| The Woman Who Lost Her Soul and Other Stories: Collected Tales and Short Stories (Recovering the U. S. Hispanic Literary Heritage) Publication Date: April 2001The writer Jovita González was long a member--and ultimately served as president--of the Texas Folklore Society, which strove to preserve the oral traditions and customs of her native state. Many of the folklore-based stories in this volume were published by González in periodicals such as the Southwest Review from the 1920s through the 1940s but have been gathered here for the first time.Sergio Reyna has brought together more than thirty narratives by González and arranged them into Animal Tales (such as "The Mescal-Drinking Horse"); Tales of Human...
 |  | Daniel's Veil Publication Date: March 1, 2005Daniel O'Brady is a burned out cop. When he sees a child blown away by her own father, he's seen one murder too many. Grief stricken and questioning the validity and purpose of his life, he takes off for a drive in the countryside. Daniel's bad day is only beginning. Regaining consciousness after the single car accident, an injured Daniel sets out to find help. What he finds is a quaint little village full of people who are more than happy to help him. He's given medical aid, food, clothing, and shelter, and no one will take a dime from him. If that's not stran...
 |  | Vampire: His Kith and Kin Publication Date: August 27, 2003In the present work, Mr. Montague endeavored to set forth what might be termed the philosophy of vampirism, and however ghastly and macabre they may appear, he felt that here one must not tamely shrink from a careful and detailed consideration of the many cognate passions and congruous circumstances which, there can be no reasonable doubt, have throughout the ages played no impertinent and no trivial but a very vital and very memorable part in consolidating the vampire legend, and in perpetuating the vampire tradition among the darker and more secret mysterie...
 |  | Cactus Love: A Collection of Short Stories ...
 |  | Hemingway on Fishing Release Date: October 22, 2002From childhood on, Ernest Hemingway was a passionate fisherman. He fished the lakes and creeks near the family's summer home at Walloon Lake, Michigan, and his first stories and reportages were often about his favorite sport. Here, collected for the first time in one volume, are all of his great writings about the many kinds of fishing he did -- from trout in the rivers of northern Michigan to marlin in the Gulf Stream.In A Moveable Feast, Hemingway speaks of sitting in a café in Paris and writing about what he knew best -- and when it came time to stop, ...
 |  | Charlie Dollarhide ...
 |  | Jim Dunn: Porn King Publication Date: May 8, 2012Jim Dunn: Porn King is for anyone who believes that porn and pyramid schemes can solve all government debt problems. Jim Dunn is your average early thirties advertising jock whose career takes a turn towards re-branding exotic magazines, failing internet porn channels and social network pyramid schemes. Running a small-town New Jersey mayoral campaign is the last straw for Jim, and he embarks on an early mid-life crisis. Lucky for Jim, Brad of the failing internet channel wants to retire and is convinced he found the right heir with a passion for shouting ass sho...
 |  | Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture (Cultural Studies of the United States) Publication Date: January 1, 1991| Series: Cultural Studies of the United States Robert Allen's compelling book examines burlesque not only as popular entertainment but also as a complex and transforming cultural phenomenon. When Lydia Thompson and her controversial female troupe of "British Blondes" brought modern burlesque to the United States in 1868, the result was electric. Their impertinent humor, streetwise manner, and provocative parodies of masculinity brought them enormous popular successand the condemnation of critics, cultural commentators, and even women's rights campaigne...
 |  | Wedding Publication Date: April 15, 1999| Series: Oberon Books Stanislaw Wypianski (1869-1907) has long been recognized as an outstanding dramatist, whose influence on Polish Theatre is second to none. ...
 |  | Evolution: Vol. 2 (A Short Story Collection) Publication Date: September 7, 2012From the 2nd Short Story Contest hosted by Evolved Publishing: 10 great stories from 10 terrific authors. An eclectic mix that will excite, interest, and intrigue from the first story to the last. Laugh a little, cry a little, think a little. Many genres, many voices, one goal: Provide the reader with a fun journey through the short fiction format. Edited and polished to a fine sheen. ...
