| Paradise Lost: The Novel: Based Upon The Epic Poem By John Milton Publication Date: October 18, 2008THE DEFINITIVE PROSE VERSION OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST EPIC POEM! John Milton's PARADISE LOST: A monumental epic of warring angels, Satan, Heaven, Hell, and the ultimate tragic love story of Adam and Eve—reworked for the modern reader. "Lanzara paraphrases the original text very closely; this novel version seeks to overcome the anxieties of those intimidated by [the poem's] complex language." - The English Association, The University of Leicester"An ambitious and intriguing undertaking." - Society for Values in Higher Education"Readers will imme...
 |  | Whispers From Eternity Publication Date: September 14, 1929This beautiful book opens a mystical window on the devotional experience of ecstasy. Sharing soul-awakening prayers and affirmations born directly of his high personal state of God-communion, the celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi shows readers how to achieve their own ecstatic perception of the Divine. Yogananda said, "Let every beat of my heart be a new word in my endless love lyric to Thee. May every sound from my lips carry secret vibrations of Thy voice. Let my every thought be bliss-saturated with Thy presence." This new edition f...
 |  | The Hafez Poems of Gertrude Bell (Classics of Persian Literature) Publication Date: January 1, 1995| Series: Classics of Persian Literature (Book 1) Includes Bell's translation of Hafez, along with the original Persian (Farsi). Also included are Bell's extensive introduction on the life and poetry of Hafez and a preface by E. Denison Ross. As E.G. Browne has commented: "Bells translations are true poetry of a very high order and, with perhaps the single exception of FitzGerald's paraphrase of the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam, are probably the finest and most truly poetical renderings of any Persian poet ever produced in the English language." ...
 |  | The Fatalist Publication Date: October 1, 2003A book-length, syntactically surprising poem divided into many sections, it is interspersed with delightful descriptions of daily experience with references to illustrious writers and thinkers of the past and their systems of philosophical inquiry. It offers humorous reflection upon our species' endless attempts to transmit insight regarding our human condition. ...
 |  | 70 Faces Torah Poems Publication Date: January 1, 2010Each of the poems in Seventy Faces arose in conversation with the Five Books of Moses. These poems interrogate, explore, and lovingly respond to Torah texts—the uplifting parts alongside the passages which may challenge contemporary liberal theology. Here are responses to the familiar tales of Genesis, the liberation story of Exodus, the priestly details of Leviticus, the desert wisdom of Numbers, and the anticipation of Deuteronomy. These poems balance feminism with respect for classical traditions of interpretation. They enrich any (re)reading of the...
 |  | Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life: A Buddhist Poem for Today Publication Date: January 1, 2003This famous and universally loved poem for daily living has inspired many generations of Buddhists and non-Buddhists since it was first composed in the 8th century by the famous Indian Buddhist master Shantideva.This new translation, made under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, conveys the great lucidity and poetic beauty of the original, while preserving its full impact and spiritual insight.Reading these verses slowly, while contemplating their meaning, has a profoundly liberating effect on the mind. The poem invokes special positive states of mind,...
 |  | Killing the Black Dog: A Memoir of Depression Release Date: March 15, 2011In 1988, shortly after moving from Sydney back to his birthplace in the rural New South Wales hamlet of Bunyah, Les Murray was struck with depression. In the months that followed, the “Black Dog” (as he calls it) ruled his life. He raged at his wife and children. He ducked a parking ticket on grounds of insanity, and begged a police officer to shoot him rather than arrest him. For days on end he lay in despair, a state in which, as he puts it precisely, “you feel beneath help.” Killing the Black Dog is Murray’s recollection of those a...
 |  | A Song for the King: Saraha on Mahamudra Meditation Publication Date: April 24, 2006Mahamudra meditation is growing in popularity in the West, since it involves no rituals and can be easily incorporated into daily activities. Saraha's A Song for the King is the basis for the tradition, and though widely known in Tibetan Buddhist circles, it has only been available to Western followers in a badly outdated translation. This welcome new edition features Michele Martin’s clear, accessible translation, the original Tibetan text, and extensive notes and commentary from contemporary master Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. ...
 |  | THE LYRICIST FIRM "One Family... One Love!!!": The Firm Divas (Volume 2) Publication Date: September 1, 2012We are The Ladies of The Lyricist Firm. We are Mothers, lovers, survivors, writers, poets and storytellers. We are creators of art, with our love for poetry we share our voice. Through our writing we bring our hearts, our lows and our triumphs. We bring a unique bond, women from all over the country different ages, different walks of life, we all come with a great love and respect for one another we come together as sisters, we come together as The Firm Divas!!! ...
 |  | Where the World Does Not Follow: Buddhist China in Picture and Poem Publication Date: October 2002Gorgeous and unique, Where the World Does Not Follow captures an almost-hidden China. Acclaimed translator Mike O'Connor and photographer Steven Johnson uncover a world rarely seen by outsiders even as they capture it in its everyday beauty. O'Connor's translations of poems from China's Tang Dynasty sing in the present day, while Johnson's photographs reveal a modern-day China that seems almost unchanged by the passing of centuries. Chinese authorities are only now allowing access to ancient Buddhist sites and many writings and devotional objects are bein...
