| The Singing Game (Oxford Paperbacks) Publication Date: June 30, 1988| Series: Oxford Paperbacks This volume, based on thirty years of collecting and research by two pioneers in the field of children's lore and language, presents hundreds of singing and clapping games popular with children since the Middle Ages, including such favorites as "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Lazy Mary Will You Get Up?," "Skip to My Lou," "The Muffin Man," and "Ring a Ring o' Roses." Serving as an exposition of both the workings of folklore and the perennial ways of young children left to play on their own, The Singing Game categorizes over 150 of these game...
| | Glastonbury Reader: Selections from the Myths, Legends and Stories of Ancient Avalon ...
| | The Owl, The Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales Publication Date: April 11, 2002The fairy tales collected by the brothers Grimm are among the best known and most widely-read stories in western literature. In recent years commentators such as Bruno Bettelheim have, usually from a psychological perspective, pondered the underlying meaning of the stories, why children are so enthralled by them, and what effect they have on the the best-known tales (Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty) and shows that the Grimms saw them as Christian fables. Murphy examines the arguments of previous interprete...
| | GREAT FOLK TALES OF IRELAND: The Fate of the Children of Lir; Fior Usga; The White Trout: A Legend of Cong; The Boyhood of Cuchulainn; The Kildare Pooka; How Cormac MacArt Went to Faery; The Brewery of Egg Shells; The Story of Deirdre Publication Date: 1979Story-telling has always been an intrinsic part of the Celtic way of life, an amusement s old as the race itself. The narratives, peopled with both dieties and mortals who dwell in a land of adventure, warfare ond romance, form perhaps one of the oldest vernacular literatures of any European nation. The Celtic realm is a veritable treasure trove for the keen folklorist, and indeed for all who enjoy an exciting fireside tale. ...
| | More Tales Alive in Turkey Publication Date: January 15, 1992More Tales Alive in Turkey is a sequel to Tales Alive in Turkey, the two volumes providing a survey of the wide range of Turkish oral narrative. Materials for both are drawn entirely from the Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative at Texas Tech University. Whereas the tales in the earlier volume were collected between 1961 and 1964, most of those in More Tales Alive in Turkey were taped in Turkey in the 1970s and 1980s. ...
| | Marie De France: Fables (Toronto Medieval Texts & Translations) Publication Date: January 1995| Series: Toronto Medieval Texts & Translations (Book 5) Marie de France, one of the best-known medieval women, is justly famous for her Lais, but her longer work, the Fables, has been newly discovered by modern audiences. This collection of 103 tales is the earliest extant vernacular collection of fables from western Europe.Marie de France's sources are not clear; she appears to claim a unique source, but that is obviously not true; the first forty tales are part of the Latin tradition, specifically the Romulus Nilantii, but the other sixty-three seem to come f...
| | Folklore [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music and Art Publication Date: February 1998Folklore emphasizes those bodies of North American and European scholarship that have influenced each other most profoundly since the discipline's inception. The entries provide an introduction that facilitates the pursuit of more specialized topics and other bodies of scholarship.Topics range from such traditional subjects as "festival" and "folktale" to cutting-edge entries such as "computer-mediated folklore" and "postmodernism." In most cases, a longer, more comprehensive essay format for entries has been favored over shorter entries. Entries are cross-refe...
| | Household Ecology: Economic Change and Domestic Life among the Kekchi Maya in Belize Publication Date: November 1, 1997Development and economic change are often seen as destructive to the family and to other traditional forms of social organization. Wilk's study of household ecology reveals that the Kekchi Maya of Belize have responded by creating new forms of family organization, working together to face challenges posed by development. Not merely survivors of an ancient splendor, the Kekchi Maya build upon their rich heritage to approach such problems as ethnic strife and rainforest destruction as creative agents.Wilk combines a wealth of detail on agricultural calendars, ...
| | King Vikram and the Vampire: Classic Hindu Tales of Adventure, Magic, and Romance Release Date: February 1, 1993Translated by the noted Victorian Orientalist, Sir Richard F. Burton, from the original Sanskrit, these ancient Indian folk tales influenced such later works as 1001 Arabian Nights and Boccaccio's Decameron. First published in 1870, these stories will entertain and delight modern readers while illuminating the life and customs of classical India....
| | The Mythic Forest, the Green Man And the Spirit of Nature: The Re-emergence of the Spirit of Nature from Ancient Times into Modern Society Publication Date: March 30, 2006| ISBN-10: 0875864341 | ISBN-13: 978-0875864341| Edition: illustrated edition Trees and forests are rich in symbolism and have been feared or revered since man began to walk the earth. Mankind has given a recognizable face to the awesome and impalpable forces of nature in the image of the Green Man and the nature spirits that this book explores. In Part I, the author discusses the gods of nature and the folklore of trees, tracing a variety of traditions and beliefs; in Part II he presents the history of the image of the Green Man, and its use in pre-Christ...
