| The End of Men: And the Rise of Women Release Date: September 11, 2012A landmark portrait of women, men, and power in a transformed world. Men have been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of mankind. But Hanna Rosin was the first to notice that this long-held truth is, astonishingly, no longer true. At this unprecedented moment, by almost every measure, women are no longer gaining on men: They have pulled decisively ahead. And “the end of men”—the title of Rosin’s Atlantic cover story on the subject—has entered the lexicon as dramatically as Betty Friedan’s &l...
 |  | Blood and Gifts: A Play Release Date: December 20, 2011My God, Russian soldiers being shot with Chinese bullets. Sometimes the world is so beautiful.It’s 1981. As the Soviet army burns its way through Afghanistan, CIA operative Jim Warnock is sent to try to halt its bloody progress, beginning a secret spy war behind the official hostilities. Jim and his counterparts in the KGB and the British and Pakistani secret services wrestle with ever-shifting personal and political loyalties. With the outcome of the entire Cold War at stake, Jim and a larger-than-life Afghan warlord decide to place their trust in each o...
 |  | In Her Shoes : A Novel Release Date: September 17, 2002Meet Rose Feller. She's thirty years old and a high-powered attorney with a secret passion for romance novels. She has an exercise regime she's going to start next week, and she dreams of a man who will slide off her glasses, gaze into her eyes, and tell her that she's beautiful. She also dreams of getting her fantastically screwed-up little sister to get her life together.Meet Rose's sister, Maggie. Twenty-eight years old, drop-dead gorgeous and only occasionally employed, Maggie sings backup in a band called Whiskered Biscuit. Although her dreams of big-scre...
 |  | Howards End ...
 |  | The Heart of Arcrea: The Arcrean Conquest: Book One Publication Date: September 22, 2012“He who discovers the heart of Arcrea and joins the hands of the seven regions will be king.” Hoping to free his father from an unjust imprisonment, Druet the blacksmith sets out on a quest that will solve an ancient riddle and crown a man as Arcrea’s first king. A host of memorable characters join Druet on his mission of justice, but opposition quickly rises to test their level of commitment and their faith in God. Will the dangerous wilds of Arcrea and her seven oppressive lords succeed in bringing an end to Druet’s quest and ...
 |  | La catedral del mar (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition) Release Date: October 6, 2009| Series: Vintage Espanol “Creíble y fascinante... tan maravillosamente estructurada que las últimas sesenta páginas se detonan como un cordel de fuegos artificiales”.–The Washington PostEn el siglo XIV, la ciudad de Barcelona se encuentra en su momento de mayor prosperidad. Ha crecido hacia la Ribera, el humilde barrio de los pescadores, cuyos habitantes deciden construir, con el dinero de unos y el esfuerzo de otros, el mayor templo mariano jamás conocido: Santa María del Mar. Una construcción que es paralela a...
 |  | Cairnwood Manor: Keepers of the Dead Publication Date: September 1, 2008From the haunted halls of Cairnwood Manor to the bowels of Rosslyn Chapel, Bob Freeman hurls you into the very heart of the eternal conflict between the forces of darkness and the forces of light.It's fang versus claw, spell versus steel, and love versus death in an epic battle of blood and thunder. When a sinister cabal converges to unleash the ultimate evil against an unsuspecting world, only the combined strength of the Wolves of Cairnwood Manor and the Circle of Nine Skulls offers up a glimmer of hope as werewolves, vampires, witches, immortal warriors,...
 |  | Speak Texan in 30 Minutes or Less Publication Date: June 20, 2009In a parody of Berlitz phrasebooks, veteran Lone Star journalist Lou Hudson has spilled the beans on how best to wrap ones tongue around Texaspeak so that even recovering Yankees can make their way in this whole other country. <P>Finally there's hope for that brother-in-law from Hoboken and your banker from Duluth. Folks like them will be able to make themselves understood to Texans without having to revert to notepads and hand gestures. <P>Speak Texan not only is a pronunciation guide but also a handy work that provides numerous insights ...
 |  | The Coldest Night Publication Date: April 3, 2012Henry Childs is just seventeen when he falls into a love affair so intense it nearly consumes him. But when young Mercy’s disapproving father threatens Henry’s life, Henry runs as far as he can—to the other side of the world.The time is 1950, and the Korean War hangs in the balance. Descended from a long line of soldiers, Henry enlists in the marines and arrives in Korea on the eve of the brutal seventeen-day battle of the Chosin Reservoir—the turning point of the war—completely unprepared for the forbidding Korean landscape and th...