 |  | El profeta Release Date: January 26, 1999| Series: Vintage Espanol La obra maestra de Kahlil Gibrán es uno de los más queridos clásicos de nuestra época, un repositorio rico en sabiduría y alegría que ha inspirado a generaciones de lectores. Con poesía frugal y bellamente resonante, El profeta ofrece inolvidables palabras de esperanza y consolación sobre los temas del nacimiento, del amor, del matrimonio, de la muerte y de los otros hitos de la vida.Desde su publicación hace más de setenta años, El profeta ha sido traducido a más de veinte idi...
 |  | Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown: Poems by Zen Monks of China (Translations from the Asian Classics) Publication Date: May 19, 2010| Series: Translations from the Asian Classics Compiled by a leading scholar of Chinese poetry,Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown is the first collection of Chan (Zen) poems to be situated within Chan thought and practice. Combined with exquisite paintings by Charles Chu, the anthology compellingly captures the ideological and literary nuances of works that were composed, paradoxically, to "say more by saying less," and creates an unparalleled experience for readers of all backgrounds. Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown includes verse composed by monk-poets of the...
 |  | Gesture of Awareness: A Radical Approach to Time, Space, and Movement Publication Date: December 4, 2006In succinct, poetic style, Charles Genoud offers a vision of human existence as it can be lived and embodied, once we take the risk to discard negative concepts and assumptions. Drawing on Buddhist texts, shamanism, and the wisdom of thinkers such as Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille, Gesture of Awareness weaves insights from these diverse traditions into a coherent, compelling whole. At the same time, this is a workbook that encourages readers to engage with the material in a way that can make a practical difference in their lives. ...
 |  | Drinking the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibet's Beloved Saint, Milarepa Publication Date: May 1, 2001Milarepa, Tibet's renowned and beloved saint, wandered the terrain of eleventh-century Tibet, guiding countless followers along the Buddhist path. Milarepa's songs and poems are bold and inspiring, his language direct and immediate. Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Brian Cutillo render a faithful translation of this rare collection. ...
 |  | Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi Release Date: February 1, 2000 These selections from Rumi'sMathnawi a classic of Sufi spiritual literature express the "lion's roar" of courage, discipline, clarity, and integrity. The lion represents the fierce intensity that recognizes no authority except the highest truth. At the same time, Rumi's lion is full of heart and devotion. Through these poems the reader will explore the qualities that are vital to the spiritual aspirant who seeks to overcome the imprisonment of ego. ...
 |  | When I Find You Again, It Will Be in Mountains Publication Date: November 1, 2000Chia Tao (779-843), an erstwhile Zen monk who became a poet during China's T'ang Dynasty, recorded the lives of the sages, masters, immortals, and hermits who helped establish the great spiritual tradition of Zen Buddhism in China. Presented in both the original Chinese and Mike O'Connor's beautifully crafted English translation,When I Find You Again, It Will Be in Mountainsbrings to life this preeminent poet and his glorious religious tradition, offering the fullest translation of Chia Tao's poems to date. ...
 |  | Gifts With No Giver: A Love Affair With Truth Publication Date: July 30, 2008Gifts With No Giver is collection of nondual spiritual poetry written from the Heart by Nirmala, who is a spiritual teacher in the Advaita tradition. These poems attempt to capture the undying presence of love in all of its forms. Let your soul be deeply touched by the Rumi-like words of a lover drunk with passion for the Truth.Here is a sample poem:truth is too simple for wordsbefore thought gets tangled up in nouns and verbsthere is a wordless sounda deep breathless sighof overwhelming reliefto find the end of fictionin this ordinaryyet extraordinary momentwh...
 |  | The Singer Trilogy: A Classic Retelling of Cosmic Conflict Publication Date: September 10, 2009Hundreds of thousands have thrilled to this extraordinary retelling of a life unmatched in human history. Through the story of the Singer, his Star-Song and his battles with the World Hater, Calvin Miller has created a book full of life. Now, in one volume, you will find a powerful tale of incarnation and redemption. ...
 |  | Beginning: Encouragement at the Start of Something New Publication Date: September 1, 2002Our lives are filled with beginnings.A wedding. A birth. A graduation. A new job. Retirement. Starting a diet. Stopping smoking. Losing someone we love. Being single again. The dawn of each new day.At times like these, when we may need encouragement or deserve congratulations, there is joy in knowing that "This is the Beginning!"Warren Hanson is the author and illustrator of such well-known books as "The Next Place" and "Older Love." He has illustrated Tom Hegg's beloved "Christmas Tea" and "Peef" books, as well as Richard Jorgensen's "Reading With Dad," an...
 |  | Seasons of Solace: A Story of Healing through Photos and Poems Publication Date: March 2, 2010In shock after her husband was killed by a drunk driver while living in Thailand, Janelle Shantz Hertzler began searching for a way through the pain. Her struggle to make sense of her loss and find peace resulted in this moving collection. Told through heartfelt poetry and inspiring photography, Seasons of Solace expresses the spiritual journey of a grieving woman moving toward acceptance.Though written from one person's perspective, Hertzler's poems and photographs reflect the universal experience of losing a loved one. Within the narrative lie broader truths ...
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