| Dramatic Sketches In Divorce Recovery Publication Date: January 1, 2000For Christians who have suffered through the traumatic experience of a divorce, these presentations provide the components for maintaining a deep faith while working through the process of suffering and healing. These group sessions follow solid scriptural guidelines and provide discussion questions for dealing with the issues of divorce. The brief sketches can be read by members of the group and hit the very real stages of recovery head-on. Included are: Restoring Hope Dealing With The Pain Finding Help Dealing With Finances Helping The Children Dealing With...
 |  | The Eclipse Publication Date: June 29, 2000An iconoclastic dialogue between two Greek gods (togetherwith other characters), who thought themselves all-powerful andspecial, and in time, suffered many transformations. Thesetransformations are of perception, self-consciousness, and ideals, andin time, they both realize that they are not true gods. Thisrealization brings their awareness of a true force--a true God. ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 23 Release Date: November 1, 1994| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 23) The 23rd edition of the series of Easter Program Builders features three monologues, a readers theatre sketch for Lent, and a sketch for three actors titled, Raised with the King. Also included is a special exercise for children and a choir titled, Jesus, King and Savior and a few recitations for children. The last script in this collection is a short play, The Week That Was--and Is!, for five players. Permission to make photocopies of program builders is granted when three copies of the same book have been purchased. ...
 |  | Early to Rise: Sketches to Recover the Meaning of Lent and Easter (Lillenas Drama) Release Date: December 1, 2003| Series: Lillenas Drama (Lillenas Publications). Easter a season in which we are humbled by Christ's ultimate sacrifice and shown in the risen Son that the Father's love never fails. This collection provides material to help prepare your church for the miracle of Easter on a journey beginning with the reflection of Lent all the way to the empty tomb. A mix of humorous and serious, contemporary and Biblical, these sketches refocus a congregation on Jesus and the fact that He is the only way to salvation. Use these short pieces in worship services, Easter program...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 19 Release Date: December 1, 1986| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 19) (Lillenas Publications). Published in 1986, this collection of resources provides several scripts, children's recitations, and songs of the season. Special selections include a puppet script on the meaning of Easter, a contemporized Easter story, and a readers theatre piece for up to 23 readers titled "Surprise." ...
 |  | Easiest Gospel Plays Ever ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 27: Creative Resources for Program Directors Release Date: October 1, 2003| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 27) (Lillenas Publications). Make planning for Easter easier! This resource has options for your services for children and adults. No. 27 includes graded recitations for kids, a short narrated pantomime for youth, and two Biblical plays for adults. As always, each piece is easy to stage. ...
 |  | Easter Dramatic Readings: At the Foot of the Cross Publication Date: February 1, 2001At The Foot of the Cross shares twelve dramatic readings from the perspective of several biblical characters, whose lives were forever changed by the lord Jesus Christ. His sacrificial death on the Cross is central to each dramatic sketch. ...
 |  | Easter Programs for the Church ...
 |  | The Dybbuk ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 35: Creative Resources for Program Directors Publication Date: November 1, 2011| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 35) (Lillenas Publications). The events surrounding Easter undoubtedly stirred the hearts of those who knew Jesus during His short time on earth. Mary, Peter, Thomas, even Pilate's wife was moved by an encounter with the Messiah. With their perspectives in mind, this Easter Program Builder is packed with recitations, readings, scripts, and service ideas. This Easter, stir the hearts of your congregation and community with dramatic pieces that encourage an encounter with Christ the Risen Christ! ...
 |  | Easter and the Springtime: Five Amateur Playscripts of New Life Publication Date: August 8, 2012Five amateur playscripts about new life - for amateur productions.The playscripts, lyrics and basic music are in tonic sol-fa.All suitable for DVD, CD, camcorder, film or reading aloud. EASTER HOPE, LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR WAR - Anti-war pageant set in a framework of traditional melodies. THE GOOD SHEPHERD, SOLDIERS FOR THE DAWN, THE OLD TRAMP AND EASTER - The symbolism of the springtime is presented in three Easter plays. THE EASTER CAT - The tragedy of a loved one’s sudden death contrasts with the arrival of an Easter kitten. ...
 |  | Dramas y Poemas Para Dias Especiales 3 (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: August 1, 1992Cuatro dramas y mas de 65 poemas para celebrar los dias especiales del ano. ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 26: Creative Resources for Program Directors Release Date: October 1, 2002| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 26) (Lillenas Publications). Like our other program builders, this Easter collection features graded recitations for kids and short sketches and plays for everyone. Special programs include: 2 short pieces for children; "The Sacrifice," a double monologue of two mothers; "Born to Die," a candlelight service; and "The Dream Store," a play for all ages. ...
 |  | An Easter Collection for Children's Programs ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 32: Creative Resources for Program Directors (Lillenas Program Builder) Release Date: January 1, 2008| Series: Lillenas Program Builder (Lillenas Publications). This inexpensive collection helps you take on your Easter services with ease of planning and preparation. The latest offering in the best-sellingProgram Builderseries offers recitations and readings for all ages as well as short scripts and program and service ideas for the season. Also featured is an entire worship service for Palm Sunday. Easy, creative pieces that you combine to fit your needs are what it's all about. ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 21 Release Date: December 1, 1990| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 21) Especially for Easter, this collection of graded resources is an excellent tool for the creative program planner. Included are poems, recitations, exercises, and plays centered around an Easter theme. Permission to make photocopies of program builders is granted when three copies of the same book have been purchased. ...
 |  | Easter Program Builder No. 25: A Resource Collection for the Creative Progam Planner Release Date: October 1, 2000| Series: Easter Program Builder (Book 25) (Lillenas Publications). This addition to theEaster Program Builderseries contains recitations, readings and plays for all ages. Among the peices are monologues from the perspectives of Judas and Barabbas, and readings that will challenge congregations to see the depth of what Christ did for all. This Program Builder will be an asset to any church's Easter season. ...
 |  | Dramastuff ...
 |  | Dramatic Sketches From Romans Publication Date: January 1, 2000| ISBN-10: 0788013432 | ISBN-13: 978-0788013430Dramatic Sketches >From Romans is a series of thirty dramatic ""parablizations"" of the principles taught in Paul's letter to the Romans. Each scene is designed to take one to four minutes to read within a group setting. The sketches are ... hard-hitting, but not harsh biblical, but not preachy entertaining, but not lightweight Study groups -- Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, discussion groups -- will love the variety of styles used. Audiences will find themselves anticipating ""what's coming next?"...
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