afghanistan meet-the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Itis aformidable world, and the people who live there are constantly subjectedtoextremes-of place and of culture.The Wandering Falcon begins with a young couple, refugees fromtheirtribe, who have traveled to the middle of nowhere to escape the cruelp...
 |  | For King and Country Publication Date: September 1, 2006Two great forces fight for England ? and one woman is torn between them It is 1642, and civil war is beginning to split England in half. The dashing Cavaliers swear loyalty to the Crown; the stern Puritans vow to risk all for liberty and their mighty, wrathful God . . . and beautiful, fiery Lilias Pride will face the hardest choice of her life. Married to Richard Pride, MP for Bristol, she devotes her loyalty to him and to the Puritan cause. Yet Priam Lithgow, Royalist Earl of Chelwood, stirs her deeply, and when he falls into danger, she risks her life to ...
 |  | La Serrana de la Vera (COLECCION LETRAS HISPANICAS) (Letras Hispanicas / Hispanic Writings) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Watermark: Vietnamese American Poetry & Prose Publication Date: April 7, 1998Here, the most innovative contemporary Vietnamese-American writers explore thematic and stylistic territory previously overlooked in other collections, which have traditionally focused on the all-too- expected theme of war.Watermark lifts all constraints, leaving the works to reset the boundaries for themselves. And they do-using poetry, fiction, and experimental forms to venture further into the fringes of the Vietnamese-American psyche. There they find a dead dog and hockey puck, a frozen (literally) grandmother, a hairpiece, Gertrude Stein, and a stick of sp...
 |  | Hunt by Night Publication Date: February 1983Derek Mahon is considered by his peers and readers to be the most remarkable poet of his generation. He was born in 1941 in Belfast, and educated at Trinity, Dublin. He lived for some years in London, and now lives both in Dublin and New York. 'The Hunt by Night' was considered by Seamus Heaney on publication to be Mahon's 'most exuberant and authoritative single volume to date...There is a copiousness and excitement about these poems that is to be found only in work of the highest order.' This book is intended for poets, readers. admirers (many) of Mahon's wor...
 |  | Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction Publication Date: November 1992The surprising and controversial thesis of Feminist Fabulation is unflinching: the postmodern canon has systematically excluded a wide range of important women's writing by dismissing it as genre fiction. Marleen Barr issues an urgent call for a corrective, for the recognition of a new meta- or supergenre of contemporary writing--feminist fabulation--which includes both acclaimed mainstream works and works which today's critics consistently ignore. --This text refers to the Paperback edition....
 |  | Intimate Letters of England's Queens Publication Date: July 2, 2009Intimate Letters of England's Queens opens with the letters of Catherine of Aragon to her daughter, Mary, and the letter she wrote to her husband Henry VIII shortly before her death in 1501.This fascinating collection of letters allows the reader an insight into the private thoughts and feelings of these women, from the bitter anger expressed by Anne Boleyn in her letter to Cardinal Wolsey to her heartfelt attempt to save herself from death whilst imprisoned in the Tower in May 1536. ...
 |  | La dama en cuestion (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: April 15, 2010Delia y Cassandra, las gemelas Effington, son las mas deliciosas debutantes de los bailes de salon londinense, pero nadie esperaba que Delia provocara un escandalo al casarse impetuosamente con el libertino Charles Wilmont, que dias despues del precipitado matrimonio es asesinado. Lo que Delia no sabe es que tras el disfraz de libertino se escondia un espia al servicio de la Corona. El vizconde Anthony Saint Stephens se hace pasar por un anciano mayordomo para infiltrarse en la casa de Delia e investigar la muerte de Charles. De esta forma, el entranable ancia...
 |  | Obsidian Butterfly Unabridged CDs (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, No 9) Release Date: March 18, 2010Unabridged CDs, 19 CDs, 24 hoursRead by Kimberly AlexisCalled on by her bounty-hunting friend, Edward, vampire hunter Anita Blake faces one of the most enigmatic creatures she has ever come across. Now she must confront an unknown evil: something that skins, mutilates, and dismember its victims-then disappears....
 |  | One Eyed Jack Publication Date: June 13, 2012Professional blackmailer John Sharp, aka One Eyed Jack, is a man who knows how to keep a secret – for a price. But when a routine case of infidelity takes an unexpected detour, he soon finds himself caught in a tangled web of double-blackmail, commodities manipulation, and trying to rescue the woman that had once been his target.Check out the video trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvraVL8dMY0 ...
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