| The Destruction of the Inn (Ulster Cycle) Publication Date: April 7, 2001| Series: Ulster Cycle (Book 4) Randy Lee Eickhoff continues the Celtic Ulster Cycle; following up his highly acclaimed retelling of The Three Sorrows, with The Destruction of the Inn. Part impacted myth, part heroic saga, and part literary tour de force; this is the tale of a king who dares to ignore the prophecy that foretells his fate.Conaire Mór's reign has ushered in a period of great happiness and good fortune, but his three foster brothers take advantage of his position and plunder the countryside. Conaire refuses to put them to death, however, and ...
 |  | Marko the Prince: Serbo-Croat Heroic Songs ...
 |  | The Iliad of Homer (The Library of Liberal Arts) Publication Date: May 30, 1991| ISBN-10: 0195068254 | ISBN-13: 978-0195068252This translation of Homer's "Iliad" by the poet and classicist Ennis Rees attempts to be both faithful to the original and accessible to the modern reader. ...
 |  | Inconsistency in Roman Epic: Studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan (Roman Literature and its Contexts) Publication Date: May 14, 2007| ISBN-10: 0521646421 | ISBN-13: 978-0521646420How should we react as readers and as critics when two passages in a literary work contradict one another? Classicists once assumed that all inconsistencies in ancient texts needed to be amended, explained away, or lamented. Building on recent work on both Greek and Roman authors, this book explores the possibility of interpreting inconsistencies in Roman epic. After a chapter surveying Greek background material including Homer, tragedy, Plato and the Alexandrians, five chapters argue that comparative study of t...
 |  | Backbone Publication Date: October 20, 2000A book of poetry from the heart and Soul of a woman. ...
 |  | Wolf's Milk: The Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney Publication Date: February 21, 2012The letter before A is silence. -- Juan Sweeney from the Translator's Note: Little is known about the life of Juan Sweeney de las Minas de Cobre. He grew up between Andalusia, Ireland, Oklahoma and Bolivia, lived centuries ago and has yet to be born. Vicente Huidobro wrote in a letter to Sweeney, “Reading these poems, one desires annihilation and love in equal measures. One tastes metal, as of an asteroid belt of old trains passing overhead.” Juan Sweeney preferred riding on the backs of trains to being seated inside; he loved cheese and whisk...
 |  | The Vision of MAC Conglinne: Aislinge Meic Conglinne (Medieval Studies) (Irish Edition) Publication Date: June 30, 2010| Series: Medieval Studies Aislinge Meic Conglinne, an anonymous Middle Irish romance, recounts the efforts of the eponymous hero to exchange the hardscrabble life of a clerical scholar for the prestigious life of a poet. Mac Conglinne wins the patronage of Cathal mac Finguine, the king of Munster, after rescuing him from a demon of gluttony by reciting a fantastic, food-laden vision of alternate worlds. An accomplished and original eleventh-century satiric narrative poem, Aislinge Meic Conglinne is now available for the first time as a stand-alone translation....
 |  | Les Chetifs: Volume 5 of the Old French Crusade Cycle Publication Date: September 30, 1981| ISBN-10: 0817300236 | ISBN-13: 978-0817300234The Old French Crusade Cycle consists of a series of epic poems that together form a cycle concerning the First Crusade and the legendary events associated with Godefroi de Buillon. The entire cycle comprises eight volumes, which are being published as editing is completed. In Volume V, Les Chetifs(The Captives), the fabulous adventures of a group of crusaders captured by the Saracens are recounted. The present edition is based on the best extant verse manuscript (Paris, Bibliotheque National, Fonds F...
 |  | Debbie: An Epic Publication Date: November 1997Poetry. One of the more remarkable books of poetry to appear in a long time, Lisa Robertson's DEBBIE:AN EPIC was a finalist for the 1998 Governor General's Award for Poetry. As arresting as the cover image, Robertson's strong, confident voice echoes a wide range of influences from Virgil to Edith Sitwell, yet remains unique and utterly unmistakable for that of any other writer. Brainy, witty, sensual, demonstrating a commanding grasp of language and rhetoric, DEBBIE:AN EPIC is nevertheless inviting and easy to read, even fun. Its eponymous heroine will annihila...
