| Compromising the Classics: Romance Epic Narrative in the Italian Renaissance ...
 |  | Iliad, The (MAXNotes Literature Guides) Publication Date: 1998| Series: MAXnotes Literature Guides MAXnotes offer a fresh look at masterpieces of literature, presented in a lively and interesting fashion.Written by literary experts who currently teach the subject, MAXnotes will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the work. MAXnotes are designed to stimulate independent thought about the literary work by raising various issues and thought-provoking ideas and questions.MAXnotes cover the essentials of what one should know about each work, including an overall summary, character lists, an explanation and discussion of the plo...
 |  | Ami and Amile: A Medieval Tale of Friendship, Translated from the Old French (Stylus: Studies in Medieval Culture) Publication Date: February 1, 1997| ISBN-10: 0472066471This prose translation of the medieval French verse narrative Ami and Amile recounts the legendary friendship of two valiant knights who are as indistinguishable as twin brothers. Ami and Amile serve Charlemagne together, face together the hatred of an archetypal villain, confront the daunting challenges of women and love, and accept extraordinary sacrifices for each other's sake. Miracles mark the end of their lives, and their shared tomb becomes a pilgrims' shrine.The compelling translation by Samuel N. Rosenberg and Samuel Danon is ...
 |  | The Ulysses Voyage: Sea Search for the Odyssey ...
 |  | The Triumph of Odysseus: Homer's Odyssey Books 21 and 22 (Reading Greek) Publication Date: October 28, 1996| ISBN-10: 0521465877 | ISBN-13: 978-0521465878This book is part of the Reading Greek course. It is modeled on the already published A World of Heroes (CUP, 1979) and The Intellectual Revolution (CUP, 1980) and provides an unabridged text of Books 21 and 22 of Homer's Odyssey. The Greek text is faced with a running vocabulary and notes, and followed by a learning vocabulary, and the book is illustrated throughout. It can be used by anyone who has completed Reading Greek or is at an intermediate or advanced stage of ancient Greek. ...
 |  | Homer's The Odyssey (Barron's Book Notes) Publication Date: October 1, 1984| Series: Barron's Book Notes Plot synopsis of this classic is made meaningful with analysis and quotes by noted literary critics, summaries of the work's main themes and characters, a sketch of the author's life and times, a bibliography, suggested test questions, and ideas for essays and term papers. ...
 |  | Untitled Epic Poem On the History of Industrialization ...
 |  | Manhunt in the Desert: The Epic Dimensions of Man ...
 |  | Homer / The Odyssey Release Date: November 1, 1996By its evocation of a real or imaged heroic age, its contrasts of character and its variety of adventure, above all by its sheer narrative power, the Odyssey has won and preserved its place among the greatest tales in the world. It tells of Odysseus' adventurous wanderings as he returns from the long war at Troy to his home in the Greek island of Ithaca, where his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus have been waiting for him for twenty years. He meets a one-eyed giant, Polyphemus the Cyclops; he visits the underworld; he faces the terrible monsters Scylla and C...
 |  | Homer: The Odyssey (Landmarks of World Literature) Publication Date: November 27, 1987| Series: Landmarks of World Literature Jasper Griffin discusses the background of the poem, The Odyssey, in oral poetry. He shows that the epic has a coherent structure built upon the interplay of themes such as travel, hospitality, loyalty, family affection, and a keen and discerning interest in women. ...
 |  | Homer: A Collection of Critical Essays ...
 |  | Beowulf: A New Prose Translation ...
 |  | Understanding Great Literature - Understanding Beowulf Publication Date: October 17, 2003| Series: Understanding Great Literature The Old English poem Beowulf describes a world of kings, knights, demons, and epic battles between the forces of good and evil.Through vivid descriptions of Germanic society, the anonymous Beowulf poet also describes the complex, often-violent world of a people still making the transition from paganism to Christianity.This useful and comprehensive volume offers students of the poem a guide to the history of its creation, as well as a summary of its plot, characters, and principal themes. (20020701) ...
 |  | Grendel Release Date: August 12, 1971The first and most terrifying monster in English literature, from the great early epic BEOWULF, tells his side of the story. --This text refers to the Paperback edition....
 |  | The Iliad (Classics Illustrated Study Guides Series) ...
 |  | Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community (Joan Palevsky Classic Literature Book) Publication Date: March 31, 1999| Series: Joan Palevsky Classic Literature Book The epic tradition has been part of many different cultures throughout human history. This noteworthy collection of essays provides a comparative reassessment of epic and its role in the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds, as it explores the variety of contemporary approaches to the epic genre. Employing theoretical perspectives drawn from anthropology, literary studies, and gender studies, the authors examine familiar and less well known oral and literary traditions--ancient Greek and Latin, Arabic, South Slav...
 |  | Twentieth Century Interpretations of the Odyssey: A Collection of Critical Essays ...
 |  | Talking Trojan Publication Date: June 1996| ISBN-10: 0847682552 | ISBN-13: 978-0847682553In this penetrating new look at the use of language in the Iliad, Hilary Mackie examines the portrayal of the opposing forces in terms not only of nationality but of linguistics. The way the Greeks and the Trojans speak, Mackie argues, reflects their disparate cultural structures and their relative positions in the Trojan War. While Achaean speech is aggressive and public, intended to preserve social order, Trojan language is more reflective, private, and introspective. Mackie identifies the differences between Gre...
 |  | Childlike Achilles: Ontogeny and Phylogeny in the Iliad ...
 |  | The Iliad (The Samuel Butler Prose Translation) Publication Date: January 1, 2009"The Iliad" is a classical epic poem about the events during the last year of the Trojan War and the fall of Troy. The tale revolves around the Greek warrior Achilles, and his anger toward the king of Mycenae, Agamemnon. While the poem shows evidence of a long oral tradition and thus most likely multiple authors, the ancient Greek poet Homer is generally attributed as its author. "The Iliad", which is thought to be the oldest extant work of literature in the ancient Greek language, is considered one of the most important literary works of classical antiquity....
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