| Enemies Among Us: A Thriller Publication Date: March 1, 2010When undercover FBI agent Matt Hogan totals three vehicles in an out-of-policy Beverly Hills pursuit of a fleeing Arab drug runner, he incurs the wrath of the Bureau hierarchy. To avoid an almost certain suspension, he accepts a new assignment tracking terrorist cell groups while posing as a volunteer at a nonprofit charity. What he doesn't know is the ripples of danger from this case will threaten not only his life but the safety and security of the entire nation."A page-turning roller coaster that feels like Jack Bauer's 24 without sailing over the top."Publi...
 |  | CHODE! Publication Date: April 4, 2010| ISBN-10: 1926616103 | ISBN-13: 978-1926616100Fiction. CHODE! is a completely absurd abomination of scatology, blasphemy and violence. It's the epic epileptic history of a whacked-out island off Alaska that chronicles the chronic lives of scurvy slaves and sodomite pirates, creepy convicts and crippled fanatics, sadistic midgets and underage whores, plus madmen, mongoloids, feckless hags, pinheads and elephant men. It's an anti-P.C. travesty, a smearfest on the handicapped, an all-out assault on every race and faith there is. A seizuring indignity riddled ...
 |  | Masada. Caballo de Troya 2 (Caballo De Troya / Trojan Horse) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: November 15, 2009| Series: Caballo De Troya / Trojan Horse (Book 2) J. J. Benitez hace publica la segunda parte del famoso diario del mayor norteamericano que salto» a los tiempos de Jesus de Nazaret. Si en Jerusalen. Caballo de Troya 1 se afirmaba que los evangelistas no habian contado la verdad sobre el Nazareno, en esta nueva obra vuelve a demostrarse. Y J. J. Benitez lo hace en otros dos oscuros y fascinantes capitulos de la vida de Jesus: sus apariciones despues de muerto y su infancia. Conozca como se preparo este segundo traslado » a la Palestina del ano 3....
 |  | My Sister's Keeper: A Novel Publication Date: May 19, 2009"New York Times" bestselling author Jodi Picoult is widely acclaimed for her keen insights into the hearts and minds of real people. Now she tells the emotionally riveting story of a family torn apart by conflicting needs and a passionate love that triumphs over human weakness.Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. The product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Anna was conc...
 |  | Rough Music (Ballantine Reader's Circle) Release Date: June 25, 2002| Series: Ballantine Reader's Circle Beautifully written and deeply compassionate, Rough Music is a novel of one family at two defining points in time. Seamlessly alternating between the present day and a summer thirty years past, its twin stories unfold at a cottage along the eastern coast of England.Will Pagett receives an unexpected gift on his fortieth birthday, two weeks at a perfect beach house in Cornwall. Seeking some distance from the married man with whom he's having an affair, he invites his aging mother and father to share his holiday, knowing the sun a...
 |  | Smile of Discontent: Humor, Gender, and Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (Women in Culture and Society Series) Publication Date: June 15, 1999| ISBN-10: 0226294021 | ISBN-13: 978-0226294025| Edition: 1 Like sex, Eileen Gillooly argues, humor has long been viewed as a repressed feature of nineteenth-century femininity. However, in the works of writers such as Jane Austen, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trollope, and Henry James, Gillooly finds an understated, wryly amusing perspective that differs subtly but significantly in rhetoric, affect, and politics from traditional forms of comic expression. Gillooly shows how such humor became, for mostly female writers at the time, an unobtrusiv...
 |  | Sherlock Holmes and the Underpants Of Death Publication Date: January 3, 2009| ISBN-10: 1906669015 | ISBN-13: 978-1906669010Legendary detective Sherlock Holmes is a byword for intelligence and efficiency. Not any more. Detailing some of his less famous exploits, including the infamous drive by dumpings of 1894, this rare volume covers a side of Holmes scarcely seen by the public: the real one.Only this collection reveals the mystery of the lingering stench, how Professor Moriarty didn't die and the truth behind the sinister Underpants of Death, a tale to freeze the blood and rapidly unblock the colon. ...
 |  | Jean Anouilh: Seven Plays. Vol 3 ...
 |  | Summer of the Seventeenth Doll Publication Date: March 31, 2011| ISBN-10: 0573615950 | ISBN-13: 978-0573615955Ray LawlerCharacters:3 male, 4 female Interior Set This compelling Australian play was a success in London and was hailed by critics in New York for its vigor, integrity, and realistic portrayal of two itinerant cane cutters: Barney, a swaggering little scrapper, and Roo, a big roughneck. They have spent the past sixteen summers off with two ladies in a Southern Australian city. Every year Roo has brought a tinsel doll to Olive, his girl, as a gift to symbolize their relationship, but this seventeenth summer i...
 |  | Henry V ...
 |  | One Hundred Poems from the Japanese ...
 |  | Las Lenguas de Diamante - Raiz Salvaje ...
 |  | Children's Literature of the English Renaissance ...
 |  | Playing Dead (Prison Break, Book 3) Release Date: September 30, 2008DEAD MAN RUNNINGSentenced to death for crimes he didn’t commit, ex-cop Tom O’Brien is now a hunted fugitive. After fifteen years in prison, he’s determined to prove his innocence–but first he must convince his daughter, whose testimony helped put him behind bars, that he has damning evidence of a plot to frame him.Claire is no longer the naïve teenager who arrived home to find her mother and her mother’s lover shot dead and her father holding the murder weapon. She’s a successful fraud investigator who assumes everyone ...
 |  | The Romanov Prophecy: A Novel Release Date: November 27, 2007Ekaterinburg, Russia: July 16, 1918. Ten months have passed since Nicholas II’s reign was cut short by revolutionaries. Tonight, the White Army advances on the town where the Tsar and his family are being held captive by the Bolsheviks. Nicholas dares to hope for salvation. Instead, the Romanovs are coldly and methodically executed.Moscow: Present Day. Atlanta lawyer Miles Lord, fluent in Russian and well versed in the country’s history, is thrilled to be in Moscow on the eve of such a momentous event. After the fall of Communism and a succession of...
 |  | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Game (Volume 1) Publication Date: 1981This original game set includes a brown pictorial 3-ring binder with a RULES pamphlet, CASE BOOK containing 10 cases and solutions, CLUE BOOK (Volume I), NEWSPAPER ARCHIVE, QUIZ BOOK, LONDON DIRECTORY, and a REFERENCE MAP of Holmes's London which is used to give the players a pictorial view of the area in which all the cases occur. ...
 |  | Dying to Get Published (The Jennifer Marsh Mysteries) ...
 |  | El secreto de la llama: una leyenda peruana Publication Date: January 1, 1997| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 |  | Vegetables (Healthy Eating With Myplate) Publication Date: January 1, 2012 ...
 |  | Pigui sabe bailar / Wibbly Pig Can Dance (Pigui / Wibbly Pig) (Spanish Edition) ...
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