 |  | The Shah Namah: The Epic of Kings (Forgotten Books) Publication Date: February 6, 2008Book Description: "Shahname, or Shahnama "The Book of Kings", is an enormous poetic opus written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around 1000 [AD] and is the national epic of the Persian speaking world. The Shahnameh tells the mythical and historical past of Iran from the creation of the world up until the Islamic conquest of Iran in the 7th century.Aside from its literary importance the Shahnameh, written in almost pure Persian, has been pivotal for reviving the Persian language subsequent to the influence of Arabic. This voluminous work, regarded by Persian sp...
 |  | Regarding Penelope: From Character to Poetics ...
 |  | Beowulf Publication Date: June 14, 2012This is a new modern English of the classic epic poem in full. Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia, commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature. Its composition by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet is dated between the 8th and the early 11th century. In the poem, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats in Scandinavia, comes to the help of Hroðgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall (Heorot) has been under attack by a being known as Grendel. After Beowulf slays him, G...
 |  | The Odyssey Publication Date: August 26, 2002The Odyssey is considered to be one of the greatest pieces of world literature. Its basic story--the homecoming of Odysseus--is widely known. Although it has often been translated, earlier versions do not give the reader the full sense of its oral epic nature as a song that came into being through a long tradition of sung performances before writing was widely practiced. When finally written down, it retained its oral-formulaic nature in ways that are clearly discernible, and which this translation successfully captures. Rodney Merrill strictly adheres to the...
 |  | Pound's Epic Ambition: Dante and the Modern World (Suny Series, the Margins of Literature) ...
 |  | Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond Publication Date: January 26, 1996| ISBN-10: 0521558484 | ISBN-13: 978-0521558488| Edition: Cambridge This book is a comparative study of oral poetics in literate cultures, focusing on the problems of textual fluidity in the transmission of Homeric poetry over half a millennium, from the Archaic through the Hellenistic periods of ancient Greece.It stresses the role of performance and the performer in the re-creative process of composition-in-performance.It addresses questions of authority and authorship in the making of oral poetry, and it examines the efforts of ancient scholars to edit...
 |  | Landscape Of Desire: Partial Stories of the Medieval Scandinavian World ...
 |  | Epic and Epoch: History of a Genre (Studies in Comparative Literature) Publication Date: January 15, 1994| Series: Studies in Comparative Literature Epic and Epoch is a collection of essays based on the works of artists such as Homer, Vergil, Statius, Ovid, Dante, among others. The essays in this book are not only based on history, but on various interpretations of a genre. Rhetorical, literary historical, feminist, and cultural are a few of several perspectives represented in this book. ...
 |  | Paradise Lost (Bloom's Reviews) Publication Date: July 1999| Series: Bloom's Reviews According to Harold Bloom, John Milton intended Paradise Lost to be a theodicy--justifying the ways of God to men and women. Examine various aspects of this work through some of the most prominent critics on the subject. A brief biography of Milton is included, along with thematic and structural analysis of his epic poem.This series is edited by Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of the Humanities, Yale University; Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Professor of English, New York University Graduate School. These texts are the ideal aid for all stu...
 |  | Heroic song and heroic legend (Oxford paperbacks) ...
 |  | Homeric Moments: Clues to Delight in Reading the Odyssey and the Iliad Publication Date: September 1, 2002"Written with wit and clarity, this book will be of value to those reading the Odyssey and the Iliad for the first time and to those teaching it to beginners."-Library JournalIn 48 brief chapters, Eva Brann delves beneath the captivating surface of Homer's epics to explore the inner connections and layers of meaning that have made these intricately constructed works "the marvels of the ages." ...
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