| | The Goddess and the Bull: A Study in Minoan-Mycenaean Mythology Publication Date: October 29, 2007| ISBN-10: 0761838341 | ISBN-13: 978-0761838340The Goddess and the Bull defines and describes the aspects of the Mother Goddess as an archetype. Through this study, the role of the feminine comes to light as one of the most important facets of the Minoan-Mycenaean culture. By examining the feminine emphasis in the Bronze Age world of religion and science, the study of the Goddess changes our views of ancient cultures such as this one. The relationship between the Goddess and the Bull forms the basis of the study of the astronomer priestesses of the Minoa...
| | Popular Culture Theory and Methodology: A Basic Introduction (Ray and Pat Browne Book) Publication Date: February 17, 2006| Series: Ray and Pat Browne Book Since its birth in the 1960s, the study of popular culture has come a long way in defining its object, its purpose, and its place in academe. Emerging along the margins of a scholarly establishment that initially dismissed anything popular as unworthy of serious study-trivial, formulaic, easily digestible, escapist-early practitioners of the discipline stubbornly set about creating the theoretical and methodological framework upon which a deeper understanding could be founded. Through seminal essays that document the matura...
| | The Sacred Pipe: An Archetypal Theology ...
| | Tall Tale America: A Legendary History of our Humorous Heroes Publication Date: January 15, 1987"Johnny Appleseed, Davy Crockett, Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan and John Henry have all become heroes of American folklore. Some of them, like Crokett, were real, but all have become the subject of tall tales. This is a folksy history of the United States, told as if the characters were all real. This panoramic (if completely untrue) history begins with Columbus. . . . En route to its end in the 1940s (where traditional American heroes are enlisted to fight in World War II), it covers the great and small events of our national history, including the overlooked, bu...
| | Does Champ Exist? Publication Date: September 1, 2007Notes on the historic lake monster conference held in Shelburne, Vermont, 29 August 1981. Includes limnological notes on Lake Champlain, a chronology of lake monster sightings, and reprints of various older newspaper articles on Champ, the alleged lake monster. ...
| | The Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegel in the Land of Flanders & Elsewhere Publication Date: June 1, 2006Ulenspiegel was living at Koolkerke, in the intimate favour of a farmer's widow, a sweet and gentle person who refused him nothing of what was hers to give. He was very happy there, petted and made much of, until one day a treacherous rival, an alderman of the village, lay in wait for him early in the morning when he was coming out of the tavern, and would have beaten him with a wooden club. But Ulenspiegel, thinking to cool his rival's anger, threw him into a duck-pond that was full of water, and the alderman scrambled out as best he could, green as a toad and ...
| | Language of the Robe: American Indian Trade Blankets Publication Date: November 18, 1992For all Native American cultures, from the Plains and Southwest people to the tribes of the Northwest Coast, the blanket makes a visual statement of "Indianness." Language of the Robe explains a living tradition among the Native American people. Today, trade blankets are collectibles, especially those that were made prior to World War II. Language of the Robe identifies, classifies, and presents the history of the trade blanket.Within the tribe or pueblo, the blanket is a statement of an individual's bond to the older, traditional ways, to roots that run de...
| | Wolverine Myths and Visions: Dene Traditions from Northern Alberta (Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians) Publication Date: February 1, 1990The people who call themselves Den Dhaá, a group of the Athapaskan-speaking natives of northwestern Canada known as the Slave or Slavey Indians, now number about one thousand and occupy three reserves in northwestern Alberta. Because their settlements were until recently widely dispersed and isolated, they have maintained their language and traditions more successfully than most other Indian groups. This collection of their stories, recorded in the Dene language with literal interlinear English glosses and in a free English translation, represents a maj...
| | Brush Up Your Mythology! Release Date: March 10, 1999Greek and Roman tales are more popular and influential than ever and can be seen in all aspects of our modern culture. Brush up Your Mythology!takes an irreverent look at those gods and spirits whose myths and legends have become commonplace today.Chaos,Mother Earth, and Cupid appear, along with the origins of the days of the week and an alphabetical listing of all the important gods and goddesses.Black-and-white illustrations further enliven this terrific reference book. ...
| | Dreams, Myths and Fairy Tales in Japan Publication Date: September 1, 1995Addresses Japanese culture insightfully, exploring the depths of the psyche from both Eastern and Western perspectives, an endeavor the author is uniquely suited to undertake. The present volume is based upon five lectures originally delivered at the prestigious round-table Eranos Conferences in Ascona, Switzerland. Readers interested in Japanese myth and religion, comparative cultural studies, depth psychology or clinical psychology will all find Professor Kawai’s offerings to be remarkably insightful while at the same time practical for their own da...
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