| Tragedy and the theory of drama (Waynebook) ...
 | Tragedy and Social Evolution ...
 | Tragedy and Innocence CB ...
 | Tragedy and Citizenship: Conflict, Reconciliation, and Democracy from Haemon to Hegel Publication Date: November 6, 2008| ISBN-10: 0791476294 | ISBN-13: 978-0791476291A study of attitudes toward tragedy in both democratic and nondemocratic political theory. ...
 | The Tragic Plane Publication Date: October 24, 1985| ISBN-10: 0198128436 | ISBN-13: 978-0198128434| Edition: First Edition What constitutes tragedy?This study examines some of the world's greatest tragic dramas and tries to discover what elements produce a tragic effect.Mason here contends that the effect cannot be properly described in the terms used by philosophers, psychologists, or theologians: tragedy occurs on its own plane on which the characters in the plays are seen at once as agents and pasive sufferers in an action where the human and the divine come together in a unique way to produce the tra...
 | Tragedy and Fear: Why Modern Tragic Drama Fails Publication Date: July 20, 1972This study of the relationship between the world-view in modern serious playwriting and the effectiveness of modern attempts at tragic drama is also an examination of the perennial problem of tragic spirit: is tragedy optimistic or pessimistic? This provocative and stimulating book is the first detailed analysis of whether tragedy hints at hope or acts out dread.A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These ed...
 | The tragic drama of the Greeks Publication Date: 1896This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. --This text refers to the Paperback edition....
 | Three Great Plays of Euripides (Meridian classics) ...
 | Tragic Rhetoric (Hermeneutic Commentaries, Vol 1) ...
 | Tragedias de Shakespeare (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 10, 2007Las pasiones que agitaban a los personajes de Shakespeare siguen moviendo a los narradores espanoles de hoy. Los celos, la ambicion, el despecho, el orgullo herido, la decadencia personal, la ambicion de poder. Todos los eternos sentimientos que dominan a los personajes shakesperianos de nuevo sobre la escena. Hamlet en un psiquiatrico, Marco Antonio soltando su discurso por la television, el Rey Lear en el asilo. Escritores espanoles y latinoamericanos de hoy nos dan sorprendentes versiones narrativas de obras de la literatura universal. ...
 | Time in the Play of "Hamlet" Publication Date: April 1986| ISBN-10: 0404542050 | ISBN-13: 978-0404542054Read before the Royal Society, December 3rd 1885. --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition....
 | Tragedy Publication Date: April 21, 1998This introduction to Greek tragedy, the origin of much of our modern drama, is the work of a remarkable scholar who is also a practical man of theater. The author of magisterial studies of Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and Shaw, and of symbolism in the theater from the nineteenth century to our times, Maurice Valency has written for the stage and for television, and he translated, adapted and collaborated in producing two great Broadway successes–Giraudoux's the Mad Woman of Chaillot and Durrenmatt's The Visit. ...
 | The Tragic Drama of Corneille and Racine: An Old Parallel Revisited ...
 | Tragic Alphabet: Shakespeare's Drama of Language ...
 | Three Tragic Actresses: Siddons, Rachel, Ristori Publication Date: October 28, 1996This innovative book examines the careers of three performers whose professional lives together spanned the period from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth centuries, from the heyday of neoclassicism to the coming of realism. While the individual essays concentrate on the specific work of each actress, a wide-ranging introduction relates their collective achievement to social and cultural change. Vivid reconstructions of their interpretations and unique accounts of theatrical conditions place the art of three very different but pivotal figures in cont...
 | Tragic Patterns in Jacobean and Caroline Drama ...
 | Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare in Performance) Publication Date: March 1990| ISBN-10: 0719027438 | ISBN-13: 978-0719027437| Edition: First. Each volume in the "Shakespeare in Performance" series analyzes a particular play, choosing for detailed discussion a small number of stage productions which seem to throw the most light on the play in question. This volume provides a comparative account of various British productions of "Titus Andronicus", including the Peter Brook-Laurence Olivier production of 1955 and the Deborah Warner-Brian Cox rendition of 1987. Alan Dessen focuses on particular moments in the play, the problems encountere...
 | Tragedias, III (Letras Universales/ Universal Writings) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | The Tragedie of Macbeth: A Frankly Annotated First Folio Edition Publication Date: September 12, 2012| ISBN-10: 0786464798 | ISBN-13: 978-0786464791| Edition: Annotated As Shakespeare's works are most accessible when viewed as working theatrical playscripts, "The Tragedie of Macbeth: A Frankly Annotated First Folio Edition" preserves the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the First Folio of 1623 while at the same time providing the most comprehensive, revelatory, and plainspoken annotation to date. Based on the principle that Shakespeare's plays were written as popular (and not entirely decent) entertainments aimed at an adult (and n...
 | Tragedy, myth, and mystery ...