 |  | A Star Shall Fall Release Date: August 31, 2010The Royal Society of London plays home to the greatest minds of England. It has revolutionized philosophy and scientific knowledge. Its fellows map out the laws of the natural world, disproving ancient superstition and ushering in an age of enlightenment.To the fae of the Onyx Court, living in a secret city below London, these scientific developments are less than welcome. Magic is losing its place in the world—and science threatens to expose the court to hostile eyes.In 1666, a Great Fire burned four-fifths of London to the ground. The calamity was caused ...
 |  | Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare in Production) Publication Date: May 27, 2002| ISBN-10: 0521667690 | ISBN-13: 978-0521667692Romeo and Juliet has always been one of Shakespeare's most popular plays on stage and film. This edition provides the full text of the play as well as a thorough account of its production history, equally useful for the scholar, actor and director. The introduction examines major changes over four centuries of theatrical production. The commentary provides detailed examples of how different performers, from Henry Irving and Ellen Terry to Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, have brought life and death to Shakesp...
 |  | The Bomb: A Partial History (Oberon Modern Plays) Publication Date: August 28, 2012| ISBN-10: 1849431523 | ISBN-13: 978-1849431521A collection of plays from Tricycle Theatre and leading contemporary dramatists, charting the political history of the nuclear bomb and its proliferation over the last seventy years. Includes plays by John Donnelly, Elena Gremina, Amit Gupta, Zinnie Harris, Ron Hutchinson, Lee Blessing, Ryan Craig, David Greig, Diana Son, and Colin Teevan. ...
 |  | Petrarch's Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics Publication Date: May 15, 1979For teachers and students of Petrarch, Durling's edition of the poems has become the standard one. Readers have praised the translation as both graceful and accurate, conveying a real understanding of what this difficult poet is saying. The literalness of the prose translation makes this beautiful book especially useful to students who lack a full command of Italian. And students reading the verse in the original will find here an authoritative text. ...
 |  | The Woman and the Hour: Harriet Martineau and Victorian Ideologies Publication Date: May 4, 2002Harriet Martineau was a major figure in the Victorian period and a prominent speaker in a number of contemporary cultural debates, including racism, atheism, abolitionism, and the status of women.Her various novels, essays, and articles generated tremendous controversy in their reception as they forced such topics of debate into the public realm.Caroline Roberts's The Woman and the Hour provides an engaging examination of seven of Martineau's most contentious texts: Illustrations of Political Economy (1832-34),Society in America (1837), Deerbrook (1839), The Hour...
 |  | Best Gay Erotica 2012 Publication Date: December 6, 2011| Series: Best Gay Erotica Called "consistently outstanding" by the Lambda Book Review and cited for "glorious approaches to gay male sexual writing, " by the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review, Richard Labonte's Best Gay Erotica series sets and raises the bar in the 2012 volume. Gathering the hottest, freshest, and most literary fiction for the year, Best Gay Erotica 2012 captures the tenderness and raw energy of man-on-man desire. From the innocent but oh-so-beautiful boy next door to the "seen it all" gritty street hustler, these provocative and potent short ...
 |  | J'Accuse (French Edition) Publication Date: April 25, 2003Émile Zola, né à Paris le 2 avril 1840, mort à Paris le 29 septembre 1902, est un écrivain, journaliste et homme public français, considéré comme le chef de file du naturalisme.C’est l'un des romanciers français les plus universellement populaires, l'un des plus publiés et traduits au monde. Ses romans ont connu de très nombreuses adaptations au cinéma et à la télévision. Sa vie et son œuvre ont fait l'objet de nombreuses études historiques. Sur le plan littéraire...
 |  | Those Bones Are Not My Child: A Novel Release Date: October 24, 2000Written over a span of twelve years, and edited by Toni Morrison, who calls Those Bones Are Not My Child the author's magnum opus, Bambara's last novel leaves us with an enduring and revelatory chronicle of an American nightmare.In a suspenseful novel of uncommon depth and intensity, Toni Cade Bambara renders a harrowing portrait of a city under siege. Having elected its first black mayor in 1980, Atlanta projected an image of political progressiveness and prosperity. But between September 1979 and June 1981, more than forty black children were kidnap...
 |  | David Ortiz (Amazing Athletes) Publication Date: August 1, 2009| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 |  | Passing & Dribbling (Football File) Publication Date: August 26, 2010 ...
 |  | The Berenstain Bears: God Bless Our Home (Berenstain Bears/Living Lights) Release Date: April 23, 2012| Age Level: 4 and up...
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