 |  | Virgil's Homeric Lens (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies) Publication Date: July 27, 2011| ISBN-10: 0415890403 | ISBN-13: 978-0415890403Virgil’s Homeric Lens reevaluates the traditional view of the Aeneid’s relationship to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Almost since the death of Virgil, there has been an assumption that the Aeneid breaks into two discrete halves: Virgil’s Odyssey, and Virgil’s Iliad. Although modified in various ways over the centuries, this neat dichotomy has generally diminished the complexity and resonance of the connection between the two canonical epic poets. This work offers an alternate app...
 |  | Tr ...
 |  | snowblind from my protective colouring Publication Date: May 27, 2009"This is impersonal poetry. Nothing here is about me." Using the established poetic forms of the villanelle and thesonnet, "Snowblind from my Protective Colouring" gives us dialogues from many characters, some imagined some real, as they confront and express their lives and relationships. From the un-named She and He of 'Everything in Life is Contagious' who address with romantic imagination or a merciless realism, their declining relationship in contrasting, rhyming villanelles, to the free-verse, final confrontation between Edie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol in 'Br...
 |  | African Sunshine and Shadows Publication Date: August 22, 2002Susan Jahme presents her first complete anthology of poetry from the Dark Continent.Her passionate passages quickly transport the reader to a world bathed in the brightest sunshine and cloaked in the darkest shadows.Her use of colour, form, and hauntingly beautiful rhythm creates an unforgettable portrait of Africa in the twenty-first century.Ms. Jahme's unwaveringly strong, clear voice softly touches the heart and then gently leaves a tear in the eye.She is the new voice of Africa. ...
 |  | On Dialogue (Routledge Classics) Publication Date: September 21, 2004| ISBN-10: 0415336414 | ISBN-13: 978-0415336413| Edition: 2nd Never before has there been a greater need for deeper listening and more open communication to cope with the complex problems facing our organizations, businesses and societies. Renowned scientist David Bohm believed there was a better way for humanity to discover meaning and to achieve harmony. He identified creative dialogue, a sharing of assumptions and understanding, as a means by which the individual, and society as a whole, can learn more about themselves and others, and achieve a rene...
 |  | Trois femmes puissantes de Marie N'Diaye (Fiche de lecture) (French Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 2011Tout ce quil faut savoir sur Trois Femmes puissantes de Marie NDiaye ! Retrouvez lessentiel de luvre dans une fiche de lecture complète et détaillée, avec un résumé, une étude des personnages, des clés de lecture et des pistes de réflexion.Rédigée de manière claire et accessible, la fiche de lecture propose dabord un résumé de chacun des trois récits qui composent luvre, puis sintéresse aux différents personnages, tout particuliè...
 |  | Femmes D Alger Dans Leur Appartement (Ldp Litterature) (French Edition) Publication Date: March 1, 2004| Series: Ldp Litterature (Book 30047) En 1832, dans Alger recemment conquise, Delacroix s'introduit quelques heures dans un harem. II en rapporte un chef-d'ceuvre, Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement, qui demeure un ...
 |  | A Lady Never Tells Release Date: April 27, 2010Meet three noble bachelors and a quartet of American girls of questionable manners! New York Times bestselling author Candace Camp delights with an exciting new series featuring love, laughter, and intrigue. When Mary Bascombe’s stepfather tries to sell her and her sisters to the highest bidder after their mother’s death, she resolves to take drastic action. Although their British mother was estranged from her family, Mary decides the four will flee to London and take their place in society as granddaughters of the Earl of Stewkes...
 |  | Ask For It Release Date: November 27, 2012This story is set in England, in the year 1770. Beneath the silk and lace of London society lies a secret, elite organization of spies. Protecting the Crown from its enemies is hazardous, but for Marcus Ashford, protecting his heart from an unyielding passion is the far greater peril...As an agent to the Crown, Marcus Ashford, the Earl of Westfield, has fought numerous sword fights, been shot twice, and dodged more than any man's fair share of cannon fire. And yet, nothing excites him more than the primitive hunger his former fiance, Elizabeth, arouses. Years a...
 |  | Aliens for Breakfast Release Date: October 22, 1988| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
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